War Hawks To Middle East Christians, Go Pound Sand
todaySeptember 22, 2014
The Genocide of Christians
Jeff Wallace’s In God We Trusted Book-Signed by the author
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript –“In the first hour of the program, I talked a little bit about the plight of Christians in the Middle East, which, all of you war hawks out there seem unfazed by. That’s not all of you, of course. Those of you that are fazed by it and are concerned over it, you’re not alone. I think sometimes instead of just complaining about this and acknowledging that we have our heads screwed on the wrong way sometimes, there are some positives that you can take away from this.” Check out today’s transcript for the rest….
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: In the first hour of the program, I talked a little bit about the plight of Christians in the Middle East, which, all of you war hawks out there seem unfazed by. That’s not all of you, of course. Those of you that are fazed by it and are concerned over it, you’re not alone. I think sometimes instead of just complaining about this and acknowledging that we have our heads screwed on the wrong way sometimes, there are some positives that you can take away from this. For example, somebody forwarded this to me and I read it when I was listening to the Bieszad interview. I thought: This padre has part of this equation correct, I believe. I think you would enjoy hearing part of this. Father George Rutler of St. Michael’s, in his sermon yesterday, said this in part:
Christians are being martyred in the Middle East, and public officials still find it hard to mention that those who are being crucified, beheaded, and driven from their homes are suffering because they’re Christians.
The auxiliary bishop of Baghdad, Shlemon Warduni, said on Vatican radio: “We have to ask the world: Why are you silent? Why do not you speak out? Do human rights exist, or not? And if they exist, where are they? There are many, many cases that should arouse the conscience of the whole world: Where is Europe? Where is America?” The genocide of Christians, who have been in Iraq since shortly after the Resurrection, does not seem to have priority in the attention of many in our country.
[end reading]
Mike: Think about that for just a moment. We have a statement from Senator Lindsey Graham that it is America’s responsibility to protect the planet. Protect it from what? If you’re not willing to protect the planet for our Lord and for those who are marching with the Church Militant and carrying the cross of the faith, who are being mocked and made fun of for sport here in the United States, we think we suffer because the people that like to fancy themselves smarter than God seem to have expressed that they have the upper hand in these matters and that they are smarter than God. There can’t possibly be a God because I have a Twitter account and an iPhone. What do we need God for? Of course, the more devout you are in your faith, the more you are pilloried and mocked. This is name calling. So what? You should look forward to that. You wear that proudly.
The Christians in the Middle East don’t get called names; they have their heads cut off. They are actually nailed to a tree as we are told that our Lord was in the Book of Mark. They nailed him to a tree. Their houses are razed and burned. They are assassinated. They are executed inside churches where they were attending Holy Mass, for heaven’s sake. It’s not just Catholics. I talked about this for years now, about the Coptic Christians. Copt is one of the oldest languages in the Middle East still spoken. Coptic Christians, again, with the brutal dictators that were running Egypt, as crooked and corrupt as they were, again, extended protections to the religious minority that was the Copts. What happened after Hillary’s Arab Spring? Another disaster presided over by Mrs. Clinton, who may at best be an agnostic. What happened? The Copts are being murdered. There’s a genocide going on. They tried to flee. They couldn’t flee fast enough or far enough war. Father Rutler concludes:
As this suffering continues, many in the United States are willing to tolerate heresy and moral decadence in a vain attempt to “get along” with others. While Christians must “love the sinner and hate the sin,” there are an increasing number of people who are intimidated into enabling the sinner to advertise his sin.
[end reading]
Mike: Father, this is why, with all due respect, the reason why they are willing to tolerate this and willing to say these things is because most of our fellow citizens do not appreciate, nor do they fear the concept of sin, if they even discuss it, if they even know of it. Certainly most people don’t fear it. [mocking] “Mike, what’s there to fear?” Well, when we’re in a state of sin, we’re what? We’re closer to what, Heaven or Hell? You are, we are — boy am I a sinner — we have a foot in hell.
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We can get out by asking forgiveness, by confessing. People don’t fear this anymore. Have you ever heard the slogan “I put the fear of God in him”? What’s that? People don’t fear God anymore, not enough people certainly. That’s why you see this situation, Father. Continuing on:
In 1992, Cardinal O’Connor said that compromising Catholic truth for the sake of political correctness “was not worth one comma in the Apostles’ Creed.”
The holy martyrs in the Middle East honor the Church and atone for our degeneracy. Their bishops are willing to struggle and die with them. They must be amazed that people in other places have their priorities so wrong.
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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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