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Why Do Libertarians Think The Federal Monster Is WORTHY of Repair?

todayDecember 2, 2014 5

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    Why Do Libertarians Think The Federal Monster Is WORTHY of Repair? TheKingDude

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The newly available, Founding Father Films, Audio CD-Trilogy Set. Over 9 hours of American History, Family Friendly entertainment at one low price.

Mandeville, LA – “Okay, so we have this emerging libertarian strain, small-government strain, pro-Constitution strain, whatever you wish to call it.  We have this strain here and it’s growing.  It’s not showing up in the polls.  We’ve been hearing this since Barry Goldwater, that it’s not showing up in the polls.  As a matter of fact, it didn’t show up in the polls for Barry Goldwater back in 1964.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….”

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    Why Do Libertarians Think The Federal Monster Is WORTHY of Repair? TheKingDude

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    Why Do Libertarians Think The Federal Monster Is WORTHY of Repair? TheKingDude


Begin Mike Church Show Exclusive Transcript & Clip of The Day

Mike:  Doug in New Hampshire, you’re next up on the Mike Church Show on the Sirius XM Patriot Channel.

Caller Doug:  Unfortunately, like you said, the math is that you end up getting — when you choose between the lesser of two evils, you still get evil.  That’s the unfortunate part of it.  We’re fighting a battle to try and show the establishment GOP that you can’t keep shoving these candidates down our throats, that we’re going to have better candidates.  We did it in the statehouse.  We got 86 good reps elected.  You have to fight your battles where you can.

Mike:  A couple of things that you said give me some fertile discussion points.  Number one, if the politics and electoral processes of the Granite States are as you described them and are growing in the manner in which you described them, and there are things similar to what you describe happening in some other states, again, it sounds to me like: Okay, so we have this emerging libertarian strain, small-government strain, pro-Constitution strain, whatever you wish to call it.  We have this strain here and it’s growing.  It’s not showing up in the polls.  We’ve been hearing this since Barry Goldwater, that it’s not showing up in the polls.  As a matter of fact, it didn’t show up in the polls for Barry Goldwater back in 1964. 

That being the case, if this is occurring, what puzzles me about this — I just wish someone would attempt, other than me, to try and answer this question.  If what you’re describing is that vibrant and that glowing and burning of a movement, then why aren’t there secessionists and secession movements, or even a reconsideration of the current structure of the federal union, which isn’t usually a union at all, especially when it’s done at the end of the point of a gun?  Why isn’t that a part of the discussion?  To me it doesn’t matter — unless you really believe that in the heavily-subsidized US you’re actually going to be able to send 267 — that’s the amount needed to override a presidential veto — Ron Pauls or Justin Amashs or Thomas Masseys to Congress — if you do believe that, and you think that’s possible under the current rules and under the current manner of selecting candidates, how are you going to get there?  You can believe it all you want.  This isn’t an act of faith here.  This is an act of government.  We’re talking practical things here.  We’re not talking matters of the supernatural.  We’re not talking about whether or not Christ is going to come again.  We’re talking about who’s going to win an election, contrasting a supernatural event from a natural event.

If you’re able to do these things in New Hampshire, what do you need the feds for?  This is what just boggles my mind.  My friends in Virginia and all hoop-de-doo and all riled up about the same Libertarians, what do you need the Feds for?  I don’t understand why we are attached, Douglas, to the federal government.  I’m not attached to it.  I could give a rat’s furry behind.  As a matter of fact, I think I’d be better off without it.  Why are the same people that you just described, why are they so attached to the idea of continuing this sick, twisted union that we’re in?  With all the things, the monstrosities that go along with it, why?  We know what it’s going to do.  Regardless if you rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic, we know what it’s going to do.  We know it’s going to continue to grow.  We know that there’s no return to a gold standard around the corner or any of those things, and if it does happen, it’ll be because a St. Paul of Tarsus was elected president.

Why don’t we go down the other road?  All the discussions that I hear here on this show and other shows, or most of them, all have to do with the endgame and the prize at the end.  Let’s go with what’s behind door #2!  The prize at the end of the day is fixing the federal leviathan.  Ladies and gentlemen, we have already demonstrated that the federal leviathan is not reparable, it isn’t.  Get over it.  Yet I might know eleven people on Earth that have actually been done with it and gotten over it, Bill Kauffman being one of them.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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