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Veritas et Sapientia-True Security Comes From Divided Government Not Standing Armies

todayFebruary 18, 2016 8


Mandeville, LA – Peace is undoubtedly that state which proposes to society the best chance for the continuance of freedom and happiness, and the situation of America is such as to expose her to fewer occasions for war than any other nation, whilst it also disables her from gaining anything by war. But if, by indirect means, the executive can involve us in war not declared by the legislature; if a treaty may be made which will incidentally produce a war, and the legislature are bound to pass all laws necessary to give it full effect; or if the judiciary may determine a war to exist altho’ the legislature hath refused to declare it; then the Constitution is defective, since it admits constructions which pawn our freedom and happiness upon the security of executive patriotism, which is inconsistent with republican principles.  – Edmund Pendelton, Danger Not Yet Over, 1806 from Mike Church’s 2014 book John Taylor of Caroline County-American Statesman

Mike Church presents John Taylor-American Statesman. 7 years in the making, the one book about the purpose of American government, from someone who was there, you must read
Mike Church presents John Taylor-American Statesman. 7 years in the making, the one book about the purpose of American government, from someone who was there, you must read

Written by: TheKingDude

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