
Why Is Immigration Such A Problem In The US?

todayJune 13, 2014 17


States Must Protect Their Own Borders

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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – “So I contend that the State of Texas or the State of California or the State of Arizona has just as much if not more right to protect their own borders and stop some of this madness as anyone else does.  You don’t have to get a permission slip from the federales to assert your own sovereignty and practice the oldest art in the book when it comes to these matters, which is the art of self-defense.  It seems as though people have been brainwashed into believing the opposite is true.  That’s at least part of the problem.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  So I contend that the State of Texas or the State of California or the State of Arizona has just as much if not more right to protect their own borders and stop some of this madness as anyone else does.  You don’t have to get a permission slip from the federales to assert your own sovereignty and practice the oldest art in the book when it comes to these matters, which is the art of self-defense.  It seems as though people have been brainwashed into believing the opposite is true.  That’s at least part of the problem.  Why don’t we start with the basics?  What is a border?  Why do we have them?

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Whose job is it to protect said border?  I think that the practical, pragmatic thing to do is to arrive back at the same conclusion that used to be arrived at and relied upon, and that is that each individual state will protect its own borders until a situation arises that makes it impossible for them to do so.  It’s pretty simple stuff here.

These people that are talking about granting amnesty to 12, 13, 14, some people say up to 22 million of illegal immigrants, for what purpose?  In other words, you wish to legalize the illegality.  So the illegality now is not illegal any longer; it’s now legal.  And you think that’s going to address the problem?  Remember, on Thursday’s show I played you the clip from the news.  When this came up in 2004 and 2005 and we talked about it — and this was a huge issue then — one of the news networks had put this package piece together, and I played it the other day, of Ronald Reagan actually signing the 1986 amnesty bill and saying this is the last time this is going to happen.  [mocking] “America is fixing its borders.”  Well, apparently they weren’t fixed.

This is a huge problem that is not going to go away.  What’s amazing to me is it seems as though that has been the — that is almost like our resort for almost everything.  Just kick the can down the road.  Just sweep it under the rug.  Lift the rug up and sweep it under there.  Nobody’s going to see it.  Either that or just kind of pile it up and open a closet door and stick it in the closet.  Yeah, I know the stuff is piled up eight feet tall in the closet.  We can still cram a little more in there.  That’s the problem with everything, debt, deficit, you name it.  Government never seems to run out of energy to do much of anything.  We have all these stories here today with all these horrors that are going on with illegal immigrants and the lack of border control and border integrity.  The first thing they say is: We don’t have the money for that.  Maybe we should take some of the money that the FDA is going to try to squander later on this year and get into the business of regulating hand-rolled cigars.  That’s another story in today’s Pile of Prep.  Even though this one has been around since April, the 90-day period is about to expire.

Listen to this and I’ll come back to immigration.  I just want to touch on this real quick.  The FDA wants Times_That_Try_Mens_Souls_3_quarter_viewto claim that it can regulate hand-rolled cigars like my El Rey Dude corona cigars.  It is going to attempt to do so by declaring that a premium cigar is only a premium cigar if it costs ten dollars or more.  That’s probably ten percent of the cigar market.  How in the world does the FDA gain the power to basically set prices?  That’s what they’re ultimately going to wind up doing.  What’s the point?  The point is that someone — gee, I wonder who — is trying to encourage the Food and Drug Administration to basically declare almost all cigars in the same vein as a cigarette.  If you’re not a premium, ten bucks or more, then you’re a cigarette.  Then they get treated just like a cigarette.  You can tax it the same way and regulate it the same way.  Then the advertising is treated the same way.  Again, gee, I wonder who would benefit from doing that?  They seem to have money to throw around to do ridiculous things like that.  Basic things that are actually necessary for a government to do, which would be, again, identify and then secure borders.  We can’t even rely on that to happen.

Two more stories and then we’ll get into some meat and taters here.  I’m going to tell you this one and people aren’t going to believe this but it’s true.  This woman was driving her car.  She had left her four-year-old preschool graduation ceremony and had driven her car to the grocery store after the graduation ceremony.  She was on her way home with a four- and six-year-old in tow.  She got distracted by something, probably a stupid phone or something of that sort, lost control of the vehicle on a mildly-busy thoroughfare in Houston, Texas, sideswiped one car and then careened off the road head on into a six-foot-wide live Oak tree, it looked like to me.  The woman died on impact.  This happened Wednesday.  What happened next is unbelievable.  The woman’s airbag is deployed.  She’s dead.  She died on impact.  The children didn’t have seatbelts on.  She didn’t have one on either.  The children had been thrown into various places of the car.  The first responders on the scene were — Eric, take a guess.  Who do you think the first responders on the scene were?

Eric:  The police?

Mike:  Yeah, that would be nice.  Try again.  The first responders on the scene were looters.  Her car was looted.

Eric:  They took her groceries.

Mike:  They left the kids in the car and they took the groceries.  This is a sad, sick, twisted world that we live in, folks.  Now in too many instances it defies comprehension and defies description.  I read this story and the first thing I thought was: That’s a hoax.  That did not happen.  I don’t believe it.  I’m going to go dig until I find the source.  I tracked it down to the source of where it was reported, and it was reported similarly on several of the TV stations in the Houston area.  I don’t have any reason to believe that it’s a story from The Onion.  What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?  What is driving these people?  This is just nuts.  We have a lot to sort through here today on the show and we’ll get into all that.

I want to start here with the immigrant story because I think it’s the biggest one.  It begins with this one from San Diego, California, “Hundreds Of Illegal Immigrant Minors Sleeping On Plastic Boards, Rotating Through 4 Showers At Shelter.”  How did that happen?


About 700 unaccompanied minors mostly from Central America were sleeping on plastic boards at a Border Patrol warehouse in Nogales, Arizona, this weekend, the vast majority flown from South Texas. It is the latest illustration of how a wave of immigrants from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala has overwhelmed U.S. border authorities. President Barack Obama called the surge a crisis last week and appointed the Federal Emergency Management Agency [Mike: That’ll fix it. Appoint FEMA? Ha! You might as well send the Red Cross in.] to lead the government’s response. Here are some questions and answers.

Illegal border crossings soared for several years in South Texas, which recently surpassed Arizona as the busiest corridor. The Border Patrol’s Rio Grande Valley sector made 148,017 arrests from Oct. 1 to May 17, far higher than the 62,876 caught in Tucson, Arizona, which is the second-busiest crossing point.

The dramatic shift is taxing U.S. authorities because Hondurans, Salvadorans and Guatemalans make up about 75 percent of those caught in South Texas, the traditional entry point for Central Americans. [Mike: How is there a traditional entry point for illegals? That’s like saying the robbers went in through the bathroom window; that’s the traditional entry point.] For decades, the vast majority of people who crossed the border illegally were from neighboring Mexico and could be deported the same day on a short bus ride to the nearest crossing. Central Americans are sent home on U.S. government flights, a more daunting challenge.


An unusually large number of those crossing in South Texas are unaccompanied children, many seeking to join parents who are already in the U.S. illegally.

illegal-immigrants[end reading]

Mike:  I want to stop right here and I’m just going to mention at this point in time that when amnesty was brought up last time by Paul Ryan and the gang, one of the things that was argued by people like me was that if you amnesticize a parent — Obama talked about this in his first year, too.  If you grant amnesty to a parent and you don’t change the laws, what is ultimately going to happen is the children, if there are any, are then going to be the next ones that are going to sneak over and sneak in.

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It’ll be even worse than that.  In some instances, not only would the children come over, the parents, the grandparents would be the next ones to come over.  There would be no end to the steady stream of immigrants.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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