Pile Of Prep

Wednesday Pile of Prep

todayJuly 10, 2013 7

Get your "Voted Most Likely to Secede" t-shirt now-designed by the KingDude himself
Get your “Voted Most Likely to Secede” t-shirt now-designed by the KingDude himself

Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of why the 3rd Amendment should NOT be incorporated plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.“Relative to the benchmark path, defense spending falls by $170 billion, taxes are cut also by $170 billion, private sector portions of GDP rise by $224 billion, and real GDP increases by $54 billion by 2017. In other words, over five years, we get roughly $1.30 of extra private spending for each $1.00 reduction in defense spending.” – Veronique de Rugy, George Mason’s Mercatus, on what REALLY happens when you cut “defense spending”

The entire story of how cutting “Defense spending” is actually (just as Austrians predict) a net boost for economic affairs. 

AmConMag’s Daniel McCarthy defends our pal Jack Hunter from the scurrilous DeceptiCON hordes at the The Washington Beacon (follow my Twitter & Facebook feeds for my defense of Jack)

The HuffPo will have none of McCarthy (or my) defenses of Jack Hunter, insisting that there is something wrong with being a “neo-Confederate”. So I ask the question of HuffPo writer Jason Linkins: What, exactly, is wrong with being a “neo-Confederate”? Do you even know what that is? Is there a Websters definition?

Rod Dreher: Can you tell a story? Are you [r]EALLY a “conservative”, OK< sign here and start your career as the Right’s Aesop, you’re hired

After a background check, a license application, 16 hours of “approved training” and a couple vials of your first born’s blood (OK I made that one up) Illinois will now grant you a permit to carry a concealed weapon

Click to download this latest "Project '76 Webisode"

Limbaugh claims he and Fox are the only ones taking on Obama because Obama said so, after claiming that he and Fox “are on the same team” which I take to mean Team DeceptiCON. I’d say something cliched as “I am only on 1 team, the Constitution’s” but you people would say it’s cliched. (I said it anyway!)

“You like me! You really like me!”State Dept spent $630k to increase their FaceBook “Likes”, maybe they could have tried announcing they slashed foreign aid, laid off 100,000 bureaucrats and save the country $20 billion last year, instead?

Politico publishes what amounts to “Our wonderful surveillance State For Dummies”

UNDeceptiCONNED (That’s a good thing), Rep Michael Coffman aims to bring sanity to defense spending meaning the Pentagon is in his barber’s chair

What’s This, the Ron Paul Channel!? promising new cutting edge media as only Ron can deliver it – I wonder if Y/T will be invited to guest appear there!?

Kenya’s President pushes back against Dear Leader’s insistence that that nation become secular and embrace homosexual marriages saying  “Those who believe in other things, that is their business, Ruto said at St. Gabriel’s Catholic Church in Maili Kumi. “We believe in God. This nation, the nation of Kenya, sovereign and God-fearing.”


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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. jmw11 on July 11, 2013

    I guess after reading Jason Linkins’s editorial and a majority of the comments regarding Jack Hunter, I have come to the realization that I am a “neo-Yankee”. In the North you are taught from an early age that during the Civil War the Union were the “good guys” and the Confederates the “bad guys”. Unfortunately, this view will remain with an individual their entire life unless they choose to examine the facts for themselves. What is a “neo-Yankee” you ask? A “neo-Yankee” is one that no longer accepts the pretenses under which we were taught that the Civil War was fought. In fact, a “neo-Yankee” has dropped the term “Civil War” from their vocabulary and replaced it with “The War for Southern Independence” (thank you Dr. Gutzman) as it is a more accurate description of what the conflict was about. I no longer take pride in the fact the North defeated the South and view that military exercise much in the same light as the unconstitutional American occupations I have witnessed first hand in my lifetime. I am shamed by the fact that my ancestors participated in the subjugation of my Southern brothers and sisters. I no longer view the confederate flag as a symbol of racism but, one of pride. Jason’s depiction of Mr. Hunter is the end result of a lifetime of the propoganda that a “neo-Yankee” now rejects.
