Pile Of Prep

Want to End the Fed? How About Starting Your Own Currency

todayOctober 22, 2012 6


Majorities of FL & OH voters want a more modest, less interventionist foreign policy

So after all the campaigning, after all the lame excuses for debates after all the dearth of constitution talk the Romney/Obama election comes down to 106 counties!? And you wonder why this is my favorite t-shirt?

New book claims that Thomas Jefferson was a monster of a man, this story rebuts that claim

We have lost the art of letter writing and the future will pay the price for it

E.J. Dionne makes the case for ABO voters by making the case FOR Dear Leader’s second term

George Washington, DeceptiCON war monger!? If a new video game gets its way, yes

Romney’s backers preen and beg: can we please just have a war!? just a little one, you won’t feel a thing!

When some folks write about not-voting it comes across as idiosyncratic complimented by more “radical autonomy”, to some, there is NO community, political or otherwise worth belonging to, like this post by Michael Rozeff

Kevin D. Williamson: Romney is working very hard to secure a big box of problems he cannot solve

Andy McCArthy: Sharia is not compatible with western Christian faiths

Obama team is falling behind and dragging out years old video of Romney being “soft” on China

Video: Joe Klein has the whole China issue figured out

Deployed in combat to Afghanistan, bulking up, working out and taking steroids to change her from a woman to a man

Savage nation of savage people: Arlington to hold ceremony for U.S. women killed in combat

Mark Steyn: The Binderiziation of America or how the brain-dead bot zombies got even more dumb

Is the White House planning an “October Surprise” announcement that it’s reached an agreement with the Iranians on nukes?

Want to end the FED? How about starting your own local currency?

There is something wrong with James Bond and that’s what keeps him popular: he doesn’t do politics

Senator Coburn continues the lonely work of pointing out that the Leviathan cannot track the current $$$ it spends & there’s no reason to believe that will change without systemic changes

TIC: What would St Augustine do? Augustine and other Christian giants are called on by Brad Birzer to analyze our current political corruption – READ THIS POST!

Romney’s world view seems to be “just let me in there to say words that will scare the bejesus belt out of the bad guys because Obama won’t do it”, what does that actually CHANGE about POLICY?

Israeli Ambassadoradmits: Ahmadinejad NEVER said “wipe Israel off the map”

Green with Envy & OPM – The complete list of Dear leader’s “green energy” crony capitalism “partners”

Written by: TheKingDude

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