insert_link 5 CRUSADE channel The Constitution Hour Episode 13-Why Trump IS A Natural Born Citizen & Cruz Is Not-Why The Founders Chose republicanism Over Monarchy todayJuly 27, 2024 98 5
Latest Parrott Talk-Groomers Ruined Mother’s Day PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES. Social media was full of men pretending to be mothers. These groomers shared pictures of their families, and created posts that celebrated their motherhood. Mike Parrott has a few examples of how these […] todayMay 13, 2024 39
jwopic on September 27, 2012 Please Michigan listen to these words. Make a damn stand and let us join in with Vermont. Log in to Reply
Confederate Papist on September 14, 2012 They have been shooting for this a long time in Vermont. I like the manifesto, but for any State in the South, including my home State of Georgia or my adopted State of Florida, it would have to be tailored to the wants and needs of those States. I saw some union-friendly statements in it that won’t fly here in God’s Country. Only other thing I have to add is that we have already seceded and many of us Southern Nationalists consider ourselves under Federal Occupation. Log in to Reply
Lanny McGough on December 9, 2012 Yes, I feel that we are under and have been under occupation for some time as well. I am waiting for the catalyst that will lead to secession. This is not 1865. We here in the south have all that we need to survive and thrive. We don’t need GM. I bought a Hyundai this time around in defiance of the GM bailout. I would ratheer buy a car built by poor southern boys or by foreigners than by overpaid union workers. We also have militay bases and port facilities. I really don’t think the fed would or could do anything if enough of us said ENOUGH! Log in to Reply
Republicae on September 13, 2012 Let there be a renewal of the Confederation of Free, Sovereign and Independent State Republics. The Compact of Agreement between the States has been voided by a now illegitimate federal government that has usurped powers beyond all measures delegated to it by the States and the People. This federal government has become a de facto regime, no longer abiding by the very document that brought it into existence, ignoring the Law of the Land, executing legislative innovations that are rubber-stamped under the guise of the Constitution but that are so far removed from both the Letter and the Spirit of that Document that it boggles the imagination and chills the bones as the canker worm of corruption runs rampant over this country. DISUNION & LIBERTY NOW! Log in to Reply
Doug Adams on September 7, 2012 I hate Vermont and all who reside there in,Yankee,s one and all.But if they have success were the south has failed .Good on them ! I might drink a beer with one of em if,n he buy,s .But I would gladly move to the very next non yankee state to succeed .No I do not hold a grudge,I just do not like em.Though if given the opportunity to shake the hand of Mike Church I would bite my lip and accept that honor where ever it could take place.Thank God for such a brilliant man. Log in to Reply
Bud Myers on September 7, 2012 While I want out of the Federal compact, I don’t think I want some of the provisions that are outlined in the Montpelier Manifesto. Besides that, Vermont is too far away from Arizona. I hope I can find enough like-minded people closer to home. Log in to Reply
geofenlin on November 9, 2012 We need you folks in Az. to hold the line against the Feds and their allies Ls Rasa. Log in to Reply
Delia Smith on September 7, 2012 I completely agree that we are in a situation similar to the founding fathers but are there enough like-minded people to fight off the totalitarian fascists who rule us now. If drones or military force is used against those who secede what will be left to do? I can only see expatriation and renouncing citizenship at this point as a viable option before we are trapped here against our will. But where to go? Chile? Uninhabited islands? The moon? Soon the term global may mean global escape. Richard Branson, although liberal, is at least making private space travel plausible although extremely expensive. I fear the IRS would find a way to tax you on the moon. I would be ecstatic to start over with a real constitutional government but the top 10% would have to starve the beasts in D.C. and the state governments first. Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on September 7, 2012 In his famous Liberty or death speech, Patrick Henry said “we are in a state of nature, we have no government” which presaged his and his patriot friends entrance into the business of writing the planet’s first organic Constitution in June of 1776. I believe it is time to declare a state of nature, convene a convention of states & counties, & start planning to do the same. Consider this page as a petition and sign with a comment if you please! Log in to Reply
Lanny McGough on December 9, 2012 It is good to see that we southerners are not alone this time around. What a time to be alive Mike. Oh and I am all in. God help our cause! Log in to Reply
TerriLPN on September 6, 2012 I am soo there..Love The Beauty of Vermont..Now there is more reason to Love Vermont..Secede! More States Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Log in to Reply
chris falveu on September 6, 2012 well they got the title right. after reading these comments i had to go back and re-read the manifesto. i thought i missed something. i didn’t. sounds like something marx could get behind. Log in to Reply
Kris on September 6, 2012 I too will move to the first state that seceedes. Unless ofcourse that state is California! Log in to Reply
Jon Mantecoso on September 5, 2012 Love it, except for the irony of a portion of their claimed grievances as the logical result of a portion of other claimed grievances. Too bad they are somewhat confused, but the sentiment is certainly appreciated. Log in to Reply
Wil Shrader Jr. on September 4, 2012 With a few reservations, I would lend my name to this. How? Log in to Reply
Jeff Johnson on September 4, 2012 Well Mike now you’ve gone and done it… This is awesome and I wish there were more like it. We will have to redouble our efforts. Thanks for the [r] Red Pill! Jeff J Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757