The CRUSADE Radio Network CRUSADE Radio Network
The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
“Nor was any of this just an unfortunate result of a wrong turn, a detour from the straight and narrow path. Fearing—just as our corporate overlords wanted—the specter of government regulation, we forgot that freedom entails not only the exercise of rights but also of responsibilities. Markets without morals are but the pursuit of filthy lucre, and the filth grows as the lucre accrues, leading to the place in which we find ourselves today: a vicious circle in which more and more moral restraints fall away as our train hits the high-speed rail leading into the ravine.” – Alexander Zubatov, The Corporate War Against America
Gentlemen! Let Us Be Inspired By The Pole’s Victory Over Muhammed On This Day!
A New October Red Revolution Approaches
The TrannyMammy™ Zeitgest Has Set Up Shop At Boston CHILDREN’S Hospital
‘Suppress Political Dissent’: Tucker Carlson Says He Received Subpoenas From Merrick Garland’s DOJ To Trump Allies – These subpoenas aren’t to gather evidence in a criminal prosecution they are twofold: 1. to goad as many recipients as possible into “pulling a Bannon” so they can be arrested for “contempt of court” the second reason is as Tucker details it: to discourage anyone from crossing The Biden Regime and this is how a Regime operates, with political and police power impunity
Germany’s energy suicide: an autopsy – Pepé Escobar’s takedown of the history of The Dark Winter
Credit Card Giants Conspire With Democrats To Monitor Consumer Gun Purchases – The way to respond to this is to file for a divorce from these companies, learn to write checks or pay by cash, or trade laying hens, and take back control of the markets WE make possible!
The Ruins of the Covid Regime – The one thing the pride drunk CoronaDoom™ Regime never thought through is the long term damage they did to the corporate “HR department” monster they created
How Weed Became the New OxyContin – This follows up my commentary on Alex Berenson’s exposé of the THC Weed Inc
Trump Team, DOJ Submit Special Master Candidates – The attempt to perp walk Trump continues even though the DOJ suffered a minor defeat in this Special Master court
America’s War History: How Many Years Has the U.S. Been at War? – The U.S. has enjoyed only 17 years of being at peace since 1776!
Seeing With the Eye of Sauron: Amazon’s “Rings of Power” – Joseph Pearce reveals amazon’s sinister plans to UNMAKE Tolkein’s “fundamentally religious and Catholic work” and turn it into something woke Sauron can be proud of
Janet Yellen Warns High Gas Prices May Be Right Around The Corner – Gas prices do NOT rise in the winter BUT the Regime is telling us what it plans for its upcoming TV hit “Dark Winter, Season 1, The Children Shall Be Tribute”
Clarity In Small Dozes. Or Why I Do Not “Do” Sitreps – What’s REALLY going on in Ukraine? You need off the 5th Estate’s grid reporting to find out just how badly the Ukies are losing, here ya go.
The Queen – Rod Dreher’s report on the platform social media gives demon drenched, foul mouthed, hateful people
The Queen and the Principle of Subsidiarity – Joseph Pearce reminds readers that Queen Elizabeth was a PROPONENT of Brexit and of England’s sovereignty
Why the British Monarchy Is Still Relevant – Another good one from Joseph Pearce, still and Englishman though he hails from South Carolina
Putin sends condolences upon Queen Elizabeth’s death – The most castigated without Just Cause man on Earth, Vladimir Putin shows more grace and class in his message to the Brits than the entire Biden Regime can muster to salute men pretending to be women
Children’s Entertainment: A Dark System that May Never Be Resolved – Disney and Nickelodeon lead the way in the new media business model for children: groom them young so they’re corrupted and producing adrenochrome for Moloch and the boys at an early age
Special Master Order Reveals Biden’s Direct Involvement In Trump Raid And Six Other Bombshells – Margot Cleveland pours through Monday’s court ruling in Trump’s favor to discover what I already told you: Regime Leader Biden not only KNEW of the raid but instigated it
Biden giving political prime-time speech to address ‘extremist threat’ by MAGA Republicans – This is a speech that is a prelude to a civil war the Biden Regime has all but committed to now
Donald Trump will soon be indicted. Here’s why – Judge Napolitano, my old friend and former Fox News host, tells the MAGA faithful and watching world what I told you yesterday: the POTUS 45 perp walk is nigh
TOLD YA SO: Thousands of Xcel customers locked out of thermostats during ‘energy emergency’ – The Red Commie’s are using “climate crisis” to justify electricity outages, if they aren’t stopped, people will freeze to death this winter
Vaccines are taking an average of 5 months to kill people – Steve Kirsch has the data from the SSA and the death by FrankenJab™ event is a reality
The Eve of Destruction – The Biden Regime VERBALLY threatened half of the ‘Murican adult population last night with F-15’s, like I said i my latest Substack, their patience with us is wearing thin. Hear for your self
NOW – Biden: “For those brave right-wing Americans… if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something little more than a gun.”
— (@disclosetv) August 30, 2022
‘It is healthier, good for the climate,’ German Greens minister proposes new meat tax – The threat of Red Commie Cult of Deather’s, disguised as “environmentalists” is real and they aim to wage war on human flourishing with deadly force: starvation
Trump team likely sought to conceal classified docs at Mar-a-Lago, DOJ tells judge – The Regime is setting the stage to arrest POTUS 45
Who Are You Calling A Fascist, Mr. President? – I’m not the only one who picked up on Regime Leader Biden’s using the term “semi-fascist” to describe half of the adult population. “We’re On The Eve of Destruction…”
Republicans Don’t Get It – Julie Kelly AND Victor Davis Hanson explain the reckless way the GOP and Trump are handling Bidenflation and an upcoming election that is so easy to win, “even a caveman can do it”
Macaroni Grill Charging $2 Extra Per Check, Line at Bottom of Bill Explains Why – This is happening everywhere I have traveled of late and one of our favorite sushi joints now has a 5% upcharge if you use a credit card
Trump Calls For An Electoral Do-Over!
‘If Trump is indicted, there’ll be riots’: GOP Senator Lindsey Graham threatens unrest if ex-president is prosecuted and says – The perp walk of Don John of Mar-A-Lago is inevitable and soon with Biden saying “we’ll let the INJustice Dept. Handle whether “nationals security was at risk”!
After Proclaiming The Opposite, Medical Pros Quietly Admit Mutilating Trans Kids Doesn’t Fix Depression – The University of Washington “Medical” Center lied about their study on the “benefits” of mutilating children who have been conned into believing they are in the wrong “gender”
An Energy Company In Austria Is On The Verge of Bankruptcy Because It Bought Energy Futures It Cannot Now Pay For – EVERY gubbmint in the EU is proving that it is populated with ignoramuses who are going to bring about the death of millions this coming winter
Former AG says Trump preferable to Left, but that conservatives who want real change need a better champion – Dreher joins #NeverTrump campaign (again) and completely discounts that Don John was the only “conservative” EVUH, to actual deal the death blow to Roe.
Nearly 3 out of 4 British pub owners don’t think their businesses will survive the winter – The news coming out of the EU and UK is awful and self inflicted: the coming winter will be one filled with much suffering and death
Catch 22: As Covid Vaccine Cult Is Backed Off Cliff, It Seeks To Blame Trump Administration For The Vaccine Catastrophe – I have been talking about this since January that this was a completely unforced error on Trump’s part to continue bragging about the FrankenJab™ and now the Great Reset Cult of Death is taking advantage of it, this may be the thing that takes Trump out of the 2024 picture
A New October Red Revolution Is Coming And We Are On The Menu!
Canada to return turbines for Russian gas – The EU KNOWS that millions will be without heat and electricity this winter and are now trying to walk back their roach cake fed, frozen winter scheme
On this day in 1683, Don Jon Sobieski and his Winged Hussars stormed the valley surrounding Vienna where 120,000 Turkish Mohammedans had gathered to siege the city, kill King leopold, rape his wife and daughter then continue their march to Rome to do the same to Pope Innocent XI, but Our Lady had other plans. As Brother André Marie recalls, channeling Gary Potter:
Fortuitously, the pope of the day, Innocent XI, had just brokered an alliance between the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdom of Poland, which was also menaced by the Mohammedans. When it became known that no fewer than 300,000 Turks were advancing on the imperial capital, Pope Innocent ordered that rosaries be recited in the religious houses and churches of Rome. The same prayers of supplication were offered throughout the Empire. Still, the situation was so dangerous that the imperial court left Vienna for Passau and took refuge there. Meantime, there were special devotions at the Capuchin Church in Vienna to Our Lady Help of Christians, whose famous picture hangs there. It would become the symbol of the victory over the Turks by Poland’s King John Sobieski when he arrived on the scene after a series of forced marches from Czestochowa.
Remember, then, CRUSADER Knight that NUMBERS do NOT matter to the Mother of God, your an my devotion and trust in Her and Her Divine Son’s Grace, in the face of evil, does!
Holy name of Mary, Pray for us!
Boom. And so it begins, corporate ‘Muricah is selling the middle class scrappers out. This will only get worse if people try and hide their sales. Watch out.
JUST IN: Ebay locking accounts of users who sell over $600 worth of products until they submit their social security number for IRS reporting.
— Chris Nelson 🇺🇸 (@ReOpenChris) August 29, 2022
The shoes are now dropping from The Biden Regime’s Bolshevik inspired raid on President Trump’s Mar-A-Lago: Biden ordered the DOJ to ignore Trump’s Executive Privilege and search his Mar-a-Lago home!
BREAKING: White House Lied About Involvement in the FBI’s Raid of Mar-a-Lago!
BREAKING NEWS: @jsolomonreports
has proof the White House lied about involvement in the FBI’s raid of Mar-a-Lago!— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) August 23, 2022
The rats are fleeing the bad ship Covid, from Celia Farber’s Substack:
I asked Mr. Kennedy, by text, if he would give me a quote, (and to please not hold back.)
”Why do you think Fauci resigned now?” I asked.
He replied:
“All the lies are starting to unravel.
“Even Dr. Fauci’s propaganda commissars at CNN are asking why our country, under Dr. Fauci’s helmsmanship, had the world’s highest Covid body counts.
“His hand picked investigator on the Lancet Commission, Jeffrey Sachs, is now functionally accusing Dr. Fauci, and his minion, Peter Daszak, of helping to create Covid in the Wuhan lab, and of lying incessantly to cover their tracks.
“In recent days, his key and most loyal subordinates: Robert Redfield, Robert Kadlec, Christian Hassel, and Lawrence Tabec, have all distanced themselves, trying to get clear of the splatter zone.
Even Birx and Wallensky are doing Mea Culpas. The rats are leaving the ship. The Omertà is collapsing.”
—Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 120 1
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
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