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Who Are These Elites That Consume and Rule Us?

todayAugust 23, 2012 12


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Audio and Transcript – A lot of these people exist under the umbrella of this thing called non-profits.  There are other designations.  There are some non-profits that actually are non-profits.  You hear them talked about as non-partisan and this and that and the other.  Ladies and gentlemen, they’re all in on it.  They’re all in on it.  I sit here on a daily basis and I watch what they serve up on CSPAN and CSPAN2 when Congress is not in session.  I just marvel.  I’m like how in the world are all these people necessary to our existence here?  Our elites, they never solve a problem.  Check out the rest in today’s audio and transcript…

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    Who Are These Elites That Consume and Rule Us? ClintStroman


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I want to ask you a question.  In order to explore this fully together and maybe to arrive at some decisions or some enlightenment, and then possibly to arrive at some what to do about it, I’d like to ask you a question.  This is going to require that you have actually watched television or have watched internet video feeds of certain events over the course of the last two, three, maybe five years.  Let me ask you a question.  Who do you think pays Dee Dee Myers?  Who do you think pays John Podesta?  I’ll get to who these people are in just a moment.  Who do you think pays John Bolton?  Who do you think pays Bob Livingston?  Who do you think pays Newt Gingrich?  Who do you think pays Rick Santorum?  Who do you think pays, and the list could go on ad nauseam here.

All of these people that seemingly have never gotten a grain of dirt underneath a fingernail, and seemingly have never created one solitary dime of private sector productivity, that seemingly have never physically worked, as we would call it, a day in their lives, yet they’re wealthy beyond our wildest imaginations.  These people aren’t thousandaires.  These people are multi-millionaires.  For what?  What do they do?  What is it that they produce other than human misery and suffering?  If you can answer that question, then you can answer why we can’t deal and we’re not going to deal with the budget deficit or the national debt until it all comes crashing on our heads.  Guess what?  Barring a French Revolution, those people will be protected from the crimes that they have committed.  Some of them not crimes meaning felonies, but crimes against decorum, shall we say.

Who do you think pays these people?  How is it that someone that produces absolutely nothing other than jabber, like I do, on a radio or television airwave, on a website, how is it that they could possibly — this is the worst part: they boast and brag that they work for non-profits, so we know there are no profits to distribute to pay them.  So who pays them?  How is it possible that they could become millionaires, not only become millionaires, stay millionaires, become even more wealthy?  How is that possible?

It is possible because of the scheme of wealth transfer.  It is possible because of what we call corporatism.  It is all made possible because we have somehow become convinced that without our elites cranking out their recommendations, without our elites meeting on CSPAN meetings discussing the greatest issues of our day, although they never seem to solve anything.  There’s no solution ever presented that ever worked that ever prevented the same discussion from happening in the next election cycle.  Name one, just one.  Give me one.  How in dude’s holy name is this possible?  Ladies and gentlemen, we have an army.  We have been besieged and we didn’t even know it, not a shot was fired, by an army of self-appointed and now enshrined and consecrated by government policy experts, elites, bureaucrats, quasi-aristocrats.  The people that I described, that’s what they are.  What do they do?

Let me see if I understand this.  We have a mammoth, out-of-control federal and state leviathan government.  We have wealth transfer that no one can even keep track of, there are so many zeros at the end of the paychecks or deficits or spending necessary to keep it up.  It’s never enough.  There’s never enough distributed by our expert elites, whether they’re in Washington, DC, where most of them are, that’s the cancer center, or whether they’re in Philadelphia, New York, L.A., Denver, Colorado or wherever it is that these people meet.  Think about that for just a moment.  How is that level of wealth accumulation — they work for non-profits.  Take a visit to their houses and see if it looks like they work for a non-profit.  See if it looks like they work for the Salvation Army.

My point is that just as John Taylor of Caroline predicted in his phenomenal book — you have to read this book.  It’s hard to read because he writes in 18th century prose, but read it.  Get yourself a copy of Tyranny Unmasked.  This was all predicted as a result of the creation of the central government and the direction it took under the guidance of Hamilton and the Washington administration in the early days of the republic.  There were men 200 years ago that could see this coming.  As a matter of fact, Taylor released Tyranny Unmasked in 1812, so it’s been exactly 200 years.

They could see this coming, that men that would attain government power would accrue to themselves power and wealth, and they would use the power of government to ensure that it never went away.  They would assist in the creation of vast agencies and vast enterprises.  They didn’t even have the word bureaucracy back then.  To my knowledge, it didn’t even exist.  They would create these vast enterprises, thieving, conniving enterprises, that under the disguise, “We’re just here to do these things on behalf of the American people.  Under this disguise, they would prosper and grow.  Are they entirely responsible for all of the debt?  No.

You just have to wonder, ladies and gentlemen.  If you really want to talk about why there are increases in wealth and why it seems like the little guy is falling farther behind, it is because the elite is consuming more, because government is making it possible to consume more.  When Congress decides that it’s going to regulate sulphur dioxide or something stupid like that, something that naturally occurs, say helium, when they decide they’re going to regulate it, they don’t just pass a law and then write a bunch of regulations.  During the study period, they hire people to study these things.  Then during that study period, those people that got hired to study things, they hire other people to study things.  There wasn’t a problem to start with, or it’s debatable whether or not there was a problem that government needed to solve.  In transferring the problem to government, you had to transfer then the responsibility of figuring out how to solve the problem, which they never seem to do, to government.  What will government do?  It’s going to go out there and hire people.  Same thing with social policy.

A lot of these people exist under the umbrella of this thing called non-profits, 501(c)3, 501(c)4.  There are other designations.  There are some non-profits that actually are non-profits.  You hear them talked about as non-partisan and this and that and the other.  Ladies and gentlemen, they’re all in on it.  They’re all in on it.  I sit here on a daily basis and I watch what they serve up on CSPAN and CSPAN2 when Congress is not in session.  I just marvel.  I’m like how in the world are all these people necessary to our existence here?  Our elites, they never solve a problem.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: ClintStroman

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