insert_link Gentleman's Corner Barbecue, Hogs For The Cause, And Mike’s Southern Cooking For Needy Families todayJune 1, 2021 29
insert_link Gentleman's Corner Yes, There IS Radio Life AFTER Satellite Radio, And I Am Not Only The President But Also an Example! todayJune 19, 2020 7
Joe V. on December 13, 2014 When I signed up for Twitter three years ago you were the first person I followed Mike. As it is, in those three years I have exactly 33 tweets. I do use it to find articles/stories etc… I can’t find in the mainstream media, and for that I find it useful. Other than that though, I agree completely. I proudly have no Facebook account! Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on December 13, 2014 Pepper, why? We can converse all you like, right here. Log in to Reply
Wil Shrader Jr. on December 12, 2014 I applaud you for abandoning this poisonous scourge of communications. I abandoned and boycotted social media several years ago. Shall you eventually also shed the chains of Facebook? Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1809