Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-Why The Lust Hordes WILL Turn From Sex TO Christianity

todayJune 21, 2018 8


Mandeville, LA – [Editor’s note: Chesterton wrote the following in the last paragraph of his book Heretics. Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson was a political scientist at Cambridge university.- M.C. Ed.]

I do not mean that we shall end in destruction. I mean that we shall end in Christianity.

“We cannot go back to an ideal of reason and sanity. For mankind has discovered that reason does not lead to sanity. We cannot go back to an ideal of pride and enjoyment. For mankind has discovered that pride does not lead to enjoyment. I do not know by what extraordinary mental accident modern writers so constantly connect the idea of progress with the idea of independent thinking.

Progress is obviously the antithesis of independent thinking. For under independent or individualistic thinking, every man starts at the beginning, and goes, in all probability, just as far as his father before him. But if there really be anything of the nature of progress, it must mean, above all things, the careful study and assumption of the whole of the past. I accuse Mr. Lowes Dickinson and his school of reaction in the only real sense. If he likes, let him ignore these great historic mysteries–the mystery of charity, the mystery of chivalry, the mystery of faith. If he likes, let him ignore the plough or the printing-press. But if we do revive and pursue the pagan ideal of a simple and rational self-completion we shall end–where Paganism ended. I do not mean that we shall end in destruction. I mean that we shall end in Christianity.”- G.K. Chesterton, Heretics

Written by: TheKingDude

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