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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mandeville, LA – “To sum up the iniquity of this nation in one comprehensive charge, it is godlessness : not atheism in the philosophical sense of denying the existence of God, but that practical atheism which ignores the law and authority of God and the requirements of religion in both public and private affairs: which leaves out of view the law of God as a rule of civil and social life, and the favor of God as an element of public prosperity.
The specifications under this indictment are such as the following: Dr. Bushnell, in his sermon on the Bull Run disaster, has made prominent the fact that from the beginning we have shown our godlessness as a nation, by ignoring the name and authorUy of God in the frame-work of our political institutions. Neither the name of God, nor any reference to His law, His government, or His providence, can be found in the Constitution of the United States. Even the oath of fidelity administered to the President has no recognition of God or of the sanctions of religion. The only allusion of a religious kind in the Constitution is in the phrase, * Sundays excepted,’ in the ten days allowed the President for signing a bill: but this is because by usage in secular business Sunday is a dies non. The Constitution provides, as it should, against a religious establishment, religious tests, or any infringement upon the rights of conscience. But it does not even recognize the fact that it is an ordinance of God for the well-being of society that civil government shall exist; and that such government should be administered upon the principles of truth, justice, order and beneficence set forth in the moral government of God. ‘We the people ‘ made the Constitution, and ‘We the people’ have worshipped it as the mirror of our own wisdom and power. Not Pharaoh boasting: * My river is mine own, and I have made it for myself;* not Nebuchadnezzar, strutting upon his palace wall and saying, * Is not this great Babylon that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honor of my majesty ?’ was more vain-glorious and atheistic than we have been in boasting of the mechanism of our political institutions. We have allowed all men to have their own religion or no religion, under the Constitution; but the Constitution itself has nothing to do with religion except as a barrier between it and the State! Failing to discriminate between legislating for a particular creed or form of religion, and recognizing the great foundation truth of all religion ” the just authority of a Holy and Almighty God, we have set up ourselves, our concrete nationality, ‘We, the people,’ as the original source of all authority and power, and have worshipped the work of our own hands. – “The Lord’s Indictment against the Nation” – New York Independent (now the NY Times), 26 Spetember, 1861, Editorial
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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