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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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What Day Is It? Hump Day Pile of Prep TheKingDude
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Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of my Hump Day reading suggestions. Read along with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “And it is a truth, which the history of the ages and the common experiences of mankind have fully confirmed, that a people can never be divested of those invaluable rights and liberties which are necessary to the happiness of individuals, to the well-being of communities or to a well regulated state, but by their own negligence, imprudence, timidity or rashness. They are seldom lost, but when foolishly or tamely resigned.“ – Rev Jonas Clarke, 1765
Setting Bill Clinton Straight: Monica Lewinski tells all about the President’s affair that almost guilt tripped a country into electing the jilted wife… President
The BLM is baaa-aaaaaack and is now locked in a land grab with another rancher who DID pay his grazing fees and HAS obeyed all imperial edicts from the Land Czar. If you want to seed why Congress has no power to authorize BLM to own and manage this land see my “How Congress Snatched The Power To Own Lands”
Imaginative Conservative – Brad Birzer asks which of two “national defense” scenarios is likely to be utilized by the government and cheered on by the sheople in a prospective national defense “crisis”
The Cosmopolitan Magazine site proudly displaying the story of Emily’s videotaped execution of her baby (abortion).
Cosmo should hire this couple for their next cover spread to encourage the elderly dames to lose the walk-in-tub (thanks Joan Lunden) for the walk-on-the-wild-side on a Catholic Church lawn of all places. This country’s depravity knows no limits.
Patrick J Buchanan wants to know why only Rand Paul is willing to buck the war-hawks lust for blood and never ending war when the public is clearly not a fan of it any longer either?
View the county by county election results in NC where one of our 3 amigos, Dr. Greg Brannon, was defeated by Karl Rove, Mitt Romney endorsed Thom Tillis. This is why I so despise electoral politics today the effort required to dent the Leviathan’s death grip is so rarely rewarded. If Senator Rand Paul is watching, and he is, look for him to bolt to the DeceptiCON used tank lot for a look around to see what can be made to his liking
For the first time in 3 decades, businesses are collapsing at faster rates than they are forming & surviving 1 year. The obvious culprit [at least 1 of them] is the shakiness of the dollar and the amount of actual earned income available (vs redistributed) if The State continues to grow only those who feed at its trough can survive.
The SCOTUS cannot “allow” the small town of Greece New York to pray before their city council meetings because the Congress, the legislative branch of the Federal Government, didn’t require the council to initiate the prayer. The statement made by Justice Kagan is worthy of the juvenile understanding of the “Bill of Rights” the legal profession has exalted to a mystic, supreme station. “When the citizens of this country approach their government, they do so only as Americans, not as members of one faith or another. And that means that even in a partly legislative body, they should not confront government-sponsored worship that divides them along religious lines.” So sayeth the Prelate Kagan. Rubbish…
HoffPo misanthrope asks “Is it time to change our views of marriage, adultery?” The obvious answer is 1. Just what views are “ours” that need changing and 2. If you change “our” view of marriage, what exactly do you need the term “adultery” for? Just discard the practice as an aberration of the last 2,000 year long experiment in ruddy-duddiness and bigotry, right?
Conservatism at a crossroads? Was the movement or more accurately what Kirk called “the conservative mind” invaded by “hollow men” and ripped apart from the inside? The Imaginative Conservative explains that this did happen and what can be done to undo it
California, not satisfied with alienating most of the Christian, English speaking people of North America, finishes the job by prohibiting the sale of items emblazoned with the Rebel Flag on them
One of the signs that the end is near is the coming of the Anti-Christ and his persecution. This statue of the Satanic “Baphomet” with smiling children looking up at him adoringly, fits nicely in that story arc. Will OK be forced by the Supremes to let the statue stand next to the Ten Commandments monument (see SCOTUS Incorporation Doctrine post above)
Rep. Walter Jones, one of the few sane voices in Congress over our bellicose foreign policy, is being challenged by a Karl Rovian. Jones, infamously, voted for the Iraq War then changed his mind realizing his mistake and has been trying to undo it ever since.
Now comes word that the Rovian attack machine has fingered Jones for a tax INCREASE vote that, properly viewed, is an actual tax cut compared with the alternative
Raimondo-We are repeating the history that led to WWI with the U.S. as the revolutionary loudmouth trying to bring the Russian Tsars down and usher in the malice that became Communism. The DeceptiCONS clamoring for Putin’s head have identified the wrong enemy, AGAIN. Why are they still in power?
Reporter writes “blah blah blah” on his notepad, as a quote, while interviewing a Tea Party candidate
FINALLY: Someone else sees the Benghazi tragedy for what it really is: A result of our sick obsession with military intervention across the entire known universe
Is one of our Three Amigoes, Dr. Greg Brannon, in a Senate race that will be won by the GOP Establishment that has grown weary of tea-party types hogging up the nominating processes then losing (Christine O’Donnell, Sharon Engle, Richard Mourdock, Todd Akin et cetera)
Fairfax County, VA takes the bait ladled by some as yet unidentified big-box party hosting company and attempts to ban large gatherings at people’s HOMES. Follow the money folks, follow the money
Is Rand Paul trying to get Fox News to like him? (He invited Rupert Murdoch to his suite at the Kentucky Derby on Saturday)
Land of the FREE!? Thanks to our “war on drugs”, “war against drunk drivers” and all the other laws that allow the police state to incarcerate the largest prison population in the known universe, in the U.S. MEN are raped more often than women. (not that I condone one over the other)
If you follow this page somewhat you are keenly aware of my departure from the “Talk Radio Justice League” years ago. I could no longer preach the deadly and mythical rhetoric I learned to preach over a 15 year career by “conservatives” and especially “conservative talk-radio”. (no that is not a boast but a confession). I continue to be ecstatic about that choice and am blessed by the fellowship of those I have shared the journey with. THAT is why I lament the things Sara Palin says and does, not a quest for personal gain, a pursuit I surrendered access to on that day 7 years ago. Rod Dreher at the American Conservative Magazine, is on this path. A reader of his blog writes the following about Palin. I could not have written this better (quoted above, in part, in today’s quote of the day).
AmConMag’s Hadar: Senator Rand Paul should go on the OFFENSIVE with his foreign policy views which Hadar says will never be adopted by the DeceptiCON Right or those in between Paul and those DeceptiCONS
Snowden returns to the United States via video webcast saying the USA’s NSA spies more on Americans than it spies on Russians
AmconMag’s Rod Dreher gets the Mark Levin Show treatment, Tom Woods, Kevin gutzman & I received so gloriously on 3 occasions, here, here and here. Welcome aboard Rod, straying from the DecetiCON clique pays dividends you cannot possibly imagine, yet. Call the radio show if you want to discuss our mutual badges of honor.
Masha Gessen was right and so was I. Now PBS’s Charles Pierce suggests the NBA should oust the Devos family that owns the Orlando Magic because they, like Brendan Eich, support campaigns for pro-traditional marriage advertising
VIDEO: Per my conversation about Beyonce’s lewd and pornographic music comes this lecture on Music and Its Influence On Culture – Few will listen and share because the indictment is near universal in these United States, that doesn’t make the lecturer wrong it makes the unrepenent viewer guilty
Those who hail formerly of the Catholic Church and now of various denominations are beginning to see the problem created by these schisms as the denominational clergy, guided by various, changing interpretations of the Church’s ancien regime, clamour for solidarity on the Ten Commandments, applied to abortion. Souls are stirring in solemn reflection methinks
A good old fashioned hostile takeover? 2 days after telling CBS news that Donald Sterling’s “plantation” owning days were over and “something needs to happen…like NOW!” Oprah Winfrey is in cahoots with a group trying to buy the… wait for it… L.A. Clippers. Coincidence?
Everybody pile on! L.A. City Council, the same one that 2 years ago announced plans to defraud their “diverse” community of $1 Billion in 40 year bonds for public school “improvements (iPads)” now wants Clipper owner Sperling ousted and censored by all for-profit media in L.A., at least Sperling used his OWN money to commit his “racism”
Imbeciles: The SCOTUS ruling “against coal” isn not a “blow to coal” it is a blow to those who rely on the affordable, abundant electrical energy it helps produce. The nitwit elites at the NY Times see only solar panels and amoeba farts in WV’s future. The EPA does not own the air if even that air could be defined and controlled. Time to RETHINK THE AMERICAN UNION
Flashback: Sara Palin isn’t the only one in hot water with the One True God, Jay-Z might want to consider if those first 2 commandments were written for just white people while wearing the “bling” of pagan “5 per centers”
“The conservative ‘movement’ has failed”, so sayeth Gerald Russello at Nomocracy in Politics. Mr Russello is making the the argument that Russell Kirk made and that I have been echoing: the project to halt then convert progressives into conservatives has failed. The effort to make all facets of life, market “based” and thus subject to the state’s omnipotence has failed. When will “conservatives” realize the field is lost, the solutions are aged and well known and get about the business of implementing them?
The online home of one of my intellectual heroes, Donald Livingston – the Abbeville Institute – has republished my essay on Cliven Bundy’s very justified feud with a Federal Government that never possessed the power to own and exercise absolute dominion over lands, acquired by whatever means. This essay proves the legal case Bundy & others (Hagee) have argued is valid and in need of enforcement. thanks to Abbeville for the post.
Kevin Gutzman explains how the Electoral College was supposed to work why it didn’t work, how it was amended to work and now how New York’s Cuomo wishes to screw even that mildly defective system up. What could possible go wrong?
My complete analysis of Congress’s “land ownership” powers via the Constitution has been shared an d forwarded thousands of times this past weekend, read what all the excitement is about and learn just how illegitimate and corrupt the ownership of Western Lands has become
I post a lot of writings on this page that might not be so easy to digest, the following review of Sovereignty: God, State, and Self. By Jean Bethke Elshtain by David Gordon is worth slogging through as you will encounter my recurring theme of late: Our future lies in our past acceptance of mystery (albeit with iPads) and law subordinate to God’s Law.
Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.
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NEW, Founders Pass Feature! Today’s Pile of Prep LIVE! Audio:
What Day Is It? Hump Day Pile of Prep TheKingDude
AUDIO – Masha Gessen, lesbian-polyamorous activist, tells us that the homosexual movement’s goal is to ELIMINATE marriage, altogether
What Day Is It? Hump Day Pile of Prep TheKingDude
Are agrarian [r]epublicans making a comeback? Dr Allan C Carlson seems to think so, here are some of his RARE lectures to listen to and watch
Well whaddayouknow, the NSA programs are carried out under an Executive Order signed by President Reagan in 1981
Donald Livingston explains the path that Lincoln took to subjugate the Southern States to the Northern with all the facts of the story in place. Take an afternoon and enjoy…
How were young boys taught American History “back in the day”? Read just 1 issue of the bi-annul St Nicholas Reader and you will understand what has happened
The works of William Graham Sumner include a brilliant essay titled “The Forgotten Man” published in 1883. You can read the entire collected works under this title here, or find the abridged version with only The Forgotten Man essay in it on this site here
Why is it a bad idea to have a standing army just laying around? CATO, the 18th century Whig, read by most of the Founders, explains as an Englishmen, meaning this school of thought comes from the conservative tradition the Founders inherited and defended
When you hear your “conservative” friends yodel on endlessly about the “Liberal Media” or the corrupt “MSM” as they are convinced this is a recent event, send them here to go read Mark Twain’s speech of 1873 about the “corrupt press”
Here’s an interesting work that I recently discovered “The Crowd” by Guztave Le Bron a fascinating study of how crowds control nations and what nations become control crowds. No, it isn’t a paradox, it is the study of how inertia in public affairs is almost always missing when “change” is lusted for
Albert J Nock’s: Isaiah’s Job (from Tuesday, 4 Feb, 2014 show-Ed.), the story of how the Remant is to be kept animated and active if Man is to survive perdition (our own path to destruction)
If you haven’t read Dante’s Inferno in a while, this site has the entire work broken down by segment/chapter, character and more
Presenting George Clinton’s “Cato” letter, Number 3, sometimes referred to as AntiFederalist # 14. Cato explains why a large republic will never work and why smaller ones are preferred
This 1860 classic work details the type of manners and etiquette every young man should learn and live his life by. I just started reading the work myself and look forward to sharing much of it here and on-air. “THE GENTLEMEN’S BOOK OF ETIQUETTE, AND MANUAL OF POLITENESS”
“Our Federal Government” by Abel Upshur is an 1833 demolition of Justice Joseph Story’s fabricated history of the United States and her Constitution. WARNING: Reading this will increase your resolve to secede!
The Historical Writings of John Fiske, The American Revolution. If you are prepping for the upcoming pop quiz from my friends at Franklin’s Opus, on Valley Forge, this is a good start
The counter-argument presented by John taylor of Caroline AFTER the government’s lawyer, Wickham, presented his case for the tax. I did not include this in the Carriage Tax Pamphlet but have found it online. Begin reading on pg 423.
If you are into the whole video game virtual warfare thing you will enjoy this trailer for the next release of Call of Duty starring Kevin Spacey who gives a rousing speech on the hypocrisy of the sheople
Rod Dreher is attacked as a “phony” conservative by someone named Ed Dryden for daring to call Sara Palin’s Sacrilege what it is and for questioning the blood lust of those who cheered it so lustily. This then brings another Pharisee wannabe, a Todd Kincannon down on Dreher. Read the whole post and pay close attention to how turtler of Christians, as Our Lord endured at the hands of pagan Romans, is no laughing matter.
There is no end to the parody Sara Palin is. Using a blessed Sacrament, baptism, to make a political joke used to be called sacrilege but from the same crowd that booed Ron Paul for quoting the Golden Rule (as a guide for foreign policy) it is now a standing ovation grabber.
“Nuremberg Barbie”, Sara Palin, is panned by Will Grigg for exactly the same reasons I question her sacrilege against Christ committed to a cheering throng of NRA “conservatives”
Conor Freidersdorf wonders if the NRA attendees who thundered their approbation at Sara Palin’s sacrilege will cheer another crop of Republicans to outdo Cheney, Bush et al if there is another (heaven forfend) terrorist attack?
Here is a wonderful VISUAL representation of the Great book of Genesis from online Christian colleges
Patrick Brennan risks life and DeceptiCon career by calling out Palin for “barbarism” at National Review Online
DeceptiCONNED II: Many people are outraged that HS students were asked to say the Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic! Heresy! Maybe the real heresy is pledging “allegiance” to an entity that shouldn’t exist as the pledge describes it? “One nation, under God, Indivisible…” Well, so much for the indivisible part, (Thanks Abe) and the “Under God” line? That’s the howler of the day as this “nation” systematically executes its own (abortions) and the executes the citizens of other nations (drone attacks on “terrorist targets”). The Pledge? Just say no.
Drink wine, lots of wine, even if the FDA hasn’t approved it! You’ll live longer and be happier
Good Lord-really. A cross erected by San Diego residents to honor & memorialize their war dead is NOT a violation of the Firs Amendment unless Congress erected the thing and requires people to observe it as religious and denominational should they pass within 50 feet. THIS is why the Incorporation Doctrine is so dangerous and powerful for nationalists and further why it is folly for conservatives to embrace the doctrine in ANY form
DeceptiCONS rally against Senator Rand Paul, quoting Reagan then make statements on why the U.S must not ALLOW Iran to get a nuke as if it is our job, prerogative, raison deter to insure no one gets a nuke. You mean like the Pakistanis? The Indians? The Chinese? North Koreans? We only excel at blackmail, soft war and coercion AFTER you get the bomb.
VIDEO: Bundy bodyguard defends rancher and his right to say things Chris Cuomo doesn’t like…and the bodyguard is African-American
This results in outrageous and I would say, libelous headlines and stories like this one from “The Wire”. “A List of Cliven Bundy’s Supporters, Now That We Know He’s a Pro-Slavery Racist” – Really? You KNOW that? Do you know this:
Run a google search for the same items Bundy discussed that are being characterized as “racist” followed by a comma (,) Star Parker. Go to and read the “Look Inside” pages of the 2007 Angela McGlowan tome “Bamboozled”, the first chapter is titled “Uncle Sam Isn’t Your Baby Daddy”. Ms McGlowan is a sweetheart and just happens to be African American (I interviewed her twice in 2007). There is no difference between Bundy’s statements and McGlowan’s writing with the difference being Ms McGlowan isn’t currently fighting for her family’s future livelihood, indeed, the livelihood of many rancher families who have borne or will bear the dubious authority cited by the BLM over these “western lands”.
This writer has been working with Cliven Bundy since 1992 and says his Constitutional case is solid and Bundy is solid as well
Dr. Tim Ball reviews the ridiculous claim that population control will abate global warming which is not caused by CO2 generated by humans to begin with
The Fame of Our Fathers: What makes a famous Founder famous and why are so many, once famous, now not known at all? The answer lies partly in the fickleness of any given age and what it needs to exalt itself, the rest comes from the Founders own pursuit of Fame as I chronicled in Fame of Our Fathers. Here’s an audio sample explaining “conditores imperiorum” and you can buy the 3 CD set there
LATIN PHRASE OF THE DAY: “virtue basis vitae” – Virtue is the basis of life
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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