Daily Clip

What Secede Means e.g.: The United States Should SECEDE From Afghanistan

todayMay 3, 2012 26

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    What Secede Means e.g.: The United States Should SECEDE From Afghanistan ClintStroman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Audio & Transcript – Today’s vocabulary word of the day is: Secede. It’s from the Latin word “secedere” and means to withdraw, which is what Obama and the United States should be doing in Afghanistan. But we’re not allowed to used the word s-word anymore because Lincoln supposedly abolished it. But in the 1800’s secede was actually a word that was used quite often: “I’m going to secede to the bathroom” or “time to secede to the living room”, and now it is a word that is looked upon with disgust by many from both the right and the left even though every day you “secede” and don’t even realize it. Check out the audio clip and transcript for more…

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    What Secede Means e.g.: The United States Should SECEDE From Afghanistan ClintStroman


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I have vocabulary for you people today.  How many of you know where the word “secede” comes from?  Young Eric, do you know where the word secede comes from?  Do you know the etymology of the word secede?

Eric White:  I do not.

Mike:  The word secede is from the Latin secedere.  Anytime you see an “ere” at the end of a Latin word, it usually means to do something.  In other words, it means to+verb.  Secedere means to withdraw, basically.  We’re not allowed to use the secede word anymore because Lincoln abolished it, we’re told.  Well, screw you and Lincoln.  You could say, when we take our next commercial timeout, that you’re going to secede to the bathroom, you’re going to secede to the coffee room.  I could say I’m going to secede to the lobby.  Let’s just say that we are demanding that the general government secede from Afghanistan, that is to withdraw.  Remember, the Latin word secedere means to withdraw.

So when you secede from the union, as seven states did in 1861, you withdraw from the union.  Secede was actually a word that was used often.  As I said, in coming and going, you would secede from one room or from one place to the other.  So that’s your word of the day.  As a matter of fact, that should be the hashtag of the day.  Twitter.com/TheKingDude, #secede or #secedere and then use it in a sentence.  “The United States should secede from Afghanistan,” that means to withdraw.  I’m going to use secede all day long.  Anytime anybody calls about Afghanistan, I’m going to demand or insist that we secede.

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Here’s another word.  Let’s read the poll again: Do you approve or disapprove of the U.S. withdrawing military troops in Afghanistan?  Seventy-eight percent give their approbation; sixteen percent give their disapprobation.  That’s how a founding father, a [r]epublican would have said it back in the 18th Century, “I gave my approbation to the effort” or “I loudly voice my disapprobation to what they were trying to do.”

Let’s start at the top with Obama.  Remember, he flew to Afghanistan and he parachuted in for a big public relations event, primetime television address.  How many networks carried this?  Do we know?  I did not have the television on last night.  I rarely watch television in the evening.

Eric:  Stanley Cup Playoffs are on.

Mike:  Did they intervene?  Did the President interrupt the Stanley Cup Playoffs?

Eric:  No.

Mike:  Good.  So most people haven’t heard this.  Your tender virgin ears are about to be abused.  Here’s dear leader Obama live at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan.  By the way, how many of you would like to secede from Afghanistan?

[start audio clip]

President Obama:  The United States did not come here to claim resources or territory.  We came with a very clear mission.  We came to destroy al-Qaeda and we have enormous respect for Afghan sovereignty and the dignity of the Afghan people.  Together we’re now committed to replacing war with peace and pursuing a more hopeful future as equal partners.  To borrow words from this agreement, we are committed to seeking a future of justice, peace, security and opportunity.  I am confident that although our challenges are not behind us, that the future before us is better.

[end audio clip]

Mike:  I love the enormous respect for the sovereignty of Afghanistan.  You mean the country we invaded and have occupied now, significant parts of, for the last decade?  That’s showing them how we respect and admire sovereignty, isn’t it?  There’s no better way to respect and admire another country’s sovereignty than to invade their borders and occupy their lands.  I still don’t know what the mission is.  Did you hear a mission?  I didn’t hear a mission.  Let’s try number two, Bagram Air Force Base, dear leader Mahatmabama explaining why we must stay in Afghanistan for yet another — no, the agreement that he signed with Hamid Karzai to not secede from Afghanistan — remember, your Latin word of the day is secedere.  The English version is secede, that means to withdraw.  Some of us are asking, demanding a withdrawal, a secession, a secedere from Afghanistan.

[start audio clip]

President Obama:  The agreement we signed today sends a clear message to the Afghan people.  As you stand up, you will not stand alone.  It establishes the basis for our cooperation over the next decade, including shared commitments to combat terrorism and strengthen democratic institutions.  It supports Afghan efforts to advance development and dignity for their people.  It includes Afghan commitments to transparency and accountability . . .

[end audio clip]

Mike:  Stop the digital media file!  Wait a minute.  What is this dignity of the Afghanistan people?  They live in huts.  Have you seen where these people live?  It’s dignified if you’re an Afghani just to have mud over your head.  It’s not a roof.  It’s a half thatch over your head.  So now it’s not about al-Qaeda, it’s not about terrorists, it’s about saving the dignity of the Afghani people.  Why didn’t you say so?  I have an idea Mr. President, instead of sending troops to Afghanistan, why don’t we send Tony Robbins?  I’m making myself laugh with that one.  Why don’t we send Tony Robbins over there?  He instills dignity and self-confidence in everyone he meets with, doesn’t he?  I suppose in the next digital media file we’re going to hear about how we have to stay there so we can invest in Afghanistan infrastructure to the tune of another, I don’t know, $200, $300 billion.  Who’s counting?  You can play that one over again.  I’m going to try to not interrupt.

[start audio clip]

President Obama:  The agreement we signed today sends a clear message to the Afghan people.  As you stand up, you will not stand alone.  It establishes the basis for our cooperation over the next decade, including shared commitments to combat terrorism and strengthen democratic institutions.  It supports Afghan efforts to advance development and dignity for their people.  It includes Afghan commitments to transparency and accountability and to protect the human rights of all Afghans, men and women, boys and girls.

[end audio clip]

Mike:  We’re protecting the human rights and dignity of men and women, boys and girls.  Are we going to send Kathleen Sebelius over there to make sure that Afghani women are getting their constitutionally-guaranteed free birth control pills?  Dignity and human rights?  I thought this was all about fighting terrorism.  Oh, that’s right, I forgot.  The Navy is the global force for good.  I guess the Army is practicing for its television run as the global land force for good.  Again, answer the question.  Why?  Why, Mr. President?

For those of you that are still recovering neocons and decepticons and haven’t come around to taking eight solid weeks of daily doses of the founding fathers red pill by listening to this show, regaining your critical thinking skills, learning what it means to actually self-govern, to govern yourself.  For those of you that haven’t come around to this and are still jubilant in celebrating empire, as in American empire and our conquests and invasions and occupations and meddling in everyone else’s affairs overseas and what have you, there is a question that I would like to pose to you.  I’m going to ask the Romney campaign the same question.  Whoever it is that’s running the Romney campaign, answer this.

If 80 percent of the American sheeple are saying they want out of Afghanistan now and that number is increasing, why is it not prudent for the Republican Party’s nominee to change course, to recognize what it is that the people that elect the representatives, who are supposed to be the ones that declare the wars, why is it not prudent to acknowledge their disapprobation and immediately start campaigning to secede from Afghanistan?

End Mike Church Show Transcript 

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Written by: ClintStroman

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