Pile Of Prep

Tuesday Pile of Prep-From DeceptiCONIA With Love

todayDecember 13, 2016 11


0990332489_PT01Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don’t cost nuthin’).

Sapientia et Veritas

“I do not know what Christmas in the United States is going to be like from now on. I frankly do not! I have seen how it has deteriorated in the past twenty-five years. I know the deceivers and haters of Jesus and Mary, across the street at Harvard College, will go through this Christmas religiously as fraudulently as they went through the last one. There will be red lights blinking on Christmas trees, this year the same as last year. Light, revealing nothing! Light, meant to be the means of making things visible, with nothing to show! Undoubtedly, somebody like Theodore Spencer, of Harvard — who called Jesus a “myth,” before he died — will get up and read Dickens’ Christmas Carol. That is supposed to be very Christmasy! Some noted actor, if he is able, will do a little Christmas barking on the radio. Some notorious comedian will roar like Santa Claus! That is the culture that goes with Christmas now. – Father Leonard Feeney

From DeceptiCONIA With Love – The usual war-hawk suspects are now at DefCon 2 over President elect Trump’s nomination of Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson as the next Secretary of State. The war party bosses see in Tillerson someone who is not amenable to poking the Russian hornets nest to the point of World War III and that just won’t do. The foreign policy, more aptly called the war-policy, of the United States is an empirical regime that vends hundreds of billions in American weapons sales and brings that about by conspiring for “regime change” across the planet. These people, if we described them in domestic terms would be called home-wreckers. Pat Buchanan has this one sussed: “Behind the effort to smear Tillerson and delegitimize Trump lies a larger motive. Trump has antagonists in both parties who alarmed at his triumph because it imperils the foreign policy agenda that is their raison d’être, their reason for being. These people do not want to lift sanctions on Moscow. They do not want an end to the confrontation with Russia. As is seen by their bringing in tiny Montenegro, they want to enlarge NATO to encompass Sweden, Finland, Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova. They have in mind the permanent U.S. encirclement of Russia.” The DeceptiCIN cannot perceive of a world where American humility in foreign affairs can exist;  that’s just another reason rethinking the American Union must proceed, smaller will be better.

Will Trump Go LGBTQrstlne Or Carmelite? – When Trumpzilla roars into the White House on January 20th he will confront, among other controversies and moral atrocities made legal, am army of entrenched, perpetually angry homosexuals and the advocates for public endorsement. Austin Ruse reminds us that the LGBTQrstlne special ops forces were embedded in Mordor by the time GW Bush arrived and when Scott Bloch attempted to enforce the actual policies on the books inside Bush’s White House, he was attacked by the Bushies themselves and the unconditional surrender hounding LGBTQ army hasn’t looked back. As Austin Ruse reminds Trumpistas, this could get nasty: “Bloch was a lawyer in good standing with the new administration of President George W. Bush. He was eventually hired to run the little known Office of Special Counsel, an executive branch investigative and prosecutorial office for protecting executive branch whistle blowers. Under his predecessor in the Clinton administration, the category for protection had been expanded to include “sexual orientation,” something that was outside the law. Among his first acts in taking control of the office, Bloch took “sexual orientation” out as a protected category. Even now, sexual orientation is not a protected civil rights category like race and religion. Bloch was marked for political and professional death.” We know the Gaystapo takes no prisoners and accepts no compromise, Trump’s reputation says he doesn’t either, this could be interesting. Oremus!

If At First You Don’t Secede, Try, Try Again – “Blobistan” is a term I coined to describe that monolithic land mass that the lower 48 states, collectively known as ‘Muricah have become. The ridiculous notion that 325 million people can be governed by one entity and exist in cooperation and harmony is as sensible as transporting ice in Dominoes Pizza warmers. Now comes Eli Dourado from George Mason’s Mercatus Center with “Maybe America is simply too big?”, Ummm, yeah! Dourado’s  take on our current political discord is simple and he’s right: “And I don’t think we should dissolve the Union based on sour grapes after one election. The point is much more macro. There are people on all sides of the political divide who have been unhappy for some time. We don’t actually have to all live together under the same government. We don’t have to have political battles that are this divisive. Maybe we should consider our options.” The disintegration of the #Exceptional America Union is going to take place regardless of the success or failure, however defined, of the Trump Presidency. Sensible people should have long ago begun talking about how best to accomplish this narrowing of our political and social scales, failure to do so now could end miserably.

The Gaystapo Fires A Brady – Susan Olsen, formerly known as “Cindy Brady” 40+ years ago is now a radio host in L.A. I should say “was” a talk-show host until a row with homosexual actor Leon Acord Whiting because among other thought crimes Olsen, supports and voted for President-elect Trump. Whiting wrote on his Facebook page of Olsen: “It is wildly irresponsible for LA Talk Radio to allow a Trump fanatic to co-host one of their programs, where she can spew her idiotic lies unchecked. (Being a liberal and a patriot are mutually exclusive? Hillary is causing the protests & hate crimes? The Koran is a political tract?).” Got that citizen? The Koran’s heresy is Holy writ, anyone who publicly supports Pre-elect Trump is a “fanatic” and cult of death devotees are “patriots”. While I am not surprised by Whiting’s Nephilim spawn inspired tirade against Trump via Olsen, the result from Whiting’s rant, Olsen’s sacking, is another notch in the belt of the Cult of Death’s homo-hegemony campaign. Public figures are now not allowed to work in broadcast media and say or write anything that raises the anger of homosexuals, transsexuals etc, regardless of their stature in the business or their previous accomplishments. This is a de facto censorship that serves as another reminder that the cult of death tolerates nothing short of complete surrender to their way of life and morbid opinions on anything and everything.

High School Girls In Seattle To Trent Kreslins-Real Men Let Women Defend Themselves – The magnitude of what Trent Kreslins did back in September grows day by day as the androgynous, metro-sexual male loser is now being taught as “normal” in public high schools. Witness the saga of former NFL standout Ricardo Lockette who donated some of his free time to visit a Seattle area high school and present an “inspirational talk” to promote leadership and of the pressing need for men to re-take lead roles in the defense and protection of women. This act of Christian chivalry was welcomed by boos and then an indignant, banshee woman response from an “outraged” female student, one Julia Olson. Olson rose to shout down Lockette and then left with a gaggle of other petulant teen girls destined to become cheerleaders at a Masha Gessen rally. Here is what Lockette said in response to Olson. “Even though you can handle your own, but as men — men stand up; men take the challenge; men take the lead; men take the head.” *crickets* followed by indignation. I wonder what would have happened if the damsel in distress, rescued by Trent Kreslins, had been Julia Olson? Would she have told Trent she could handle the enraged (still at large) creep who was about to pummel her face into hamburger or accepted the chivalry offered? When a society raises a generation of girls who either have no fathers or have no respect for the natural, beautiful masculinity of their fathers, you get birthrates of 1.8 per female; legions of young girls becoming lesbians or trans or Q’s or B’s etc, and coarseness added to civil affairs because their is no feminine gentility to clam and soothe the beasts among us = Sad times in Seattle.

Trump To Dear Leader’s Green Economy Job Killers: You’re Fired – I have made the study of Climate Change and environmental “regulation” a specialty of mine since before I was introduced to talk-radio and save for a very brief respite after 9-11, the march to green tyranny led by bark humping weirdoes who are actually Dior suited wealthy elites has been unstoppable, until now. President elect Trump has chosen Oklahoma AG Scott Pruitt to head up the EPA – don’t think that’s a big deal? – Pruitt is the lead AG in a 28 state lawsuit against the Obama EPA for its blue-collar job killing edicts. And if that wasn’t evidence of a 180 swing toward common sense, the 10th Amendment and nature, Trump picked CEI’s Myron Ebell to lead the Pruitt transition team. Who is Myron Ebell? Well for starters he was a frequent guest on the Mike Church Show, Old-Station, Old-Country- and for finale’s he is probably the most knowledgeable crusader AGAINST this 30 year long green zeitgeist. Oh and current frequent guest Marc Morano of Climate Depot and the Climate Hustle movie, is a fan.

The Fallacy of Working for “Retirement”, Exploded For Modern ‘Murican Baby Boomer Man -Modern ‘Murican Baby Boomer Man s bombarded every hour of every day with financial service products that purport to guarantee the greatest “retirement” in the history of great “retirements”. You see, if you do what our elite ruling masters command and follow their rules, you get to cavort about the countryside in a topless car or decked out Harley with your aged but still lovely, geriatric version of Jennifer Aniston. Of course you’ve tucked millions away in your retirement account so you can keep stocked up on single dose Viagara pills and gold level keyfob entries into every Sandals retreat in the Caribbean. But something strange is happening with “Boomers” on their way to sloth at the expense of their grandkids land: sloth makes misery, osteoporosis and short life expectancies. But wait, maybe that’s the plan!?

Even the FRENCH are going #Brexit!? Hailing from The Vendee, the site of Locke, Hobbes and des Cartes’ “Revolutionary” genocide (as Richard Weaver wrote, “Ideas have consequences”), Francois Fillon is climbing the polls to become the next French President even though he is “too Catholic for SiriusXM satellite radio”. Is the secular, former “First Daughter of The Church” risen from the sepulcher!? “But surprised, too, because, as the rest of the country is now discovering, Fillon is Catholic. Very Catholic. So Catholic, at least to the secular left, that a headline in the newspaper Libération screamed: “Help, Jesus has returned!” Sounds like the French daughter has indeed awakened, but is it to late to convert then save Charlie Hebdo heretics?

CNN Chief: We WERE A Bigger threat Than Trump – Time Warner CEO Jeffrey Bewkes said that CNN and broadcast media were a bigger threat to the 1st Amendment than Trump. This mea culpa that isn’t a mea culpa is a lame attempt to try and undo the damage done by the scandalous Chris Cuomo, Allison Camarata and the rest of the dreadful, allegedly “catholic” CNN on-air team. I might suggest that Bewkes gather the entire team and demand they attend a 5 day retreat with the FSSP’s Father Buckley followed by acts of general Confession followed by a week of fasting prayer and service to the poor in the Archdiocese of Kansas City. Regardless (and my suggestion is NOT going to be attempted), the fact that the “mainstream media” have been “exposed” as being “liberals” is not what is at issue and therefore the problem will not be addressed: this was a failure of Christian ethics which weren’t found wanting for usefulness but rather were found not used because no one wanted them used (h/t Chesterton).

Sour Grapes For James Madison? – Dumbocrats are now so despondent that their scandalous, electoral schemes have failed to produce legislative tyranny and baby killing not seen since Mao, want to call a “Constitutional convention” of “rational people”. If there is one thing these cult of death, Tzeltacuan worshipping pagans are, it is NOT “rational”.

The Legend of Saint Nicholas i.e. Santa Claus, Is NO Legend – Saint Nicholas was the patron Saint of the Byzantians. From the Saint Nicholas Center we get one of his most profound miracles: “One of the oldest stories showing St. Nicholas as a protector of children takes place long after his death. The townspeople of Myra were celebrating the good saint on the eve of his feast day when a band of Arab pirates from Crete came into the district. They stole treasures from the Church of Saint Nicholas to take away as booty. As they were leaving town, they snatched a young boy, Basilios, to make into a slave. The emir, or ruler, selected Basilios to be his personal cupbearer, as not knowing the language, Basilios would not understand what the king said to those around him. So, for the next year Basilios waited on the king, bringing his wine in a beautiful golden cup. For Basilios’ parents, devastated at the loss of their only child, the year passed slowly, filled with grief. As the next St. Nicholas’ feast day approached, Basilios’ mother would not join in the festivity, as it was now a day of tragedy. However, she was persuaded to have a simple observance at home—with quiet prayers for Basilios’ safekeeping. Meanwhile, as Basilios was fulfilling his tasks serving the emir, he was suddenly whisked up and away. St. Nicholas appeared to the terrified boy, blessed him, and set him down at his home back in Myra. Imagine the joy and wonderment when Basilios amazingly appeared before his parents, still holding the king’s golden cup. This is the first story told of St. Nicholas protecting children—which became his primary role in the West.” Saint Nicholas day is still celebrated all over Old Europe and he remains the patron Saint of Russia. With St. Andred the Apostle, he is patron of the nation, and the Russian Orthodox Church even observes the feast of his translation; so many Russian pilgrims came to Bari before the revolution that their government supported a church, hospital and hospice there. He is also the patron saint of Greece, Apulia, Sicily and Loraine.

Did Trump Appoint General “Mad-Dog” Mattis To Go BACK Into Iraq et al & Produce “A Win”? – John Basil Utley, founder of the American Conservative Magazine and respected non-interventionist has some good things to say about President Trump’s selection of General MadDog Mattis as Secretary of Defense but Utley also cautions, as I do, the damage done in the mid-east and the world by the DeceptiCONS never-ending wars to make “America exceptional” are not going to be undone or repaired so easily because they remain profitable for the parasites in the Mike Church Show’s “Outer Circle™”. “Endless wars for little purpose and with no end strategy are thus likely to continue. They are, however, profitable or beneficial for many Washington interests.” Alas….

The Gaines Keep Their Faith While “Buzzfeed” Keeps Their Witch Hunt – HGTV has kinda, sorta responded to the non-news, news story from Buzzfeed’s Kate Arthur that Chip and Joanna Gaines might not worship at the altar of Sodomite marriage. In typical, all sex and all families are created equal, nominalist fashion, HGTV says: “We don’t discriminate against members of the LGBT community in any of our shows… HGTV is proud to have a crystal clear, consistent record of including people from all walks of life in its series.” Really? Have you included a “fixer upper” built by and for a drug dealer? How about a “flipper”, flipped by a pedophile? What about a renovation built for a Black-Lives Matter “leader” who moonlights as a fake philanthropist? The fact is HGTV does and SHOULD discriminate. You see folks, what the GayStappo bullies rely upon in their demonic quest is that the sex practiced by homosexuals remains sanitized and unknown. No one of sound moral character would ever say “I have no problem with Gary and Steve as a couple and – insert description of their imitation of the marital act here – I mean that’s just their choice and its ok by me.” How then can you have the moral authority condemn the sex acts of the pedophile? Oh, I know, “but the children are innocent and didn’t consent, Mike!” Yes, but why draw the distinction between adults and children anymore? There are entire public school districts in Massachusetts, Washington, California and Oregon that assist children in changing their gender without their parents consent, thus treating them as adults. If we’re going to engage in this CRUSADE for the eternal, moral law, we must re-attach the unnatural “crime against nature” to the actual acts in loving charity for the souls at risk.

You can now purchase a Carrillion de Sacre Coure in Mike Church’s Founder’s Tradin Post!

For Every Rainbow Flag, Let There Be 10 Carrilion de Sacre Coure’s! – Washington D.C. area homosexuals or those claiming solidarity to Sodomites there, are flying “gay-pride flags” in the neighborhood where Vice President Pence will be taking up residence. The Daily Caller reportsAt least 10 rainbow flags now hang from homes on the street where in a few days Pence will arrive. He moved a few things into the home during Thanksgiving week, according to neighbors. As Vice-President, Pence will reside in the official vice-presidential residence at Number One Observatory Circle on the Naval Observatory grounds in northwest Washington, D.C. I call upon the decent residents of the same area to protest those prideful displays of sin and lust by hoisting the Carrillion de Sacre Coure – the flag of The Sacred Heart of Jesus – in numbers 10-1. Showing The King of Kings rules over the kings who dress as queens.

Buchanan: Beware The War party’s Fake News – Buchanan warns President Elect Trump that the war-party’s propagandists are alive and well and that their primary aim is to convince him that a war with Iran is necessary in the same way Churchill convinced the British that a war with Hitler was.

Yes The Gaines’ Are Being Targeted For Termination, No, You Should Not Stone Their Tormentors – Now we know what soon to be disemployed and totally out of federal, political power, progressive heretics plan to do for vocation: persecute Christians. Behold the out of nowhere assault on the career of Chris and Joanna Gaines and thus subsistence of a family of 6, hurled from the disgusting online sewer known as Buzzfeed. Buzzfeed “has discovered” that lurking in the private lives of the Gaines’ is the Holy specter of Faith and Humiliation. That Faith, expressed through the Gaines’ pastor, has its catechism correct on the disorder known as homosexuality: it IS a mortal sin. Thus the alarm bells in Hell have been rung and Kate Arthur is on the case: “So are the Gaineses against same-sex marriage? And would they ever feature a same-sex couple on the show, as have HGTV’s House Hunters and Property Brothers? Emails to Brock Murphy, the public relations director at their company, Magnolia, were not returned. Nor were emails and calls to HGTV’s PR department. Fixer Upper has fans of all stripes: Christians, feminists, and LGBT viewers have all found something to love in the Gaineses. So in the absence of a response from them or their representatives, it’s worth looking at the severe, unmoving position Seibert and Antioch take on same-sex marriage.” But WHY is it worth looking at it Kate? Because something is pure and beautiful, as the catechism on loving the homosexual’s Holy Soul IS while decrying and praying and counseling he/she to avoid acting upon the sinful disorder. Elton John once ironically wrote “Someone Saved My Life Tonight” but no eternal life will be saved by defending the PRACTICE of homosexuality and neither will the soul of Buzzfeed’s Kate Arthur for scandalizing the Gaines’. Oremus.

And The Trumpzilla Titanic’s Band Played On – I am fond of using the phrase “re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic as she sinks” to describe the possibility that the general government of the United States can be “saved”. Now viewing the growing list of names that will be appointed to Cabinet positions inside the Trump Administration, not only are the chairs being re-arranged, some of them are being replaced by chez lounge chairs covered with imported ostrich skin. As I have talked about on-air the last 3 weeks, a REAL bold move for Trump would look like this: “Today I am announcing the closing of 3 Cabinet level Federal agencies; these closings will take place over a period of 1 year as a task force is commissioned to distribute their duties to other federal agencies or back to the states where the 10th Amendment says they belong. I am not making these moves for any other reason than to begin the process of ‘draining the swamp’ and restoring a constitutional order to our government. The agencies are: The Departments of Energy, Education, Housing and Urban Development. The Department of Transportation, Commerce Department and Department of Labor serve no function that cannot be carried out by the private sector or the states if they so choose and I will therefor not be filling those cabinet positions. The Department of Homeland Security and the TSA will be shut down over a period of 2 years as other federal agencies and the private sector assume or resume the functions and services they carry out. I am appointing Mitt Romney to be the chair person of the task force that will oversee these changes, he will be assisted by Governor Bobby Jindal who act as liaison to the states. Governor Romney, Jindal and I will update you with other appointments and actions as we get this process underway. Thank you very much.”

The Greatest Assault On “College” Since John Belushi – The effort to shame and threaten the electors that will confirm the election of President Donald Trump into throwing their votes to the Nephilim spawn of Satan and Margaret Sanger is not only despicable it does grave damage to to what remains of the Constitution system. What is more amazing though is that the Founding Father’s actually debated the merits of the Electoral College System for an entire week in the Federal Convention of 1787 (read this part of the debate here). The Founders were actually more afraid of leaving an election for the President in the hands of the people than in the hands of Electors chosen by the Legislatures of the states. The Constitutional crisis that might ensue as a result of Hillary’s treachery is detailed here but what is not detailed is the WHY? I propose that the parasites occupying the outer circle of the monstrosity that is the Leviathan State and their need to be paid through mid-December so they can buy Christmas gifts is what is in play here.

NOT a Shockuh: Virgins Are Actually Healthier Than Sluts – Only in modern ‘Muricah would there actually be a need to have the CDC study the health of young people to find out that virgins lead healthier lives than horn-dog boys, transsexuals, homosexuals and garden variety, immodest sluts. The CDC stats will warm the hearts of home-schoolers and the faithful who removed their children from public schools precisely to try and preserve their chastity and purity. “Sexual chastity and attentive parenting pay huge dividends, and good research proves it. It is intriguing to note how many of these health measures have no direct relation to sexual activity and decision making, even tangentially. The risk factors studied are things like seat belt use, eating breakfast daily, smoking, dentist visits, illegal drug use, suffering from asthma, etc. Obviously, there’s a curious and meaningful relationship between our teens’ sexual values and activity and a substantial number of unanticipated but very consequential health behaviors.” Remember that next time the “right” to form lesbian expression clubs in league with transitioning of sexes is demanded for 6 year olds.

Don’t EVER Trust Witches Or a Clinton, Wait, I Repeat Myself – President-elect Donald Trump has just discovered that there is nothing sacred in Clinton’s world save for the ravenous pursuit of their own ambitions. The Nephilim spawn of Satan and Margaret Sanger is now unleashing her demonic hordes to contest the election results of PA, WI and MI under the ruse that a “recount” is needed. What is really happening here, folks, is that those in the outer circle around Hillary, desperately need to find some make-work fleecing the public trough, otherwise they’d have to go out and find something productive to do. If Trump is smart, and he is, he will let it be known that his promise to not appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary’s email treachery, only extends to the Hillary who has conceded.

DC McAllister Called It: The Post-Truth ‘MUricah Is Here – Recall my last interview with D.C. McAllister and our discussion about the emerging “post-truth” ‘Muricah that the losers had already begun cultivating. Well lo and behold, some outfit called GUERNICA has published an essay by Kate Zambreno that not only scoffs at Truth but scoffs, nay recoils in horror that there are human monsters lurking around every soda machine in small-town ‘Muricah, waiting for city slickers to wander across their paths so a personal and vicious humiliation can be meted out. Here’s a sample: “What slightly disturbed me on this trip was the amused or adoring or concerned gaze I received from so many strangers—who saw me as a very pregnant and sweaty woman in a short cotton dress with her little black dog, who saw me as very much a woman, an impending mother, something both visible and totally unthreatening, not the usual suspicious looks we sometimes got as city people in small Midwestern towns. I didn’t like it. But as we drove through the various highways and roads, through Pennsylvania, through Ohio, through Michigan, I was especially disturbed, rattled, by the looming highway signs VOTE FOR TRUMP! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Or the HILLARY FOR PRISON signs. Or just the singular, fucking scary, almost onomatopoeic TRUMP. I didn’t see that many—but the ones I did see looked like ominous humid beacons that I couldn’t quite believe. Trump is everywhere—it is now three months away from the election, the same week my daughter is expected to be born.”

Have The Hoi Polloi Elected A Turkey In Trumpzilla? – The news is now out, President elect Trump apparently has chosen to not appoint a special prosecutor to delve into the Nephilim spawn of Lucifer and Margaret Sanger, Mrs. Clinton, and her email and SOS crimes. One could view this as an act of magnanimity on Trump’s part but most will see it as a betrayal to those who chanted “lock her up, lock her up” at Trump rallies. What surprises me is that it was Trump who said during the second debate that Hillary couldn’t explain a certain policy “because you’d be in jail”, if he were President. It is possible that this move is a pre-emptive strike to prevent Dear Leader Obama from issuing some sort of pardon or clemency. Stay tuned….

A Forgotten Thanksgiving: Praying for The Holy Souls – We’ve all attend a funeral or a wake where a survivor of the deceased climbs up to the pulpit and addresses those in attendance, something to this effect: “We all know that Aunt Petunia is now in a better place. That she is at heaven’s piano bar with an Absolut, dry Martini, listening to her favorite Beatles song.” Well, the fact is, we DON’T know that Aunt Petunia is “in heaven” and we certainly Do know that there is no piano bar serving spicy cocktails with ESPN on the bar TV’s and the Yellow Submarine album on the jukebox. K.V. Turley reminds us that this Muslim view of heaven began at the same time most attacks on the faith did in the modern age: at “the Reformation” and that St Thomas More was among the first to try and put this lethal heresy back in the bottle. “Remember our thirst while ye sit and drink; our hunger while ye be feasting; our restless watch while ye be sleeping; our sore and grievous pain while ye be playing; our hot burning fire while ye be in pleasure and sporting: so mote God make your offspring after remember you; so God keep you hence, or not long here, but bring you shortly to that bliss to which, for our Lord’s love, help you to bring us, and we shall set hand to help you thither to us.”

Elite Rulers You Will Obey Your Citizen Overlords! – Why should the “ruling elite” who have demonstrated 0.0 leadership acumen, be in charge of making rules and ruling the rest of the world when they can’t “rule” Pennsylvania?

Citizen Trump Voter!! You Will Obey Your Unelected Cultural Overlords, Citizen! – The incredibly prideful attempt to shame VP Pence and by proxy President Trump into renouncing their election and the alleged atrocities planned against “diversity” is feted by the NY Post among others but they miss the mark. What is really at play here is the secular hordes of Mammon fear that this greatest system for the ruin of souls ever created might be put into neutral for a few years. Note I don’t say “reversed” but just made to coast on its own noxious fumes. In developing a repeatable description for these modern Manicheans I propose: Godless, heartless, soulless, merciless, jobless corpus of sin strutting, whatever sexual’s. I may have left a few choice nouns and adjectives out but we’ll work them in as we witness what will surely become an angrier and because of what motivates this apostasy, an existential commitment to not just sin but to public and infamous acts of sin i.e. they aren’t content to just stain their souls in private but insist the slander against God must take place a. publicly  then b. be witnessed by those revulsed by the sin and then c. accepted and then promoted by those in b. This is without precedent in any historical moment in Christianity that I can find and demonstrates the seriousness with which Christians must view this threat. And make no mistake that when Mammon’s claimed souls are at stake, a violent response is forthcoming.

The Nationalism of Patrick Henry Tops Dear Leader’s “Diversity” – On the first day of the first Continental Congress, John Adams arose and stammered through a call to order and then a discussion of the purpose of the delegates being gathered there, in Carpenter’s Hall, Philadelphia. Unable to quell his nerves and speak clearly, Patrick Henry stood up and bailed Adams out, concluding the first speech given in an American legislative body “today I am not a Virginian, I am an American!” Patrick J Buchanan quotes this passage in his critique of Dear Leader Chariman MaObama’s farewell tour to the Europeans who are now “clinging” to their union their god (the EU) and their bibles (pick any modern philosopher after des Cartes). Buchanan informs Obama that he is the one on the losing end of history now and so are the Eurocrats. “Did not the Democrats just run “an us and a them” campaign? Less and less do we Americans seem to be one country and one people. More and more do we seem to be separating along religious, racial, cultural, political, ideological, social, and economic lines. If a more multicultural, multiethnic America produces greater unity and comity, why have American politics become so poisonous?” It is Obama’s “religion” that of the civil religion, that is on the wane in post-Obama ‘Muricah.

Millennials Have Chosen Their Religion And It Lost On November 8th – Pope Leo XIII tried to warn the then nascent modern world that the rise of constitutions and organized democratic governments were a diabolical replacement for the ancient and traditional governments of Christendom. Those governments if they can even be called that, largely got the Order correct and brought into existence all the beauty and majesty of “western civilization” we have so systematically tried to destroy. The God that takes away the sins of the world has been replaced by the gods that bring sin into every home: lust, pride and sloth. Peter Burfeind at the Federalist nails this with his piece: Millennials Are In Election Hell Because Politics Has Become Their God. An excerpt and a warning: “Expect the music to get more passionate, more anxiety-laden, and more despairing, because every religious movement needs its hymn-writers. Expect the movies to become over-the-top in their critiques of institutions, capitalism, and the government. Expect histrionics like never before, not seen even in the days of Ronald Reagan. Such dramatic displays will preserve the flame of gnosis in leftist hearts.” To prepare for this, we might re-read Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical Immortalé Dei.

It’s December And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limitsI have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”

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The Tragedy of Post Christian, Philosophia Perennis Devoid ThinkingRead this piece from AmConMag writer Noah Millman to get a closeup view of why Philosophia Perennis is so desperately needed to corral the erroneous thinking Men are sure to engage in when NOT grounded in the eternal quest for True Wisdom i.s. Sapientia. The issue Noah, is not whether “only the Saints” can live by the Magisterial code, it is that by God’s Grace the Saints DID live the Tradition WHILE receiving the Graces needed to do so. You cannot approach Grace as zero sum, mathematics, as in if I do ______ I will receive ______ “Grace credits” but if I do ______I will have deducted ______ Grace Credits. Grace is present in the world and we are given the supply needed at Baptism, the suffering of the Christian Faithful is simply to maintain the state you enter at Baptism, using the Gospels and the Traditional Teaching as MEANS to that END. As Padré Gaetano tells us in Humility of Heart: “And has not a saint abundant reasons, from the thought of his own weakness, to live always in a state of great humility, when he knows that from one hour to another he may lose the grace of God and the kingdom of heaven which he has merited by years of laboriously-acquired virtues? “Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”

For an audio version of Jefferson’s [r]epublicanism via Project ’76 Webisode, click here

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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