
Veritas et Sapientia – The Errors of Socialism Have No Rights In Public

todayAugust 22, 2017 5


Mandeville, LA – [Editor’s note: The neo-nazi group Stormer has had their access to internet publishing tools revoked of late causing a controversy over “free speech” and everyone’s right to publish whatever they want regardless of how diabolical and damaging to souls it may be. His Holiness, Leo XIII addressed this issue in his Immortale Dei encyclical, here is one of Leo’s relevant and True observations. – Editor, Mike Church]

“Nay, in these latter days a novel conception of law has begun here and there to gain increase and influence, the outcome, as it is maintained, of an age arrived at full stature, and the result of progressive liberty. But, though endeavours of various kinds have been ventured on, it is clear that no better mode has been devised for the building up and ruling the State than that which is the necessary growth of the teachings of the Gospel. We deem it, therefore, of the highest moment, and a strict duty of Our apostolic office, to contrast with the lessons taught by Christ the novel theories now advanced touching the State. By this means We cherish hope that the bright shining of the truth may scatter the mists of error and doubt, so that one and all may see clearly the imperious law of life which they are bound to follow and obey.

It is not difficult to determine what would be the form and character of the State were it governed according to the principles of Christian philosophy. Man’s natural instinct moves him to live in civil society, for he cannot, if dwelling apart, provide himself with the necessary requirements of life, nor procure the means of developing his mental and moral faculties. Hence, it is divinely ordained that he should lead his life-be it family, or civil-with his fellow men, amongst whom alone his several wants can be adequately supplied. But, as no society can hold together unless some one be over all, directing all to strive earnestly for the common good, every body politic must have a ruling authority, and this authority, no less than society itself, has its source in nature, and has, consequently, God for its Author.” – Pope Leo XIII, Immortalé Dei, November 1, 1885

Order your signed copy of the book Mike Church says “is the best, lay person’s history and instruction on devotion to Our Lady.”
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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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