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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Tuesday Pile of Prep-Writing The Constitution Begins in 1787 Edition TheKingDude
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Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, bringing you the day to day activity of the Constitution and how it was framed in 1787? Read along with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “Rules to be observed as the standing Orders of the Convention. A House, to do business, shall consist of the Deputies of not less than seven States; and all questions shall be decided by the greater number of these which shall be fully represented; but a less number than seven may adjourn from day to day.” – Madison’s notes on the Federal Convention, 28 May, 1787, showing the proceedings were conducted in a Federal manner-votes to be counted by STATE not delegate
The greatest threat to liberty is the ignorance of the political class and those who would support someone spouting defamatory imbecility like this:
Im proud of America. Our great military beat the first terrorists, the first traitors; the confederates.
— DickinsonForCongress (@VoteMike2014) May 26, 2014
First they came for Brendan Eich, then they came for Donald Sterling now the “transgender community” takes out New York morning radio team who dared discuss the publicly financed sex change operation on a NY City employee
The father of one of the Santa Barbara slaying victims, Richard Martinez, has a right to be outraged at the State (Congress) that is wholly unqualified to deal with mental health issues or any other medical care (see the VA debacle)
The “system” that is supposed to deal with the mentally deranged failed miserably and lethally in Santa Barbara Friday in the rampage shooting perpetrated by Elliott Rodgers
Most shoeple have no earthly clue how much it will cost for all that college education they keep hearing their kids must have so then, why on earth does this keep happening?
Patrick J Buchanan-Is Democracy another God that has failed? “In the last century, communism was The God That Failed. It should be a cause for concern that in the new century the god that appears to be failing is American democracy.”
Glen Greenwald wil publish a list of American citizens who have been spied on by the NSA, which will probably be greeted with the collective yawn the shoeple think preserving their remaining civil liberties are worthy of
WaPo: Slick Hilly is her own worst enemy when it comes to what she is or is not hiding in any given week
WaPo editorial: The VA debacle is actually a running tally of the true cost of our never-ending wars Here’s some more fuel for the “Tea Party sold-out to the GOP” crowd. “The Great GOP-Tea Party Merger”.
This is what always bugged me about the TP i.e. it was only about principles so long as they could be pushed on one political party (guess which one). The essay does not point out that after GOP takeovers in the state-houses and governor’s mansions referred to, what is there to show in the form of fiscal and social policy? The fact is that until leaders emerge who are willing to suggest that there be a re-ordering of the Union, there will be no change in the [r]epublican direction.
Boehner & co. pass a poor excuse for a bill “to curb the NSA’s abuses” but how can that be when all the spooks would need is an emergency (declared by whom?) or their best friends ta the FISA Court to order that Facebook fork over bulk data. All this bill does is guarantee the sale of more software, this time to catalog things to be stored that were already being catalogued differently
Hey Steve! (the caller who demanded to know where I got my “fraudulent put-down of student loan” info) I guess the REAL-LIFE stories of those mired in student loan debt don’t count unless they come from the HEIC (head educators in charge) bureau right?
Maybe you’d like to help pay this gentleman’s $20k in laons before Sallie Mae takes his GRANDMA’S house as payment?
What in Dude’s name does the USDA need with “sub-machine guns” that have “Tritium night sights for front and rear, rails for attachment of flashlight (front under fore grip) and scope” AND 30 round clips? San Francisco based “tycoon” vows to oust “anti-science Republicans” which i take to mean politicians who refuse to accept the “we must sacrifice humans to the Gods to forestall climate change’ ” mysticism. FYI, there IS climate change and it is a natural result of this spinning blue ball’s orbit through the cosmos NOT the starting of your car
Warning, Warning Will Robinson! Facebook to launch feature on mobile app that will identify what you are watching or LISTENING to without you doing anything. But don’t worry, the NSA will NEVER get a hold of this sensitive “metadata”, store it and maybe use it to build a future case against you. Nahhhhh that would NEVER happen…
Are you REALLY working that much harder or has techno-gadegtry made it SEEM like you are working when you are actually luxuriating? The latter is true, the former an excuse, read on harried worker
And ZeroHedge points out “Is there anyway for non-Facebook users to know theya re being monitored by FB users in their homes/business?”
Our youth may not work but according to Democrat Congressman, Communism “works”! Because we’ve tried it on border towns with government jobs showered on the peasants and VOILA! Are judges actually trying to interpret law and reason their way through the various roadblocks to legalizing SSM in states that have banned the practice within their rights as parties to the Compact that is the Constitution OR are they just writing what they think will land them in footnotes of history textbooks 200 years from now?
Poll interpreted by The KingDude: Tea Partiers sought access to power not stand on principles because “support” would be fairly steady across election wins and losses if there were articles of Faith at stake.
Instead the bleeding of “support” is symptom of what I have been warning of, the belief that the GOP could be changed and remade in the Tea Party image So you didn’t read my primer on how the Congress Snatched The Power to Own Lands?
If you live in New Mexico, please get up to speed on what the President just did in confiscating 500,000 acres under an 1894 SCOTUS decision & 1897 [illegal] Act of Congress.
So why would AT&T fork over $40 BILLION for DirecTV when the TV/OnDemand delivery system is in such flux? Simple, they want a monopoly on the NFL and its “Sunday Ticket” service so that the already ridiculous rules governing who watches what NFL game, where will be expanded to curtail any viewing of games outside of your “area” unless of course you will fork over $200 to AT&T for DirecTV.
If AT&T were a passenger train company and NFL fans passengers, this would be the setup for a SCOTUS case Are Pro-Life, Pro-Family Catholics & Christians prepared for the persecution that is at hand?
Dr. John George warns at annual Catholic Prayer Breakfast that “The days of socially acceptable Christianity are over. The days of comfortable Catholicism are past. It is no longer easy to be a faithful Christian, a good Catholic, an authentic witness to the truths of the Gospel. A price is demanded and must be paid. There are costs of discipleship—heavy costs, costs that are burdensome and painful to bear.”
Nomocracy: Prof. Paul Gottfried reviews John Keke’s books on conservatism and comes to the same conclusion as your humble correspondent: Conservatism means nothing beyond whatever huckster has said it means that will promote sale of his works
Nomocracy II: Is Edmund Burke the “conservative’s conservative” that we should hitch our intellectual wagons to? H. Lee Cheek reviews 3 books on Burke to try and produce an answer THE FBI begins investigations of those who protested alongside Cliven Bundy in the now infamous Bundy/BLM land dispute. Of course, the boys at NSA will now happily provide all the “metadata” needed to connect dots and help the FBI assemble criminal cases against the “protestors”
DeceptiCONNED: The dreaded, “military gutting” Sequester of 2013 did exactly what I told you it would do to the Leviathan’s war machine & work force: NOTHING.
VIDEO: Per my conversation about Beyonce’s lewd and pornographic music comes this lecture on Music and Its Influence On Culture – Few will listen and share because the indictment is near universal in these United States, that doesn’t make the lecturer wrong it makes the unrepenent viewer guilty
“The conservative ‘movement’ has failed”, so sayeth Gerald Russello at Nomocracy in Politics. Mr Russello is making the the argument that Russell Kirk made and that I have been echoing: the project to halt then convert progressives into conservatives has failed. The effort to make all facets of life, market “based” and thus subject to the state’s omnipotence has failed. When will “conservatives” realize the field is lost, the solutions are aged and well known and get about the business of implementing them? I post a lot of writings on this page that might not be so easy to digest, the following review of Sovereignty: God, State, and Self. By Jean Bethke Elshtain by David Gordon is worth slogging through as you will encounter my recurring theme of late: Our future lies in our past acceptance of mystery (albeit with iPads) and law subordinate to God’s Law. Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.
NEW, Founders Pass Feature! Today’s Pile of Prep LIVE! Audio to go, Founders Pass members please login to listen. Not a member? Subscribe today for .17 cents per day – Prep Better! Get Mike’s Insider Show Prep and see what ELSE he is reading for today’s Mike Church Show. Take the tour – Subscribe Now [private FP-Yearly-So76|FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly-WLK] NEW, Founders Pass Feature! Today’s Pile of Prep LIVE! Audio: NEW – Don’ t take anyone else’s word for what happened in the Federal Convention of 1787, read it for yourself in this online version of Farrand’s Records of the Federal Convention of 1787-Volume I
Tuesday Pile of Prep-Writing The Constitution Begins in 1787 Edition TheKingDude
AUDIO – Masha Gessen, lesbian-polyamorous activist, tells us that the homosexual movement’s goal is to ELIMINATE marriage, altogether
Tuesday Pile of Prep-Writing The Constitution Begins in 1787 Edition TheKingDude
Are agrarian [r]epublicans making a comeback? Dr Allan C Carlson seems to think so, here are some of his RARE lectures to listen to and watch
Well whaddayouknow, the NSA programs are carried out under an Executive Order signed by President Reagan in 1981 Donald Livingston explains the path that Lincoln took to subjugate the Southern States to the Northern with all the facts of the story in place. Take an afternoon and enjoy…
How were young boys taught American History “back in the day”? Read just 1 issue of the bi-annul St Nicholas Reader and you will understand what has happened
The works of William Graham Sumner include a brilliant essay titled “The Forgotten Man” published in 1883. You can read the entire collected works under this title here, or find the abridged version with only The Forgotten Man essay in it on this site here
Why is it a bad idea to have a standing army just laying around? CATO, the 18th century Whig, read by most of the Founders, explains as an Englishmen, meaning this school of thought comes from the conservative tradition the Founders inherited and defended
When you hear your “conservative” friends yodel on endlessly about the “Liberal Media” or the corrupt “MSM” as they are convinced this is a recent event, send them here to go read Mark Twain’s speech of 1873 about the “corrupt press”
Here’s an interesting work that I recently discovered “The Crowd” by Guztave Le Bron a fascinating study of how crowds control nations and what nations become control crowds. No, it isn’t a paradox, it is the study of how inertia in public affairs is almost always missing when “change” is lusted for
Albert J Nock’s: Isaiah’s Job (from Tuesday, 4 Feb, 2014 show-Ed.), the story of how the Remant is to be kept animated and active if Man is to survive perdition (our own path to destruction)
If you haven’t read Dante’s Inferno in a while, this site has the entire work broken down by segment/chapter, character and more
Presenting George Clinton’s “Cato” letter, Number 3, sometimes referred to as AntiFederalist # 14. Cato explains why a large republic will never work and why smaller ones are preferred
This 1860 classic work details the type of manners and etiquette every young man should learn and live his life by. I just started reading the work myself and look forward to sharing much of it here and on-air. “THE GENTLEMEN’S BOOK OF ETIQUETTE, AND MANUAL OF POLITENESS” “
Our Federal Government” by Abel Upshur is an 1833 demolition of Justice Joseph Story’s fabricated history of the United States and her Constitution. WARNING: Reading this will increase your resolve to secede!
The Historical Writings of John Fiske, The American Revolution. If you are prepping for the upcoming pop quiz from my friends at Franklin’s Opus, on Valley Forge, this is a good start
The counter-argument presented by John taylor of Caroline AFTER the government’s lawyer, Wickham, presented his case for the tax. I did not include this in the Carriage Tax Pamphlet but have found it online. Begin reading on pg 423. [/private]
I’m no copyright expert but the lawsuit filed by Spirit guitarist over Stairway to Heaven rip-off doesn’t have that “oh yeah, that is a copy!” sound that George Harrison’s “My Sweet Lord” did when played after the Chiffon’s “He’s So Fine”
Brad Birzer reviews Dr Strangelove to discover that despite its satrical bent it was a fairly accurate prediction of the political debacle we have inhabited since
Raimondo: Get ready for a nationalism that is sweeping the globe of the kind that started WWI
The Fame of Our Fathers: What makes a famous Founder famous and why are so many, once famous, now not known at all? The answer lies partly in the fickleness of any given age and what it needs to exalt itself, the rest comes from the Founders own pursuit of Fame as I chronicled in Fame of Our Fathers. Here’s an audio sample explaining “conditores imperiorum” and you can buy the 3 CD set there
LATIN PHRASE OF THE DAY: “Timor mortis, morte pejor” – The fear of death is worse than death
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 124 1
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
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