Gentleman's Corner

Why I Closed My Twitter Account

todayDecember 11, 2014 8


Mandeville, LA – It is official, I have permanently deactivated my Twitter account @TheKingDude. The consumption of time in composing 130 character, petty jousts for ego supremacy are no way to develop intelligent conversations, cultivate lasting, true friendships or conduct any meaningful “debate”. It is difficult enough to explain some of today’s issues using 40 minutes of non-stop air-time. Nothing substantive or productive can come from what amounts to 1/200th of that time constantly interrupted by the petty competition for “the last word” and the “aha” moment that demolishes someone’s career, built through the study and use of a tweet length x 1,000,000’s worth of words and assembled thought.

To place your career, decades in the making, in the hands of pseudonym using assassins is not only unproductive, it’s stupid.

But don’t worry,  your well researched & documented, heart poured out, blood, sweat and tear inspired work can be savaged in the time it took to type this sentence. No thanks. Twitter is emblematic of the new media mindset: if you can communicate in cliches or acronym sentences your “opinion” of someone ELSE’S work, that has twitter value. There is no need to perform any work of your own beyond launching a google search and condensing one of the top 3 returns into your “tweet”.

Thanks to all who “followed” that feed, I can always be reached, long-form, right here.

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. Joe V. on December 13, 2014

    When I signed up for Twitter three years ago you were the first person I followed Mike. As it is, in those three years I have exactly 33 tweets. I do use it to find articles/stories etc… I can’t find in the mainstream media, and for that I find it useful. Other than that though, I agree completely. I proudly have no Facebook account!

  2. Wil Shrader Jr. on December 12, 2014

    I applaud you for abandoning this poisonous scourge of communications. I abandoned and boycotted social media several years ago. Shall you eventually also shed the chains of Facebook?
