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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Walker Wins BIG in WI! – How many days before we see “Dear leader” chumming up to Union Bosses, reassuring them that their place at the Federal trough is secure
Last train to Brokesville: Obama’s budget busting spending spree is not an item that can be debated as this story and the attendant statistics show
Dear Leader’s Palace is working overtime (for the 1st time) cranking out propaganda responses for Scott Walker’s landslide “thumping” of Dumocrats and the parasite class
Brazier-fired-flames- Somewhere in MD a bridge is missing its angry, Gal-Queda leader, regurgitating phony statistics about women’s workplace pay-some male employers would pay Senn. Mikulski what men make to just stay HOME
“He’s NOT So Lonely” – Poor Bubba C takes his song (from Mike’s “Libs on the Run” CD) and his campaign -tent revival for HillaryCare Show on the road
Wow, someone with a brain at the RNC wants Romney to “go big” with “big Ideas” that will diminish this silly popularity contest for Mr Congenial that DeceptiCONS worry Romney may blow to Obama
More of the problem you get when your philosophical standard bearers are comedians masquerading as intellectual rhetoricians as “Rock The Slut Vote” debuts to deny GOP victories – Favorite bumper sticker “Rush Limbaugh Thinks I’m A Slut”
Police State: Woman arrested for being too happy to see her daughter graduate
Larison: Just because cheese heads don’t want an embarrassing recall of their governor doesn’t mean the rest of the sheople want to give up their free ride on the Federal Magic Carpet
Writer PANS Sowell book at AmConMag! “Sowell, like nearly all other Republicans, supported the war. More than that, he criticized the very idea of a constrained foreign-policy vision. In a 2002 column called “Dangerous Restraint,” he likened the “threat” from Saddam Hussein to—what else?—that of Adolf Hitler in the 1930s.?
What exactly ARE the “vital interests” we must “protect in the region” that DeceptiCONS are always prattling about? It doesn’t matter says Thom DiLorenzo, they’ll find new interests to protect next week
Written by: TheKingDude
Bill Clinton Brokesville Mikulski Obama Paycheck fairnness Scott Walker
todayAugust 28, 2024 120 1
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