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todayJune 26, 2015 7


Honor Thy Father And Mother

Mike Church's own blend, hand rolled in the U.S.
Mike Church’s own blend, hand rolled in the U.S.

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“I wouldn’t single it out and just ascribe it to whoopings.  There’s actions that happen before the whooping and actions that happen after the whooping that make the whooping make sense.  A whooping without an explanation is a whooping that has been wasted, I think.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Michael in Florida is next up on The Mike Church Show on Father’s Day Weekend Extravaganza.  Hello, Michael.  How you doing?

Caller Michael:  I’m doing just fine.  How you doing?  First-time caller.

Mike:  Nice to hear from you.

Caller Michael:  I’d just like to make a comment about being a dad.  The problem I think we’re having is the states and the government in itself has taken the power of the parent out of the home.  You look at past generations.  How many mass shootings did you hear about kids doing?  None.  Why?  Because parents at the house were spanking their kids when they’re supposed to be spanking them, and raising them the supposed they were supposed to be raising them.  Nowadays, kids, they can call the state, they can call the police and say: Hey, my dad beat me.  My mom beat me.  Now the parents are in jail.  They just take all that power away.  It used to be if you were acting up, you get whooped, whether you’re in the middle of the store or whether you’re at home.  I think that’s a lot of the problem that we’re having with these kids nowadays.

Mike:  I wouldn’t single it out and just ascribe it to whoopings.  There’s actions that happen before the whooping and actions that happen after the whooping that make the whooping make sense.  A whooping without an explanation is a whooping that has been wasted, I think.  I wouldn’t just blame it all on the – I hear what you’re saying, though, about the lack of discipline.  The State certainly has inserted itself.  Let’s just think about this theologically speaking for a moment.  I know we’re never supposed to get into theology.  [mocking] “You keep your religion out of my radio show.”  Well, it’s not your radio show, it’s mine, so I’m going to inject it.  Michael, you know what the First Commandment is, right?

Caller Michael:  Honor thy father and mother.

Mike:  That’s commandment number two or four.  I get the order messed up.  I need to keep a copy of them here.  The commandment that says “Honor thy Father and thy Mother,” in honoring thy father and mother, the simple beauty of Almighty God handing that commandment down to Moses, or putting it on the stone tablets so that Moses can hand it to the Israelites and to us as part of eternal law and transcendent law, the beauty of that simple statement is quite possibly the most beautiful statement of all of history, save for the things we can pick out that our Lord said during his public ministering.  Just think about that, “Honor thy Father and Mother.”  The father and the mother have to cooperate with one another and then with Almighty God to make the child.  This is beautiful.  The child then has to cooperate with this act and then must honor the father and the mother.  This is so perfect of a system, it cannot have happened by accident, Michael.

Caller Michael:  I think the previous generations, you didn’t hear about all this stuff just because the kids did honor their mother and father.  When my dad would spank me, he’d spank me and then he’d ask me: Do you know why I did that?  I’d honestly have to say: Yeah, because I did this or that.  As long as I had a good understanding of what I did, I never did it again.  Like you said, it’s important to – spare the rod and spoil the child as my dad would say.  As long as there’s a good explanation on why, then you did the right thing.  If you’re in the middle of Wal-Mart nowadays and do so much as even slap your child’s hand or spank them on the butt, you’ve got parents calling the police right then and there claiming you were abusing your child.

Mike:  At that point in time they’re not parents, they’re apostates.  They’re actually trying to encourage you or anyone else to thus disobey the eternal, transcendent word.  I can also walk you through this and why this matters in another sense.  In philosophia perennis, which I hope many of you will consider studying, other than the 68 that signed up for the group.  David Simpson and I were talking about this the other day.  You can catch up anytime you want and join the philosophia perennis Tuesday night lecture and chat room with David Simpson, Brother Andre Marie, and myself.  Of course, what precedes our chat is we play that week’s lecture from Brother Francis.

One of the things we learn is, we know the cardinal virtues, the theological virtues, and then there are what are called the gifts of the paraclete, the gifts of the Holy Ghost.  There are seven of them.  The paramount gift that a human soul can receive – when you talk about discipline or corporal punishment or whatever it is you wish to call it, think of it in this term.  The most powerful of all the seven gifts that the paraclete can grant to a soul is fear and trembling of Almighty God.  That is the most powerful one.  All the philosophers from St. Thomas on down all say that that is – of course, the apostolic vision says it is – the gift of all gifts, to have the gift that you fear and tremble with fear of Almighty God.

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Here in the mortal, corporeal world, this is transferred as the father – when you say the Pater Noster, if you’re Catholic you say it in Latin, “Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur Nomen tuum.”  If you say the Pater Noster, you’re saying it to the Father, Almighty God.  You’re repeating this.  You are the representative on Earth of the Father, as the father in your house.  The fear and trembling that you have of Almighty God is the fear and trembling that you put into your children.  You can say it is fear and trembling of you because that’s what the child, as they grow, will associate it with.  Ultimately you are teaching them the fear and trembling that they must have of the Almighty and of his wrath, which he is capable of, and of his anger, which he certainly is capable of.  That’s the point of the discipline.  Again, this all comes from the creation but also from the eternal law handed to Moses on the mountain.  It’s so simple and so beautiful a system.  As I said, it had to have been created.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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