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Why Obama and Company Insist on Tax Increases

todayDecember 6, 2012 7

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    Why Obama and Company Insist on Tax Increases ClintStroman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Audio and Transcript – This is the first salvo in election 2016.  You know what else it might be?  It might also be the first salvo in congressional election 2014.  This is all about theatrics.  This is all about appearances.  That’s all this is.  You can then go to the average unionized, Midwestern American sheeple out there, “I raised taxes on the rich.  Look, the economy did okay.  I told you.  We managed to get the deficit under control.”  This, in other words, a down payment on Hillary’s campaign for 2016, or whoever it is, Martin O’Malley, Deval Patrick, whoever it is that runs as a Democrat.  That’s what this is.  This is trying to repeat and trying to recreate and add a storyline to the mythical and the inaccurate, but still people believe it, portrayal of what happened during the Clinton presidency.  That’s what’s at work here. Check out the rest in today’s audio and transcript…

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    Why Obama and Company Insist on Tax Increases ClintStroman


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Why is it so important, why has it seemingly become political life or death for dear leader Chairman Maobama, President Obama to get this insisted upon, life or death tax increase, speaking specifically of the rate increase on the top 2.5 percent?  Why?  We know the reason he’s giving.  That’s not the reason.  No one believes that.  What is the real reason?  Do you have a guess?  I only have a guess.  My guess is probably as good as anyone else’s.  Do you have a guess as to why this is so important?

AG:  It sounds good.

Mike:  You’re on the right track.  Let me lay it out here and then we’ll listen to the digital media file.  Who is the most heralded Democrat of the last 20 years?

AG:  Clinton.

Mike:  [mocking Clinton] “That’s right, that’s me.  They still love me.  I make $1 million an appearance.  I got all these funds.  Guess what else I did?  I was the last president to raise taxes, balance a budget, and make the American middle class grow.”  There are one or two possibilities here.  One is that President Obama and his Democrat brain trust actually believe — I don’t know what’s more dangerous, that they believe this or that they want you to believe this.  They actually believe that raising income tax rates creates economic prosperity and utopia for the middle class.  The first possibility is that they actually believe their own line of BS.  If they do, then we’re in a lot more trouble than we ever imagined we were.

The second possibility is that they know that is economic and political BS, but they say it anyway because look at the mileage they have gotten out of the vaunted Clinton tax increase.  It has elected a president three times.  It re-elected Clinton in 1996, it elected Obama in 2008 and it elected Obama in 2012.  This tax increase is important to whom?  It is not important to us slobs in the middle class, despite the rhetoric.  It is not important to the poor.  It’s not important to the economy.  It’s not important to the budget, not important to the deficit, not important to any of those inanimate objects.  It is important to whom?  I’ll give you a hint.  You sent me a story in last night’s rundown.  She’s wedded to the Clinton.  It is important to Hillary, or whoever it is that runs on the Democrat ticket in 2016.

Hear me out on this.  Do you remember how I told you way, way back in 2010, shortly after the stimulus, porkubus, succubus, shortly after the bailout of General Motors and Chrysler, then the fight over Obamacare, when all this was finally over and the epitaph for the president was being written, no way he could win reelection?  I told you two years before the reelection that David Axelrod and company, the Obamabots, I would say the president’s brain trust but that’s an oxymoron, had made a political calculation that they bailed out General Motors not because it was good for the economy, not because of any of the reasons.  They bailed out General Motors because they knew it would guarantee them the State of Ohio, and it paid dividends.  They want this tax increase today because they believe it will guarantee them the State of Ohio, because they believe it will guarantee them the State of Pennsylvania.  They believe it is good for electoral politics to do this.  The economy will survive.  The economy, despite what Jim DeMint and others have said, will probably do as it is limping along and doing today, sans the upcoming correction and crash, which many of us believe is inevitable.  We just don’t know the date it’s going to happen.  It pays political dividends.

This is the first salvo in election 2016.  You know what else it might be?  It might also be the first salvo in congressional election 2014.  This is all about theatrics.  This is all about appearances.  That’s all this is.  You can then go to the average unionized, Midwestern American sheeple out there, [mocking Obama] “I raised taxes on the rich.  Look, the economy did okay.  I told you.  We managed to get the deficit under control.”  This, in other words, a down payment on Hillary’s campaign for 2016, or whoever it is, Martin O’Malley, Deval Patrick, whoever it is that runs as a Democrat.  That’s what this is.  This is trying to repeat and trying to recreate and add a storyline to the mythical and the inaccurate, but still people believe it, portrayal of what happened during the Clinton presidency.  That’s what’s at work here.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: ClintStroman

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  1. Dallon on December 16, 2012

    Let’s run this up the pole and see where it squats. Ma and Pa start a store. It grows and they open two, three, four more stores. But, if they make to much profit, or start to compete with Walmart, the taxes take what they could have put into another few stores. $250,000.00 and no more. Th is tax would insure the big box, corporation owned, businesses would never have to compete with some middle class entrepeneurial upstart. It is protectionism for global corporate interests and their stock holders. Could be?

  2. Curtis Lyon on December 7, 2012

    I am 65 years old. I’ve been a Republican most of my life. Love your radio show. Love your website. Learning a lot from you about the value of republicanism. Thank you for your hard work.
