
We’re Still Driving Right Towards That Fiscal Cliff

todayOctober 3, 2012 2


Mandeville, LA -Exclusive Transcript – There is no denying the careening train is still headed towards that fiscal cliff we talked about the other day, and it’s going to go over it at what speed?  Some say 120 miles an hour.  Some people say if we elect Romney we’re going to slow it down to 20.  If you slow it down to 20, you probably won’t even go over.  Maybe the first car or two will go over, but you won’t have enough inertia to drag an entire 60-car-long train over a cliff at a measly 20 miles an hour.  I tend to think of it as a comparison between a silver dime, which we used to have, and the now plastic dime, which is coated in fake metal.  If you flip that dime and it lands heads, it’s still heads; if you flip the dime and it lands tails, it’s still tails.  The result of the flip is the same, even though the dimes are allegedly constructed of totally different materials, the flip still comes out the same way. Check out the rest in today’s transcript…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  There is no denying the careening train is still headed towards that fiscal cliff we talked about the other day, and it’s going to go over it at what speed?  Some say 120 miles an hour.  Some people say if we elect Romney we’re going to slow it down to 20.  If you slow it down to 20, you probably won’t even go over.  Maybe the first car or two will go over, but you won’t have enough inertia to drag an entire 60-car-long train over a cliff at a measly 20 miles an hour.  I tend to think of it as a comparison between a silver dime, which we used to have, and the now plastic dime, which is coated in fake metal.  If you flip that dime and it lands heads, it’s still heads; if you flip the dime and it lands tails, it’s still tails.  The result of the flip is the same, even though the dimes are allegedly constructed of totally different materials, the flip still comes out the same way.

We had a caller on the line who was demanding to know who I’m going to vote for.  You can ask from now until November the 6th, I’m not going to tell you.  My answer is going to be nunya.  It’s nunya bidness.  That’s between me, my lord and savior Jesus Christa, and the voting booth in Madisonville, Louisiana.  Worry about who you’re going to vote for, not who I’m going to pull a lever for.  I don’t know why people seem to attach some act of patriotism or national contrition in pulling a level, seriously.  If it comes down to you preserving your liberty through one vote or another, then we’re already done as a free people.  Do you hear me?  We’re done.  The process then is nothing more than that.  It’s a process.  It’s a formality we’re going through.  If it really is the most important election of all time and if our final little threads of liberty as we tenuously cling to that voluptuous idea of liberty, of freedom, if it really hangs by that small of a thread, it is going to be eviscerated by whoever wins.  It won’t matter because the momentum of it cannot be stopped.  I can’t stand that narrative, I really can’t.  If you want to talk about ideological and demagogic, that’s the one.  This just drives me nuts.

Why do decepticons insist on playing the federal job training program game?  Not only is there no constitutional justification for this, there’s no practical justification for this.  If industries need people trained to work in them, let industries pay for it.  Gee, what a novel idea!  I won’t be able to manufacture that tire in Rochester, New York any longer at the Dunlop plant if I don’t train workers to put the rubber in the right place.  These are all corporate welfare programs, ladies and gentlemen.  Doesn’t it bother anyone other than me?  Shouldn’t those giant, transnational, multinational conglomerate companies be paying for their own damn job training?  Obama was riding this wave of euphoria and wave of inevitability, and he’s not riding it any longer, based mostly — I don’t know if you spend your days watching the Fox News Network.  That orchestrated effort to make sure that every living soul that has cable television knows just how screwed up the Egyptian embassy and Libyan embassy and entire North African campaign of the Obama administration, the smack down of al-Qaeda didn’t happen.  Al-Qaeda is out there and they’re even more dangerous than they were.

That’s another thing.  You neocons and decepticons, you should be careful about saying certain things, just for your own short-term political interests.  You can’t run around saying that al-Qaeda is bigger, badder, faster and stronger than they’ve ever been after you assured us that if we poured a couple trillion dollars to chase a bunch of cave dwellers across the Middle East, across the most ancient of ancient environs, that if we just spent a couple trillion dollars, sacrificed six, seven, nine thousand of our young men in the endeavor, you’d see manna from heaven would fall.  The Middle East would change.  [mocking] “We will rid the world of the plague of radical jihad and radical Islam.”  Yeah, how’s that working out for us?  Two trillion dollars, 8,000 dead after the effort began.  They still have the ability to strike our embassies in foreign lands.  Who knew?

Yesterday I was listening to a never-ending cacophony of criticism about what happened in Libya.  Not one solitary guest even brought up that the madmen in the streets in Libya would not have been possible had President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton and Secretary of State Gates not aborted their constitutional vows and sought congressional approval, sanction and funding for the war-making efforts to assassinate the leader of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, regardless of how ghastly he was.  There’s no congressional authorization to do so.  Then to use military force to ensure that the “rebels” were able to take over.  Not one person brought it up.  All we heard was, “Obama’s been leading from behind this whole time.  We know this administration fumbled this, that and the other.”  Of course they did.  Of course they did because they’ve been listening to you clowns.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: ClintStroman

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