Daily Clip

Secession Is Taboo Because It Poses Threat To Federal Crime Cartel

todayMarch 20, 2014 10

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    Secession Is Taboo Because It Poses Threat To Federal Crime Cartel AbbyMcGinnis

Find out what the Founders thought about secession
Own What Lincoln Killed -EPISODE I on CD today-Mike’s hysterical and accurate tale of what Jefferson & company thought our government under the Constitution should look and act like

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – “Folks, this is why secession must be pooh-poohed, tabooed, the word to dare not speak its name.  It must be made all of those horrific things because it is the ultimate threat to them.  Leaving their jurisdiction is the ultimate threat to them.  That’s what they fear.  They don’t fear Vlad the Impaler Putin.  They don’t fear the Iranians.  They fear you and me seceding.  That’s what they fear.  Why?  Because they’re milking us like the parasites they are.  If you secede, they can’t milk you anymore.” Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Senator Paul speaking to college kids at Berkeley yesterday:

[start audio clip]

Senator Rand Paul: I look into the eyes of senators and I think I see real fear. Maybe it’s just my imagination, but I think I perceive fear of an intelligence community that’s drunk with power, unrepentant and un-inclined to relinquish power. I’m honestly worried and concerned about who is truly in charge of our government.

[end audio clip]

Mike:  Folks, where have you heard that before?  Where have you heard that sentiment before?  You heard it right here on this show.  We talked about this for a couple of days last week.  You can find it in my piece at The Daily Caller on the same subject.  If the CIA thinks it can spy on senators — look, I don’t have any problem with it because the CIA and NSA are spying on the rest of us, so what’s good for gooses is good for ganders.  I do really have a problem with it.  I’m mortified, as Paul says he is, over it because if the agency or organization that’s supposed to be overseeing the spy agency, which is the United States Senate, is being spied on by the spy agency, ladies and gentlemen, again, who’s running the government?  There’s no separation of powers any longer.  You’ve got one branch spying on the other branch.  You’ve got one branch trying to tyrannize another branch.  You have one branch usurping powers from another.  You have all three branches usurping power from the people and the states.  You have agencies that are not accountable to anyone, anywhere, anytime, anyplace on Earth.  How do you expect to rein that in?

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    Secession Is Taboo Because It Poses Threat To Federal Crime Cartel AbbyMcGinnis

A scene from today's video version of The Clip of The Day
A scene from today’s video version of The Clip of The Day

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76]

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    Secession Is Taboo Because It Poses Threat To Federal Crime Cartel AbbyMcGinnis

I get spammed ten times a day from different Tea Party groups, [mocking] “Help us reform Washington.  Help us get in there and fight the good cause and get our government back.”  Do you really, really think that that is even possible?  Folks, if we’re going to spend our time talking about the federal monstrosity — and it is a federal monstrosity — and all the things that it does, it requires an admission that the way that entity currently operates is beyond the powers of mere people to rein it in.  It is beyond the powers of mere people to stop it or to alter it.  If you can’t do that and if those that are actually officially elected inside of it are not making the decisions, and because it’s so out of scale they can’t, it’s impossible for them to make decisions, then the decisions that are being made are being made arbitrarily and they are being made to the benefit of those that are in the employ and have direct interest in the continuation of the same.

It should come as no surprise, if the Senate poses a threat to the CIA, and the CIA, as a living, breathing organism would, wishes to defend itself, what is it going to have to do to the Senate?  It is going to have to try to combat it in any way that it can, with what powers that it has or what powers it can illegally use, what methods it can illegally use.  This is what you’re faced with here.  Unfortunately as a citizen, we don’t have the same power.  You heard Senator Rand Paul mention his lawsuit.  He’s trying to get hundreds of thousands if not millions of people together so that the class action suit cannot be ignored.  Make no mistake about it, it may not be able to be ignored, but that doesn’t mean that a member of the out-of-control federal judiciary is going to rule in his favor or in ours.  All that means is it might get a hearing.  It might go in front of a judge. Even if they were to say: You guys in the NSA have gone too far.  You can’t do that.  You can only do what Congress told you to do.  Do you really think that they’re going to obey?  Under what pretense?  What historical or what epic in near term or ephemeral epic in our recent history makes you think that they’re going to obey the mere wishes of a judge?  They’re going to laugh.  They’re going to go, [mocking] “Ha ha!  Whatever.  Yeah, dude, go ahead and bash your little ruling.  Justice Kennedy has made his ruling, now let’s see him enforce it.”

The monster has create little monsters now that are out of control, cannot be controlled, will not be controlled, cannot be contained, will not live within the confines of the very law that they themselves have been tasked with enforcing.  Precisely, Mr. and Mrs. Tea Party America, how do you intend to combat that?  What do you intend to do to stop that?  I tell you that you’re the enemy, and as being the enemy, if you try and stop it, what’s going to happen to you?  Just as we saw in the IRS targeting, that was mild.  They’re restrained right now because they’re not really threatened.

Folks, this is why secession must be pooh-poohed, tabooed, the word to dare not speak its name.  It must be made all of those horrific things because it is the ultimate threat to them.  Leaving their jurisdiction is the ultimate threat to them.  That’s what they fear.  They don’t fear Vlad the Impaler Putin.  They don’t fear the Iranians.  They fear you and me seceding.  That’s what they fear.  Why?  Because they’re milking us like the parasites they are.  If you secede, they can’t milk you anymore.  [mocking] “But Mike, what if they wage war against us?”  They’re already waging war against you. [/private]

Practice secession with [r]epublican gear!They may not be shooting at you.  You don’t call confiscating your property, micturating on your foundational law, you don’t call that an act of war?  Spying on your telephone, tapping your phone, reading your email, reading your mail, these are things that intelligence agencies do to people that they’re at war with.  They’ve already declared war on us, and they’ve declared war on us not because of the issues of liberty and the other things that people like to fixate over.  They’ve declared war on us because we are a threat to their business model.  This is a racket.  It’s a mob is what it is.

Treat it like a mob and you’ll see what must be done to either escape it or stop it. Secession.

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End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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