Pile Of Prep

Wednesday Prep – Quasemodo’s Mama Was Pro-Life, Why Isn’t Notre Dame?

todayMarch 9, 2016 5


Life_of_Washington_on_black_for_emailMandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don’t cost nuthin’).

Sapientia et Veritas – The Constitution provides, as it should, against a religious establishment, religious tests, or any infringement upon the rights of conscience. But it does not even recognize the fact that it is an ordinance of God for the well-being of society that civil government shall exist; and that such government should be administered upon the principles of truth, justice, order and beneficence set forth in the moral government of God. ‘We the people ‘ made the Constitution, and ‘We the people’ have worshipped it as the mirror of our own wisdom and power. Not Pharaoh boasting: * My river is mine own, and I have made it for myself;* not Nebuchadnezzar, strutting upon his palace wall and saying, * Is not this great Babylon that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honor of my majesty ?’ was more vain-glorious and atheistic than we have been in boasting of the mechanism of our political institutions. We have allowed all men to have their own religion or no religion, under the Constitution; but the Constitution itself has nothing to do with religion except as a barrier between it and the State! Failing to discriminate between legislating for a particular creed or form of religion, and recognizing the great foundation truth of all religion ” the just authority of a Holy and Almighty God, we have set up ourselves, our concrete nationality, ‘We, the people,’ as the original source of all authority and power, and have worshipped the work of our own hands. – “The Lord’s Indictment against the Nation” – New York Independent (now the NY Times), 26 Spetember, 1861, Editorial

Corporate media ownership has RUINED radio broadcasting for the forseeable future – Listeners have become conditioned to expect no breakout or new talents while growing into perfunctory,  listening habits of stale, and frankly, bad radio. Prima facie evidence of this is the superstar status of iHeart & Pandora radio, offering regurgitated, swallowed and regurgitated music formats with near zero air talent enhancements or additions. What about Talk-Radio? “Fuhget about it”. The Talk-Radio Mafia through 2 companies and the quadrumvirite of “talents” truthfully does control and police the airwaves. Its an impressive business model that makes hundreds of millions for an elite few while decimating local radio and nearly killing, in the cradle, future talents. (if Dana Loesch is the future, the industry and your intelligence are doomed). Continue reading Mike Church’s Report on Media and the CRUSADE Channel’s 17th week birthday here.

We’re All Remnant [r]epublicans Now – WaPo writer travels to “flyover country” expecting to meet the supporting cast of the 1974 Burt Reynolds film “Deliverance” and instead finds a warm, welcoming and very beautiful small town that he is now about to call home. The writer, Christopher Ingraham relied on the Leviathan to provide “data” on the “worst places to live” in ‘Muricah, as he recounts it: “Last August, in the middle of the summer news doldrums, I wrote a quick story on an obscure U.S. Department of Agriculture dataset called the “natural amenities index,” which ranked America’s counties on a number of physical characteristics — mild weather, ample sunshine, varied landscape — that usually make a place desirable to live in.” There is change afoot in ‘Muricah as thousands upon thousands of folks awaken to the reality that modernity and the heresy of Americanism (ALMOST one and the same) have so corrupted our thinking on what is important in life, we’ve become programmed to blindly accept the diabolic, federal,  social engineer’s view of what is good and what is “bad”. The [r]epublican Remnant has awakened!

Quasemodo’s Mama Was Pro-Life OR Apostasy U. Notre Dame Bestows Award on Abortion Booster Joey Biden – In the continuation of the sad saga of ‘Muricah’s most famous, allegedly “Catholic”university Notre Dame’s descent to meet Charon while on a Road to Perdition of its own making; the abortion promoting Vice President and alleged Catholic, Joe Biden is to be honored with the annual Lætare Award. The Cardinal Newman Society remarks: “Notre Dame has announced that it will bestow its 2016 Laetare Medal, the “oldest and most prestigious honor accorded to American Catholics,” on pro-abortion Vice President Joe Biden. This time, however, the offense is even greater: a pro-abortion Catholic politician is being honored as one “whose genius has ennobled the arts and sciences, illustrated the ideals of the Church [emphasis added] and enriched the heritage of humanity.”

DeceptiCONNED the RejectiCONNED – The GOP is mulling the idea that there could be an effort at the RNC to upend Donald Trump from the nomination and insert one of their treasured elites. This would of course score a birdie for the Elites while a quadruple bogey for everyone who has voted for Trumpzilla and Tedley CruzRight. That the GOP now has ineligible, war-hawking, vulgar candidates remaining as their standard-bearers tells you everything you need to know about party politics and their real purpose: putting power and $$ in the pockets and on the crowned heads of their partisans.

DeceptiCONNED-RejectiCONNED IIWho is responsible for the “Rise of Trump” is a question nearly every single “conservative” outfit has asked in a perplexed if not puzzled manner. Why? The DeceptiCONS have sent nearly 10,000 American sons to die in undeclared wars, another 60,000 to be maimed, to say nothing of the hundreds of thousands those same young men were sent to kill in undeclared, unjust wars. Meanwhile the mom and pops have lost their businesses, seen their savings gutted, been forced into Wall Street run, government sanctioned “retirement programs” while a wealthy elite has grown so obscenely “rich”, their opulence feigned as “capitalism”.

Parties At An Abyss, Accompanied By an Elite Media Also At The AbyssVictor Davis Hanson makes a valiant effort to explain the Trump phenomenon from the POV that GOP elites could have/should have seen it coming. Hanson recounts the history of the campaign with some added commentary but just cannot bring himself to what is at the heart of the matter: the PROCESS and the SYSTEM that administers it are the problems. In other words Trump is a disease brought on by the wounded immune system that is the Nation-state called ‘Muricah.

Executive Malice In the Leviathan Goes Back To St Abe Senator James A. Bayard delivered the following speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate, in opposition to the Lincoln Adminstration’s war-planning against the Southern States then rightfully and legally seceding.

Catholic Men: Build A Wall ‘Twixt You & Trump – George Weigel and 37 other well-known Catholics in media and academia pen the following letter to fellow Catholics, imploring them to not take the Trump bait. “Donald Trump is manifestly unfit to be president of the United States. His campaign has already driven our politics down to new levels of vulgarity. His appeals to racial and ethnic fears and prejudice are offensive to any genuinely Catholic sensibility. He promised to order U.S. military personnel to torture terrorist suspects and to kill terrorists’ families — actions condemned by the Church and policies that would bring shame upon our country.”

A SCOTUSSOA We Can Actually Say That Gets It Right – The Alabama Supreme Court raises a middle finger to the Obergefeldt decision and basically nullifies “gay marriage” as ordered by our ruling masters on the SCOTUS.

Yemen_street_destroyedWhere Is The Just War Candidate To Vow An End To Our War-Crimes In Yemen? – View the photograph attached to this article and imagine that this is a city in Texas. The carnage inflicted by our orthodox Muslim “allies” in Saudi Arabia has been characterized as a war-crime by the U.N. and for once they are correct. What is as appalling is the American support of these atrocities and the lack of any public condemnation of it by “pro-life” America. Daniel Larison continues his heroic, weekly coverage of this tragic saga: “Every problem Yemen had before the intervention has grown far worse than it was, and the country’s infrastructure has been wrecked by the coalition bombing campaign that the U.S. supports. The Saudis and their allies continue trying to carry out a failed strategy in a bad cause, and it doesn’t appear that they will stop anytime soon.”

The Oldest, Approved Bigotry in ‘Muricah Makes a Comeback – Pope Francis has paved the way for anti-Catholic bigotry to resurge as a result of the ridiculous and unprecedented Papal promotion of the “right to immigrate”. “With one voice, pope and bishops confuse the freedom to emigrate (a responsibility of nations of origin), and the right to immigrate. Nowhere does there exist a right to immigrate to wherever one chooses, whenever, or by whatever means. Mexico itself imposes high penalties on illegal immigrants and those who aid them. But let no shibboleth be violated by reality.”

Slick Hilly’s War – While obsessing over Trumpzilla, the GOP has totally blown the chance to hammer Mrs Clinton for the disastrous war she started in Libya that continues to REQUIRE our undeclared war-acts there. As Secretary of State, THAT is the principle crime Mrs Clinton should be publicly tried for instead of what was or was not on her private, illegal email server. The BILLIONS expended on war and Libya and the cost in human-lives are the real tragedies of the Clinton shadow-Presidency.

Father DOES KnoW Best And He’s Making a Comeback – I continue to be encouraged by the emergence of what I call Real Man Culture. A revival of men as bold, vigorous, faithful and chivalrous leaders diametrically opposed to the Cult of Deaths metrosexual-male-placebo. What’s REALLY encouraging is that women are clamoring for this emergence as forcefully as men, so perhaps we can edit this post’s title: MOTHER, does know best….




A New Political Animal Emerges: The RejectiCONS – The RejectiCONS are those “stalwart Republicans” who even voted for Bob Dole and John McCain, and who now refuse even the prospect that they must vote for #TRUMP and who are now saying they refuse. Megan McArdle gathers a batch of emails from friends, readers and family member RejectiCONS who pledge to vote Hillary. What is amazing about the Trump Industrial Complex is the fact that it is precisely because the “base” has failed to make good on any of the promises made by “conservatives” who were for “free-market capitalism” and “family values” and “shrinking the size and scope of government”. That Trump has filled the vacuum left by the political hacks that live and prosper inside what I call “the circle of power”.

RejectiCONS II – Now comes the former CIA Director Michael Hayden saying that if Trump orders waterboarding or other tortures, the Just-war committed CIA agents and military men may choose to “reject the order…as illegitimate…and illegal”. My oh my how times have changed! It was just 2 GOP debates ago that torture, waterboarding, “enhanced interrogation” and even “women in combat” were part of our war-machine & military industrial complex but apparently only when “experts” like Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio are ordering the torture.

Apple Will Prove That 1789 Won’t Be Like 1984A judge in New York rules in favor of Apple Computer’s refusal to hack their own OS and provide the rapacious FBI with complete, back door access to any iPhone ever made.

Slick Hilly To Be Fitted For Prison Fatigues of a Tiara and Gilded Throne? – I have consistently held that the Obama Administration cannot and will not indict Hillary Clinton because Hillary is the default 2016 nominee for the Presidency AND there are those hundreds of millions of $$ that slime their way out of the Clinton Global Initiative of which Obama will surely profit beginning 21 January, 2017. I stand by my reasoning because I still think that a coverup is Obama’s only play here but there are writers proposing alternative scenarios that place Hillary as the subject of an FBI based prosecution.

The New Modesty Is The Immodesty of “Slut Shaming” – The Cult of Death has been so successful in making normal, soft-core pornography in dress and action, young damsels actually think they are required to dress in a state of undress and now express that tramp-like dressing is the newest frontier in civil rights. Who now speaks for the teaching and rights of God when it comes to feminine modesty?

Anti Trumpzilla Hysteria Hits New Low: Dump Trump Because He Might Talk To Vladirmir Putin – Folks you can’t make this stuff up. Our friends at the Federalist.com have unloaded all available ammo on Trumpzilla including this hysteria driven screed from Paul David Miller that NO AMERICAN should support Trump  because “In December, Trump openly admired Russian President Vladimir Putin, calling him a “strong leader.” Putin is, of course, a dictator…”. So “open admiration” of homosexuals is cool and must be observed, including by “conservatives” but “open admiration” of the President of the largest armed force “enemy” is verbotten. Question: how many countries has President Putin invaded causing the death of hundreds of thousands and the destruction of entire country-wide infrastructures?

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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