
Why Don’t Principled People Swear Off Government Wealth Redistribution Through Their Work?

todayJanuary 10, 2014 5


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Our morality and our twisted sense of morals allow the beast.  It allows leviathan to do exactly what it is doing today.  You’re not going to find very many people that have the moral turpitude to say: I’m walking away because I can no longer in good conscience accept another dime knowing the money that’s being transferred and laundered through the government to the company that I work for is ultimately going to have to be paid back by my grandchildren, is going to have to be paid back with interest. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  James in West Virginia, hello, James.  How you doing?

Caller James:  I’m good, Mike.  How you doing?

Mike:  I’m well, sir, thank you.

Caller James:  I’m just wondering, out of curiosity, if every American that works and pays taxes cuts out the taxes, stops paying them, what could they possibly do, throw everybody in jail?

Mike:  No, they’d only have to throw a couple people in jail and hang them by their toenails to scare the bejesus out of the rest of the people back into compliance.

Caller James:  I gotcha.  I’m one of those people.  I stopped paying taxes.  I know they’re going to come after me, but I really don’t care.  I don’t have nothing in my name.  They can throw me in jail.  I’m just so sick of the government.

Mike:  Most people are sick of government.  Unless you work in it or you’re a government contractor, then you’re flying high on the hog.  Unless you’re Archer Daniels Midland or Boeing or you work for Boeing or you work for Raytheon or you work for Martin Marietta or you work for Morton-Thiokol or you work for Del-Monte or you work for the Wyeth Corporation or whoever it is that’s got their hands in the cookie jar, and almost all of them do these days, they’re not sick of it.

Caller James:  No.  I’ve got friends that work for the government.  They used to be in the military or whatever and now they work subcontracting through them.  I think they really get ticked off when I start harping on them, how the government just wastes money.  They agree but they keep on working for them.

Mike:  Let’s just say, for example, that you believe that there is this document called the U.S. Constitution that was passed once upon a time, James, or was ratified.

Caller James:  I firmly believe it.

Mike:  That’s a good article of faith.  Let’s say you also believe when it was ratified it was a nomocratic instrument, meaning it had very, very limited powers and it could only act upon those very, very limited powers.  Let’s say further you love running around and going to Tea Party meetings and haranguing your friends about how the government was only supposed to do X, Y and Z but it was doing A through Z times 50.  Then it threw in the Roman alphabet and Greek alphabet.  They were all unconstitutional.  If they’re unconstitutional, they ought to be — let’s do the next word.  If they’re unconstitutional, then they ought to be illegal.

Caller James:  Yes.

Mike:  Hang on, now.  Here’s where it gets really interesting.  Your friend, who believes in this Constitution, loves to carry it around in his pocket, quotes it to people has a job whereby he or she is paid and they are in the pay of a business or a quasi-business that is executing one of these unconstitutional and therefore illegal activities.  Now, if you’re a man or woman of principle, shouldn’t you walk away from that and say I’m not going to do that?  Or — and here’s the comeback that I get all the time — [mocking] “If I don’t do it, someone else will.”  Well, you’re right.  If you’re in the candy store and the shop owner turns his back and you have a chance to steal and there are three other people standing next to you, if you don’t steal, the other two are, right?  You should just go ahead and steal.

Our morality and our twisted sense of morals allow the beast.  It allows leviathan to do exactly what it is doing today.  You’re not going to find very many people that have the moral turpitude to say: I’m walking away because I can no longer in good conscience accept another dime knowing the money that’s being transferred and laundered through the government to the company that I work for is ultimately going to have to be paid back by my grandchildren, is going to have to be paid back with interest.  Or they may have to pay it back with some form of involuntary servitude, or whatever the case may be.  Wouldn’t good men and women of principle, wouldn’t they turn their backs on those illicit endeavors?

Caller James:  You would think.

Mike:  No, you wouldn’t think because people, again, are lazy, just like they’re not going to go to republican town hall meetings and say: Look, we’re taking all power back, not only from the Feds but from the state.  Try and come in here.  You’ll have to arrest the whole damn town.  No, we’re not paying your taxes, either.  Where’s the civil disobedience?  Where’s the commercial disobedience to say: No, I refuse to participate in this any longer?

Caller James:  It’s not there.

Mike:  Then we should stop whining and complaining about the government because all of us have friends and family members that are on the teat, all of us.  Every one of us knows somebody or is related to someone that is currently participating in what I just described.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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