Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-Today Is Thursday, Do You Have An Ultimate Thing That Matters? You Should…

todayJuly 19, 2018 8


Mandeville, LA – “What the signs [of the times] actually tell us is that now—far more than in the past—the times distract us from eternity. Love of God is the first and greatest commandment, but no one today pays attention to it.

Ultimate things are considered a private hobby that shouldn’t distract us from the practical realities that are what really matter.

Politics, education, and high and low culture tell us that there is no transcendent dimension to human life. Ultimate things are considered a private hobby that shouldn’t distract us from the practical realities that are what really matter. And they need to be kept out of social life for fear they will lead to non-negotiable disputes.

Such views make no sense. Everything starts with something treated as non-negotiable. If you say there is no final truth then that is your final truth. And ultimate realities are an essential concern even from a strictly practical point of view. It is by reference to them that we can put all aspects of life together. Without that we can’t act rationally. We’ll pursue goals without knowing which ones make sense because we won’t know how they relate to the whole of life.

So the times tell us that the Church should forget about the times and focus more insistently than ever on God and eternity. No one else is doing it, and people need it. As a practical matter that means emphasizing contemplation and basic teachings regarding God, man, and eternity. It also means emphasizing observances that remind us of those things: regular prayer, the Church’s devotional and sacramental life, and traditional liturgies and observances that refuse to assimilate the divine to the everyday and so emphasize timelessness and transcendence.” – James Kalb, When The Church Reads The Sign of The Times

Coming to On-Demand, Tuesday July 24th!
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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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