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We CHOOSE to Remain Warlike People, Because It Pays – The Mike Church Show

todayAugust 14, 2018 7


Mandeville, La


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Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines


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HEADLINE: Britain Suffers 15 Acid Attacks a Week, With Three Quarters Taking Place in London by Oliver JJ Lane

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.


HEADLINE: Budget Deficit

  • We spend money like it’s Monopoly Money.
  • No one is doing anything about the massive amounts of debt we are accumulating.
  • 4 weeks I was a 51% President Trumper now I’m up to 54% President Trumper.

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HEADLINE: Crash outside parliament in London treated as terrorism from AP News

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HEADLINE: Trump signs $717B annual defense policy bill into law by Rebecca Kheel

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HEADLINE: The U.S. Is Deeply Complicit in Saudi Coalition Crimes in Yemen by Daniel Larison

  • This now appears as normal behavior here.
  • The remnants of the US box that killed Yemen children can be seen in the article.
  • You better start making reparations for what this government is doing in your name and mine.
  • They are indiscriminately dropping bombs all over the world killing non-combatants.


HEADLINE: Satan & the Art of Darkness by Joseph Pearce

  • There are bad things happening that cannot be explained.

  • Saudi Arabia crown Prince
  • What is the first building on the right? Boeing – 15 stories of crony capitalist corruption.
  • Those buildings are working for the Saudi Arabians.
  • It is undeniable that the general government of the US is the most menacing on the face of the Earth.
  • We are materially prosperous.


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Special Guest Vincent David Johnson – photographer Lost Americana

Follow Vincent here: @LostAmericana @VincentDJohnson 

  • Trying to preserve and conserve America
  • Old towns of rural America
  • Have people responded to you favorably?
  • I started doing this because of looking at all the ruins in other countries that are still standing and a big attraction, what does America have?
  • I’m 44 and by the time my kids get 44 these rural structures in America will be gone.
  • Laminated pages saying “These buildings matter”
The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager jenn@mikechurch.com and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group.






 Special Guest Michael Hichborn founder of the Lepanto Institute

@MichaelHichborn  @LepantoInst

  • Abiding by every single thing any Pope says.
  • The debate culminated in the 1st Vatican Council.
  • Papal Infallibility –
  • John Paul II – abortion, contraception, homosexuality
  • Now all the liberal left Catholics are now on the – must do everything the Pope says!
  • They have put their ultramontanism before anything else.
  • This was settled over 100 years ago. 
  • Ultramontanism is a clerical political conception within the Catholic Church that places strong emphasis on the prerogatives and powers of the pope.
  • This isn’t a new problem it is just finally being recognized by everyone.
  • The Pope is really forcing that fissure to grow.
  • The definition of the diabolic – a rending or a tearing apart
  • Our Lord is dividing the goats from the lambs.
  • When you RIP something apart you are destroying the fabric of it.
  • The redefinition of communion, the death penalty, of what makes a marriage, of contraception…he is tearing the fabric of the Church by rending tradition from modern practice.
  • The emotion of the presentation has nothing to do with the topic being TRUE or not.
  • When God created Adam, he doesn’t have a mother he is created, in paradise there is no mention of DEATH.
  • Once he ate the fruit, God Himself told Adam he would now NOT be mortal, he would die. That is THE FIRST DEATH PENALTY!
  • Case closed….stop saying Papa Francis is correct.
  • The Good Samaritan story
  • A man is going down from Jerusalem to Jericho (representation of a path from Heaven to Hell)
  • The allegory takes another turn when you consider the Samaritan binds the wounds etc and then takes him to an Inn.  (Who is the Inn and the Inn Keeper?)
  • Where has McCarrick been? What has his punishment been? Has he had any punishment at all?
  • What have we done to ensure this will not happen again?
  • The office is due respect, I’m not the one that mistreated on it…HE did!
  • He ridiculed that office!
  • AUSCP – Association of United States Catholic Priests
  • Audio of my speech is coming your way!
  • How many suicides have resulted from these sodomite scandals in the Church?
  • How many Priests in the US if we extend the average, are engaged in illicit sexual activity. ANSWER – 9,850
  • How much money has been paid out to those that have been abused?  ANSWER – $4.4 billion
  • He makes use of human nature.

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Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at www.mikechurch.com




 Special Guest Father Richard Heilman


  • We are at war, a war without borders.
  • Our Lady of La Salette
  • 54 Day Novena Rosary Coast to Coast
  • Sign-up here to receive the daily reflections during the novena.
  • This is being done in response to the prayers asking to help us. God is shining the bright light on the ugliness of the shepherds in the Church.
  • We have to remain supernatural warriors with our supernatural strength.
  • Once we are strong we keep the aggressors at bay.
  • We got weak…and the aggressors took advantage of that.
  • We weren’t offered one minute of the exposed Sacrament.
  • I’m angry with what is going on with our Bishops, but we left the sheep exposed all these years.
  • A lot of this came from our leaders, and in spite of this, the laity is leading this movement.
  • Satans head is being crushed as we speak!
  • 55,000 have signed up to receive the emails with the daily reflections so far. This number doesn’t include those that are receiving through social media.


  • Starts tomorrow on the Assumption – do this rosary in public if you can.
  • This is a sign of strength of faith.




 Special Guest Joseph Pearce

  • We always talk in the language of the Church Militant.
  • We are all soldiers for Christ.
  • Where we are now in the Vale of Tears. (in Latin vallis lacrimarum)
  • There are parallels the path of chivalry is here.
  • Fight with the gifts of humility. The first shall be last and the last shall be first.
  • With-drawl to a bar is simply to “regroup”.
  • Allan Bloom said the band had nothing to say.

HEADLINE: The Thirty Years War by Mark Steyn

  • One of the most dangerous sins is the Sin of Omission!
  • HexFest in New Orleans this past weekend.
  • The TFPTradition, Family and Property
  • You were out there being seen, not just by those practicing dark arts, but the passerby and the media.
  • This is how you confront evil, by witness.
  • The Devil was in the Sanctuary –
  • Now thanks to the papacy Pope Benedict the 16th
  • The Latin Mass is growing and the age is younger. The Church is making a comeback.

VIDEO: A walk through Walsingham with Joseph Pearce (Kevin Turley and Joseph Pearce take a walk through Walsingham and discuss the spiritual and literary history of Catholic England.)

Special Guest Rick Barrett host of The Barrett Brief doing a rundown of what’s coming up next!

 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: http://brave.com/mik060 We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
Sign-up for the Daily [r] Newsletter and we will give you $10 to use in our store. Who doesn’t like FREE money?! Shop the Founders Tradin’ Post today for items such as The Marian Option, The Catholic Quest for the Holy Grail, Small is Still Beautiful, Humility of Heart, Dressing with Dignity and much more.

Meta-tags for show

Joseph Pearce, Church Militant, Vale of Tears, Kevin Turley, Walsingham, England, Latin Mass, TFP, Michael Hichborn, Father Heilman, rosary coast to coast, Our Lady of La Salette, death penalty, contraception, sin of omission, Oliver JJ Lane, acid attacks, Rebecca Kheel, Daniel Larison, Vincent David Johnson, Lost Americana, rural America, Feast of the Assumption, Saudi Arabia, Mark Steyn

Written by: TheKingDude

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