Pile Of Prep

What Chris Ashton Kutcher Could Have Told Those Teenagers

todayAugust 23, 2013 8

Order YOUR copy of Mike Church's "The Spirit of 76-The Story Continues"
Order YOUR copy of Mike Church’s “The Spirit of 76-The Story Continues”

Mandeville, LA  – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full ofMike’s take on the speech everyone is raving about from actor Ashton Kutcher plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.  “Resolved, That a well-regulated militia, composed of gentlemen and yeomen, is the natural strength and only security of a free government; that such a militia in this colony would forever render it unnecessary for the mother country to keep among us for the purpose of our defence any standing army of mercenary forces, always subversive of the quiet and dangerous to the liberties of the people, and would obviate the pretext of taxing us for their support.” – Patrick Henry, 20 March 1775, Speech to House of Burgesses

American History To GO From Writer-Narrator Mike Church


About Project ’76. – Popular radio talk show host & acclaimed writer/producer/director Mike Church (Road to Independence-The Movie) announced the launch of his latest initiative in American history based entertainment: Project ‘76™.

MISH: Where the Jobs AREN’T- Is the month of August 2013 the month that portends the correction every living soul (which excludes politicians, corporatists and central bankers) knows is coming? If the Gallup daily UE tracking poll is correct, yes

When you are actually IN business you find out very quickly why so few people/companies LAST in business. Free markets are a you know what and they are impossible to tame, slow down or monopolize-Blackberry and Wang computers are great examples of this

WANTED: This Page is Supported by YOUR Founders Pass subscriptions to this site, PLEASE take the tour and see all the GREAT CONTENT you are missing out on including Mike’s Project ’76 Webisodes

Of course, if you ARE a titan of industry you can always buy yourself a lobbyist and pay the government to write rules that benefit you and squash your stupid competition that believes in silly things like fairness and free markets

Government handouts-welfare et al-provide TWICE the standard of living that minimum wage provides in 33 states so why would anyone be dumb enough to actually go to work? Libs and “Republicans react with “raise the minimum wage!” Here’s the REAL solution “We do not need higher wages, we need lower prices.”

Spirit_of_76_COMPLEAT_FEATUREToday’s Guest: Warren Redlich, author of Fair DUI, Staying Sane in a World Gone MADD. Get Warren’s Book, autographed by the author in the Founders Tradin’ Post

Have American CIA agents just entered the sovereign country of Syria to wage joint military actions with Israeli commandos? The French say we have, so, where’s Congress!?

Today’s Guest II – Dwayne Stovall, long-time Mike Church Show listener and friend announces his candidacy to unseat Jon Cornyn in the U.S. Senate in TX

Your Daily SpyFare Briefing: The FBI recently collected the ip addresses of everyone trying to access the anonymity network known as “Tor”. Note that the Feds weren’t seeking SPECIFIC addresses, they were seeking ALL addresses

Chris (Ashton) Kutcher has Talk Radiodom & the Usual suspects singing the dressed down stars’ praise for his “hard work…sexy (smart)…build a life” speech. Not to be cynical but what Kutcher could have said was “I got all three of those things from my parents and the Grace of God. I pray that I am blessed to pass them on to my kids. I hope you are too.” I did like the humility of owning his real name, though.

Read what happens when my Thursday discussion over egregious military/spyfare/permanent warfare spending draws the ire of a “Conservative Women” group member on Facebook who has swallowed the DeceptiCON-American Exceptionalism pill with a slug of salt petre

Rod Dreher wants to know if there is any way to saye the america “middle class” from the current Big Extinction Event we are currently mired in-the trolls at AmCoMag throw their usual quasi socialist barbs out without getting anywhere near the problem which resembles Germany, post 1944. Rod, it might be helpful to read Wilhelm Roepke’s solution to bring the German middle class back FROM extinction

Is Davis a Traitor? In Paperback, get it signed by the Editor!
Is Davis a Traitor? In Paperback, get it signed by the Editor!
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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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