UVA Story: Proof Of Sexual Liberationistas’ Failure
See and listen to the Virginia, Constitution Ratifying Convention in the Spirit of ’76
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript –“If this is indeed how young men that are at UVA — if the co-eds in attendance — if the young ladies that are going to UVA believe that their very lives are daily threatened and that they live under fear, constant fear of being gang raped, folks, again, game over. We’re at the end. Just listen to some of this madness from this woman, Julia Horowitz.” Check out today’s transcript for the rest….
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike:Here’s the headline from Politico. You people aren’t going to believe this. Headline: “Why We Believed Jackie’s Rape Story – Because it rang true for so many of us on the University of Virginia campus.” I just have to say, we have to have some UVA alums that listen to this program. If this is indeed how young men that are at UVA — if the co-eds in attendance — if the young ladies that are going to UVA believe that their very lives are daily threatened and that they live under fear, constant fear of being gang raped, folks, again, game over. We’re at the end. Just listen to some of this madness from this woman, Julia Horowitz.
It was a near-unanimous reaction: shock, but not surprise. Disgust, but not doubt.
[end reading]
Mike:So the women of the UVA campus never doubted for a moment that seven guys would haul one co-ed into — does anyone even use the word co-ed — one hook-up into a dorm room and have their way with her? Never doubted it for moment. Really? Seriously? Again, game over. That’s my theme for the day: Game over.
It was a near-unanimous reaction: shock, but not surprise. Disgust, but not doubt. Those were the feelings that characterized the endless conversations I had as a University of Virginia student following the Nov. 19 release of Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s article “A Rape on Campus,” in Rolling Stone.
“There was this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach in [reading] the whole thing,” fourth-year student Anna Burke told me. “I have never been through something like that myself, but it was a refrain I had heard before. There was a sort of familiar sadness to it.”
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Mike:This is sad. Again, if this is how the young women that are attending UVA feel, game over. I’m still waiting for an answer to this. Continuing on with Ms. Horowitz now, who says that the facts in the rape story don’t matter.
There was some anger at what many perceived as mischaracterizations of student life, student standards of integrity and the University administration. But in speaking to students across the grounds – men and women, Greek and non-Greek, first and fourth years – not one sought to challenge the validity of then-first-year student Jackie’s rape, either as a whole or in part.
[end reading]
Mike:According to Ms. Horowitz, not one person that she ran into thought that the story could be anything other than the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as true and as verifiable as the Synoptic Gospels themselves, the inerrant word of God. Ms. Horowitz writes:
In all honesty, I didn’t either.
Then, suddenly, the story fell apart. [Mike: Then she gets into some of the details of how the story fell apart. I want to get to the part of this that is shocking.]
For 17 days, we by and large believed Jackie’s story, maintaining only a few fragments of doubt. We were frustrated by the repeated use of the “Rugby Road” song, which appeared to make fun of the rape culture on campus . . .
[end reading]
Mike: Rape culture now on campus. If you have students that are attending university, did you know that they attend school in what’s called a rape culture? Did you know that rape has become culture? Oh, but we have to have sex. Remember, everybody’s going to do it every day anyway, so we might as well teach them how to do it when they’re nine, right? Teach them how to put condoms on bananas and what have you, teach them how to sexual ed themselves. Tell them through books, movies, television, games, every other hell forsaken piece of media that one can create that sex is good, sex is natural, sex is not for the marital act. Sex is just to have. It’s fun, it’s recreational. Everybody does it every day and that’s the way it ought to be. And some have the nerve to call me a prude, as if there’s something wrong with that. Good Heavens!
We were angered by the portrayal of administrators we had worked with and personally trusted. We were slightly apprehensive at the article’s claim the rape had taken place as part of pledging, noting that pledging takes place in the spring and not the fall. But on the whole, we did not question Jackie herself. And that’s because when we sorted through Erdely’s snide tone and some small missteps, we found something in that article that struck a chord with us.
This is not to say that it does not matter whether or not Jackie’s story is accurate. There is now a police investigation into the incident. Brothers of Phi Kappa Psi were moved out of their house after students threw bricks through the windows. Dean Nicole Eramo has received death threats. And it is becoming increasingly clear that the story that blew the lid off campus sexual assault has some major, major holes. [Mike: Maybe rape culture and campus sexual assault in general has some major holes in it, Ms. Horowitz.]
Only eight to nine percent of sexual assault reports, at most, are later determined false. [Mike: I don’t know where you get a statistic like this, by the bye.] This statistic will not change . . . . That same friend, a few days after the article was released, publicly identified herself as a survivor for the first time.
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Mike: You have to remember now, we started this with the latest retraction from Rolling Stone. That’s where we started this. Here’s where we are.
This is not to say that it does not matter whether or not Jackie’s story is accurate . . . . And it is becoming increasingly clear that the story that blew the lid off campus sexual assault has some major, major holes . . . . “And while this report has clearly had factual flaws as well as rhetorical missteps, there are plenty of other fully corroborated accounts not only at this university, but at every university around the country.”
Ultimately, though, from where I sit in Charlottesville, to let fact checking define the narrative would be a huge mistake.
FOLKS, a message from Mike – The Project 76 features, Church Doctrine videos and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, produced and directed products for sale in the Founders Tradin’ Post, 24/7, here. You can also support our efforts with a Founders Pass membership granting total access to years of My work for just .17 cents per day. Thanks for 17 years of mike church.com! – Mike
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Mike:So we can’t let facts get in the way of a good rape saga. We can’t let facts get in the way of what every university student knows, which is that college is all about either consensual sex (two months’ ago’s hook-up story and monologue on this show) and non-consensual sex (this week’s latest sexual peccadillo of the day that was not consensual). So then what do they go to school for? What is actually learned in these laboratories? Apparently theses are laboratories now of sexual experimentation.
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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