
What Does “Conservatism”, Conserve These Days? Conservative Porn

todayOctober 20, 2014 15

The latest "American Statesman" book from Mike Church, hailed by Professor Kevin Gutzman
The latest “American Statesman” book from Mike Church, hailed by Professor Kevin Gutzman

Mandeville, LA – “Conservatives” promote porn. “Conservative” means absolutely nothing save for a catchy name to attach to your marketing and ad campaign, exhibit 4,941,517: This ad (shown above,
click for a sharper image) appears on a very prominent “conservative” website which I will not name in the interest of believing they cannot possibly know what their ad agency is serving on the site to “conservative” readers.  Folks, modesty has no defender anywhere in media save for the audio & video sancto websites, One Peter Five and a few other Catholic blogs. You may think this is no big deal and I will reply “thanks for making my point”. Displaying in a perfunctory manner, women’s private parts, barely covered, in plain view of children is not only sinful it undermines any “good” said conservative media might do which is apparently limited to turning a profit for investors at the cost of many souls (and this site is not alone).

Of course, today’s only worry over souls is finding that elusive, blasphemy of “soul-mate”. The only two available are the ones left being called wall-flowers by the “conservative media”, the universe’s most beautiful virgin, call her Mary, ad her universe trotting son, call him Jesus.

St Padre Pio, the famous, 20th century sufferer of the Stigmata, who could tell the penitent the sins they FORGOT to confess, must be rolling in his incorruptible state. In the 1960’s, Pio had the following sign posted on the door of his church.

“By Padre Pio’s explicit wish, women must enter the confessional wearing skirts AT LEAST 8 INCHES BELOW THE KNEE. It is forbidden to borrow longer dresses in church and to wear them to confession.”

On today’s show I asked the audience how it was possible to attend a “family friendly” outdoor event only to have your ears pierced by the pornographic “singing” of Clarence “I be strokin’ ” Carter? The song was played in its unedited full-on voyeur decadence as I watched mothers and fathers go about their business singing along and tapping their feet with children in tow? My principal complaint here is not to nit-pick “people’s lifestyles” it is to mourn the loss of innocence and the commission of damning, mortal sin as a way of life. This should break all of our hearts as it does Our Lord’s. as seen in the words of his vicar (spokesman) Pope Pius XII, who in 1954 saw this coming and wept, writing.

“Now many girls do not see anything wrong with following certain shameless styles (fashions) like so many sheep. They would surely blush if they could only guess the impressions they make and the feelings they evoke (arouse) in those who see them… 0 Christian mothers, if only you knew the future of distress and peril, of shame ill-restrained, that you prepare for your sons and daughters in imprudently accustoming them to live hardly clothed and in making them lose the sense of modesty, you should be ashamed of yourselves and of the harm done the little ones whom heaven entrusted to your care, to be reared in Christian dignity and culture.

So Christian mothers & fathers, doll your daughters up with skin tight bikini bottoms  and iPods cranking Clarence Carter, surf on over to your favorite “conservative” website and tell the slimy “liberals” down the street THEY’RE the ones sending America to Hades. This will gain you a whale of a good time with your kids experiencing the fruits of Victoria’s NOT SO Secret, Exhibitionism! Promoted by the home team in the “War on Women[‘s souls]” World Series.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. Chuck on October 25, 2014

    Midder Church

    Can you recommend, “Convention of States as project of Citizens For Self Government” as a credible site to support and work toward an article 5 convention.

  2. Debbie O'Nan on October 21, 2014

    Mr. Church, Thank you for what you do. It’s hard to do the right thing and you do it daily. May God bless you. It”s refreshing to hear the truth referenced on a media forum. Sincerely, Debbie O’Nan.

    • TheKingDude on October 21, 2014

      Debbie, I am due no thanks, for it is He who is the author of all things that guides my voice and heart. For my part, I only seek Truth and do my best to honor and promote it.

  3. Darlene Smith on October 21, 2014

    Took God out of schools; no longer teaching morals and virtues; family unit tanks; Sunday church is no longer a common event; giving birth / children = a government check; sex is not a precious event… nor is death, anymore… just guessing…

    But is started in my generation. I saw it. Never knew enough about the culture and society to speak on it.
    Now I know a lot about it and won’t be quite!!!
