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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don’t cost nuthin’).
Sapientia et Veritas – “Anarchism adjures us to be bold creative artists, and care for no laws or limits. But it is impossible to be an artist and not care for laws and limits. Art is limitation; the essence of every picture is the frame. If you draw a giraffe, you must draw him with a long neck. If, in your bold creative way, you hold yourself free to draw a giraffe with a short neck, you will really find that you are not free to draw a giraffe. The moment you step into the world of facts, you step into a world of limits. You can free things from alien or accidental laws, but not from the laws of their own nature. You may, if you like, free a tiger from his bars; but do not free him from his stripes. Do not free a camel of the burden of his hump: you may be freeing him from being a camel. Do not go about as a demagogue, encouraging triangles to break out of the prison of their three sides. If a triangle breaks out of its three sides, its life comes to a lamentable end. Somebody wrote a work called “The Loves of the Triangles”; I never read it, but I am sure that if triangles ever were loved, they were loved for being triangular. This is certainly the case with all artistic creation, which is in some ways the most decisive example of pure will. The artist loves his limitations: they constitute the THING he is doing.” – G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy
DeceptiCONNED: Hey “Conservatives”! English Common Law Doesn’t Help Cruz Either – For two weeks now the Constitution shredding “conservative-constitutionalists” backing Tedly Cruzright have been yelping about “English Common Law”, at the time of the Constitution’s ratification, providing that one could be a “natural born citizen” by virtue of either parent being a “citizen”. Bu there’s a huge problem with this: it isn’t true #Veritas. The two universal guides for learning English Common law at the time were Blackstone’s Commentaries on The Laws of England and Coke Upon Littleton. Blackstone could not be more clear when he says that paternity is the sole guide to determining allegiance AND the birth had to be inside the dominion of the King. “Yet the children of the king’s embassadors born abroad were always held to be natural subjects: for as the father, though in a foreign country, owes not even a local allegiance to the prince to whom he is sent; so, with regard to the son also, he was held (by a kind of postliminium) to be born under the king of England’s allegiance, represented by his father, the embassador.”
If You’re An Constitution Originalist, Then Ted Cruz Is Ineligible For the Presidency – Professor Thomas Lee proposes the legal terms at issue in divining the meaning of “natural born citizen” and legally concludes that the jus soli and jus sanguinis legal distinctions, which were universally used at the time of the Constitution’s ratification define “natural born citizen” and show, without a doubt, that Cruz and Rubio are not “natural born citizens” and “conservatives” should honor that jewel of Constitutional law and vote against both of them.
When The Trump Empire Moves Into Your Neighborhood – It is now becoming clear that Donald Trump is not going to fade away and make way for the “real candidates” to take the stage and save the GOP from Hillary. How fitting that this is brought about chiefly by the campaign to transfer business wealth and power via government fiat. Men like Trump have learned how to navigate this perversion of the republican system we once operated under. Now, the “government should operate like a business” crowd is getting what they want and it only makes sense that a gregarious and successful businessman would tame its highest office with those skills.
Bill Kaufmann – Forgotten Conservative William Randolph Hearst Is a good example of why many American patriots are forgetting yesterday’s fake “conservatives” for the bombast of Donald Trump.
The Bureaucracy of The NFL Mimics The Leviathan – More proof that when federalism becomes subjected to centralizing authorities it ultimately yields to the central authority and then becomes monotonous. The saga of the Cincinnati Bengals losing to the Steelers by referee fiat is evidence of this.
An Article V Convention For Dummies – Texas governor Greg Abbott proposes that an Article V Amendment Convention should be called for by 34 states and the result should be to debate nine amendments designed to “bring back the Constitution”. While I laud the effort for an Article V convention, 5 of Abbott’s 9 amendments are already contained in the Constitution but aren’t being acknowledged and thus obeyed.
State of the Disunion 2016 Edition – Dear Leaders final State of The Union Address promises more beligerent Executive orders and more Obama bravado. If ONLY the correct definition of “natural born citizen” were around when Obama ran in 2008….sigh
James Madison: TEDdy & the CRUZers Is NOT Eligible For Presidency – The question of the day/week/month has been whether or not the Constitution’s Framers had read Emmerich de Vattel’s Law of Nations book prior to the Federal Convention and thus had knowledge of his definition of Natural Born Citizen. We can now settle that argument by reading James Madison’s notes from the Convention where he quotes Law of Nations. “A law violating a constitution established by the people themselves, would be considered by the Judges as null & void. 2. The doctrine laid down by the law of Nations in the case of treaties is that a breach of any one article by any of the parties, frees the other parties from their engagements.”
The War Crimes in Yemen – Daniel Larison continues his heroic documentation and reporting on the U.S. backed war against Yemen being waged by the U.S. backed Saudi Arabians. The UN is now leveling charges of “war-crimes” after “cluster bombs” were used on civilian neighborhoods in Saad. Folks, ANY view of Just War would condemn the participation in these atrocities yet the Republicans in Congress and the aborter in chief in the White House say nothing which translates to “this is O.K.”. Do we really think God will “Bless the USA” while it continues this?
113 More Reasons To Pray For Legal Abortion To End – If the Muslim killers of San Bernardino had survived their orthodoxy inspired carnage, would any media outlet herald their “tell all” story of how they perpetrated their crime? No? Well why then does herald the story of 113 women who boast that their careers were boosted because they had abortions? Folks, if there is anything more revolting than killing babies it is telling the story of the execution without remorse. Pray….
This Woman Did Not Abort For Her Career – While pondering the evil required to kill your child then brag about it so others will kill their children, consider that there are greater numbers of women who choose to bring the miracle of life into the world and not punish the child for their sinful acts.
FLASHBACK – D C McAllister told me her story of how she nearly aborted her child but chose not to and has thanked God for ever day she’s been blessed to spend with xher.
El Chapo Heralds Return of El Diablo – Sean Penn finds “drug lord El Chapo” and conducts an interview with him for Rolling Stone. Read the NY Times account and note the absence of dread in the story and consider that at one time, Mexico had shed its human sacrificial customs, converted to Catholicism and converted tens of millions of barbarians who are returning to their pagan ways.
Today’s GOP Would Not Nominate Ronald Reagan – Donald Devine, a Reagan biographer, compares the 1980 & 84 campaigns to the ones Republicans are running today and concludes that The Gipper would be considered a “moderate” by today’s “conservative” standards especially when it comes to…. wait for it, “foreign policy, with Reagan most closely aligned with, wait for it again… Senator Rand Paul.
Rand Paul: Maybe Ted Cruz Should Run For PM … of Canada? – If you believe that the U.S. Constitution means what those that ratified said it means then you should take seriously the question of whether Senator Ted Cruz is a natural born citizen as the FOUNDERS UNDERSTOOD it. Senator Rand Paul was asked whether he thought Cruz was eligible and quipped that he could run to be “Prime minister of Canada”.
FINAL-THE Definition, FROM The Framers of Natural Born Citizen – To be blunt, Ted Cruz is NOT a natural born citizen as defined by the Framers of the Constitution and the drafters and ratifiers of the Naturalization Act of 1790. This can be PROVEN through diligent research of the historical record if we know what we are looking for: DID the Founders who went to Philadelphia in 1776 and 1787 have copies of Vattel’s Law of Nations? Did they ask then answer the question of what they thought a “Natural Born Citizen” is? In fact they did and you can read the most thorough exploration that I have found of this here.
What Is This History You Keep Speaking Of!? – Forrest MacDonald, probably the best historian of the last half of the 2oth century informs us of the role of the “middle delegates” in the Federal; Convention of 1787. Now WHY is that important? Well, for the same reasons the Fame of Our Fathers is important, it tells the DRAMATIC story of HOW these events occurred by getting to know the players. MacDonald explains: “A better understanding of the alignments in the Convention can be reached, I believe, by approaching the delegates as human beings rather than as abstract representatives of positions or interest groups. We have, after all, fairly abundant (though far from complete) records of the debates, and the private correspondence and political writings of many of the delegates are available. From these sources it is possible to obtain a firm grip on the beliefs, attitudes, prejudices, and values of the principal characters among the Framers. It is also possible to gain a feeling for such intangible qualities as temperament, personality, and ability—qualities not susceptible to measurement but arguably of critical importance in determining whether the Convention would succeed or fail.”
They Are Elfen Women Hear Them Roar – Joseph Pearce demolishes the Gal Queda hissy fit that J.R. Tolkein made mockeries of his female characters in the Lord of the Rings books. In fact, Pearce informs us, Tolkein did just the opposite. Can the same be said of what J.J. Abrams has done with his Skywalker heroine? (I don’t know because I have not seen the movie). Pearce: “In the symbolic parallel of the roles of Éowyn and Galadriel to that of the Blessed Virgin, we see the reverence and respect with which Tolkien holds his female characters. Such reverence and such respect throw into confusion the efforts of feminists to cast the author of The Lord of the Rings in the role of the male chauvinist who seeks to trample roughshod on the rights of women.”
Snatch Land…. See Snatch, II – The REAL story behind the Hammond family and their standoff against the rapacious bullies at BLM and their 130 year old land, unconstitutional land grab. Justin Raimando points out that the “arson” the Hammond’s are convicted of committing was actually an action made to save the Hammond’s land, home and livestock. One can almost hear the BLM NFS bullies yelping “Land…you don’t own this stinking land!” Excerpt: “The morning after the fire, BLM agents filed a police report with the Harney County Sheriff’s office, charging Dwight and Steven Hammond with arson. A few days passed without any action on the part of the authorities, until a BLM ranger called Steven and asked to meet with him in the town of Frenchglen “for coffee.” As Steven was leaving the meeting he was intercepted by the sheriff and a BLM ranger, arrested, and told to go back and collect his father…”
HEROIC: Alabama Chief Justice To Sodomites: Natural Law Says You’re “Marriage” Is NOT Valid – Alabama’sChief Justice Roy Moore has issued an order instructing that state’s legal officers to refrain from issuing marriage “licenses” to sodomites. Moore, referring to the Alabama Constitution said he was taking “…affirmative and appropriate action to correct or alleviate any condition or situation adversely affecting the administration of justice within the state.” Imagine that, there actually ARE judges, elected in their states, who know that their state actually HAS a constitution and that under the Tenth Amendment, IT is the “Supreme Law of the Land” (unless it conflicts with an enumerated or granted power)!?
DeceptiCONNED III, The TRUMP Card – The egos of the “establishment” GOP candidates are going to assist Donald Trump in winning New Hampshire despite the likelihood that Kasich, Rubio and Christie. Daniel Larison does not even address the fact that Rubio is not eligible and it is dubious that TEDdie & the CRUZers is either, yet, Trump is the only Republican alive that I have heard challenge Cruz’s eligibility. I ask the question agin: Where are the “conservative constitutionalists!?”
Federal Judge To Pro-Lifers In Utah: Drop Dead And Pay Your Planned Parenthood Monsters – The state of Utah’s legislature decided to completely defund Planned Parenthood (here’s a bonus question, WHY were they funding it to begin with?) but a state judge said no, then said yes. All was well with the matter until the Culture of Death’s foot soldiers wouldn’t take no for an answer and then plied their grisly case in a Federal Court. You probably know the outcome and this begs the question for Utah-ans: precisely WHY would you stay in the union if you are told you must allow then finance the killing of your soon to be born!? Isn’t a Union supposed to be beneficial to the people who make up the body politic of the States? Is killing them beneficial!?
Oregon’s Hammonds Were Subjected To “Cruel & Unusual Punishment”. Too Bad We don’t Have a Constitutional Amendment to Prevent That!? – Jacob Sullum points out that the sentences handed down to the Hammond’s of Oregon for allegedly setting brush fires on “Federal Land” should be nullified because they are “Cruel and Unusual”.
I think I’m Turning Japanese, I Think I’m Turning Japanese… – Why are there no reports of orthodox Muslims, executing murderous rampages against the infidel and for Mohammed, in Japan? Well, let’s start with the fact that the Japanese have prohibited Muslims to immigrate into their fine country. Sounds like a plan to me and one every single European State followed until the 20th century, meaning our WASP ancestors didn’t buy the “we are a nation of immigrants” baloney when it came to Muslims
DeceptiCONNED – Donald Trump makes the case that TEDdy & the CRUZers is NOT eligible to run for the presidency using the Founding Fathers definition of “natural born citizen”. Professor Gutzman and I have covered this 70 ways to Sunday on the Mike Church Show and on the Constitution Hour with Kevin Gutzman. Reading Emmerich Vattel, author of Law of Nations, grants us the international law the Framers definition is based on. Question: If Cruz is this über “constitutionalist” why would he run for that documents highest office if he were not eligibale and thus repugnant to “ratified intent”?
Terrorist vs Terrorist – Writer David Marcus admits that he was a PLO and IRA booster “back in the day” and though he approves of their goals he does not approve of their methods. Marcus also takes on the logical fallacy that being a gun merchant makes you a terrorist because terrorists use guns to commit terrorism… ’bout time someone other than Wisdom Wednesday pointed this out.
The British Are Coming The British Are Coming – Yes, I know that Paul Revere never said those words and I also know that there is a strong Remnant in the UK that recently was activated and are looking on with horror at post-Christian Britain. The same horror you and and I view post-Christian ‘Muricah. Giles Fraser reminds his readers as I try and remind you: Christians must NEVER use Christianity and the fable of the GEOGRAPHICAL State of Israel to mask the odor of death via unJust wars. Read the whole thing here, an excerpt:
“Which brings me to David Cameron’s message of Christmas cheer, that we are a “Christian country”. Given the rapid decline in the number of church-going Christians, and given Cameron’s sketchy relationship to faith, what he probably meant is that we are a Christian culture; that the ethos of Christianity is woven into the warp and weft of British institutional life. Oh, what a slippery word “ethos” is – Christianity in homeopathic doses. Barth would not have approved. For what is frittered away in this mutually back-slapping accommodation between faith and the state is the ability of the church to stand up to the state’s propensity for war” – Giles Fraser
unJust Wars Waged By unJust Creeps in Mordor Are a Pox On All Our Houses – God Bless Daniel Larison at who continues to hammer his readers with the inconvenient truth that the Saudi War on Yemen which has caused the slaughter of tens of thousands of civilian, non-combatants, is aided and abetted by ‘Murican War Policy and is further proof that “Christian America” has no concept of what being truly pro-life, really is.
Red White & Blue Dawn – The war-hawk brigade of the GOP & Progressive Liberals ARE trying to start WWIII. Pulitzer prize winner Seymour Hersch dares to investigate then publish the findings of his ongoing investigative journalism into ‘Muricah’s intentional destabilization of the Middle East. “State Department cables made public by WikiLeaks show that the Bush administration tried to destabilise Syria and that these efforts continued into the Obama years.” Recall that Hersch was the journalist that uncovered the actual source of the Sarin gas bombs used in Syria back in 2012, and it was not the government of Assad.
[r]epublican: If You Have To Ask You’re part of The Problem – I knew that our friend and regular guest Joseph Pearce, author of “Converts” was a [r]epublican but he has just claimed his place in the [r]epublican Hall of Fame with his latest piece of the mandate that Christian [r]epublicans must accept and develop: changing the culture begins by changing it where you live; for starters by altering your spending habits.
Slick Hilly A War-Hawk Without Equal – Hersch also dropped the nickel on Mrs Clinton’s blood-lust (not limited to the carcasses of aborted babies0, which is largely responsible for the disaster unfolding in Libya and the catastrophe that the Iraq invasion remains.
Captain Ineligible Rubio Cries “Isolationist!” – History’s a b***ch ain’t it? When Marco Rubio, a wholly ineligible candidate for the office of the Presidency, accuses Trump & Paul of being “isolationists” he means to say they are not willing to militarily intervene in other country’s affairs. Here is another prime example of Catholic Catechism on vacation as Rubio seems to have never heard of the term “Just War” nor can he mitigate his vainglory and pride enough to recognize that other of God’s children might wish to govern themselves in a manner favorable to them, not him
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 120 1
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
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