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Lucas Stoudt on January 14, 2013 As always, very well said Mr. Church. I love listening to the insightful wisdom that you provide during my morning commute. Below, you will find the response I typed and sent to the White House in response to their response on the secession petitons. In Response to the Secession Petitions’ Response: It was wrote that “they did not provide a right to walk away from it.” I would suggest that the administration read about the convention that created the Constitution and the ratification debates from the States. The Constitution was not written to provide citizens with rights, it was written to limit the powers of the federal government. The Bill of Rights was added by the first congress due to the fears of the States that the new federal government would overstep their powers. It simply clarifies and specifies things that the federal government should not have control over. The greatest one of those initial 12 amendments, only 10 of which were finally ratified and came to be known as the Bill of Rights, was the 10th Amendment. In layman’s terms, it states that any power not specifically mentioned in the Constitution is left to the States or the people. It covered the States in case they left anything out. Nowhere in the Constitution is secession mentioned, therefore the 10th Amendment applies and the power is reserved to the States. Finally, one simply needs to look at the words of George Mason, Thomas Jefferson, Noah Webster, or any number of men that wrote of the need and importance of what came to be the 2nd Amendment to understand secession. Our founders included the 2nd Amendment to ensure that the people had a way to stand up to the government if it ever became tyrannical like they felt the British had become. Why would our founders insist the people have the power to stand up to tyranny from within if they also didn’t think the people had the power to walk away from the tyranny? In other words, secede, just as our fledgling country seceded from the rule of the British. Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War did nothing to alter the meaning of the Constitution. The words of our founding fathers mean the same today as they did at the time they were spoken and written. The outcome of the Civil War proved nothing other than that the northern states had a stronger army than the South. The right of a State to seced has always been around and always will be. I can only surmise from your response that the next time a State attempts to peaceably secede you will respond with force, as did Lincoln, in an attempt to stomp out any attempt of the people to secure true freedom and liberty. Respectfully, Lucas Stoudt Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on January 15, 2013 Nice job Lucas, you have all your facts in the proper order and context thereby guaranteeing they shall be ignored and placed where all common sense and legal protestations against Leviathan are tossed these days: In the hands of the NDAA. you are being watched! Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757