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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – [On this day we honor, pray and seek the intercession, for the sanctity of Sacramental Marriage, of St John Fisher, martyred this day, 22 June, 1535. The brutality of fallen Catholic and self proclaimed “pope” of “The Church of England” should provide a shock to those who perfunctorily accuse The Church of such atrocities.- Ed, MC]
This account is taken from The Life of St John Fisher, available here from Mediatrix Press
“Then took the executioner away his bishop’s clothes and his shirt and left the headless body lying there naked upon the scaffold almost all day after. Yet one12 at last for pity and humanity cast a little straw upon the dead body’s privities. And about eight a’clock in the evening commandment was come to bury the body to certain men that tarried there about the scaffold with the body all that afternoon with halberds and bills. Whereupon one of them took up the dead body without the head upon his halberd and carried it to a churchyard of a parish church there hard by called Barking,13 where, on the north side of that church wall, he and his fellows with their halberds digged a grave (for other grave had he none but this that they digged with their halberds) and therein without any reverence, they vilely threw this holy, innocent bishop’s dead body, all naked, flat upon his belly, without any winding sheet or any other accustomed funeral ceremonies, and then covered it quickly with the earth, and so, following herein the commandment of the king, buried it very contemptuously.
The head was parboiled and set up on London Bridge where the heads of the young Carthusians were already exposed. It was said that people marvelled that the head remained “very fresh and lively,” and, because of this, it was thrown into the Thames a fortnight later. It then made place for the head of a fellow martyr, Sir Thomas More, who was executed on 6th July. His body was buried at the belfry end of the chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula within the Tower. John Fisher’s remains were brought from the churchyard of All Hallows and reburied in the same resting place. This was probably done because the place of his unprovided burial was already drawing many who wished to pay tribute to the memory of the dead bishop.
The dust of the two saints is united.” – The Life of St John Fisher, available here from Mediatrix Press
Written by: TheKingDude
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