Pile Of Prep

Wisdom Wednesday

todayFebruary 19, 2020 11


The Drain the Swamp effort has hit a roadblock: the Truth! Libs are scurrying to get Andrew McCabe and others immunized before they can spill the beans on the Killary-Obama corruption! Today’s Pile of Prep Feature and the theme of Today’s Mike Church Show!

Veritas et Sapientia“When the cockroaches are all scurrying across the floor, you can be sure that somebody shone a light on their nest.” – Joy Pullman, The Federalist

THE KINGDUDE’S RUNDOWN – Headline’s and The King’s Commentary

The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake – David Brooks never really had it all together so I can’t say he’s lost his mind but this 20k word screed on “finding new ways to live together” is an abominable hoax.

No, It’s Not Time To Give Up On The Nuclear Family To Build Grownup Dorms – Katya Sedgwyck straightens out some of the above, blasphemous mess that is “new and improved family.

Resistance From Within: Federal WORKERS Push Back Against Trump – Like a crib full of spoiled brat children “federal workers” are now opening fake social media accounts to take shots at Trump including leaking gubbmint affairs!

“This Is Just Chauvinism”: Oklahoma Woman Upset After Being Thrown Out Of All-Male Barbershop – Well, a CLASSIC Barbershop IS an all-male oasis that MASCULINE men actually need, so beat it, Hillary!

Pitcher of The Day (Because People Like ‘Em Pitchers!)

When Major News Outlets Proclaim The Era of The Witch

The Atlantic Magazine’s cover story for March bears the title “Why Witchcraft Is On The Rise”. Written by Bianca Bosker, if you didn’t know better you’d think she had written a puff piece on the lady on Main Street selling her homemade beeswax candles. Here’s the future of pro-witch journalism.

Casting spells and assembling altars have become quite lucrative. You can attend a fall-equinox ritual organized by Airbnb, sign up for subscription witch boxes offering the equivalent of Blue Apron for magic-making, and buy aura cleanses on Etsy. Instagram’s reigning witch influencer, Bri Luna, has more than 450,000 followers and has collaborated with Coach, Refinery29, and Smashbox, for which she recently introduced a line of cosmetics “inspired by the transformative quality of crystals.”

Many professional witches, including Diaz, can also be hired to do magic on your behalf. -[emphasis mine-MC]

Where’s Bill Paxton at when I need him? “That’s it man, game over, game over!”

The Deep State Is Not Just For Appointed Bureaucrats Anymore

‘Mrmbah “drain the swamp” from Trump’s 2016 campaign? Many of us have wondered why the President never seemed to get traction on the matter, was it just a campaign slogan? Short answer, no it wasn’t, the effort is underway and is being PHYSICALLY opposed by “employees” in the Leviathan. Joy Pullman has a fantastic report on this, here’s an excerpt.

Yet it far better applies to unelected career bureaucrats’ use of their power to prosecute their political enemies, which comprises the heart of the “resistance” to Republican rule that will endure so long as bureaucracy has enough power to challenged elected branches of government. This bureaucrat weaponization was also a hallmark of the Obama presidency, with — ironies of ironies — perhaps the biggest evidences again coming from the Department of Justice under attorneys general Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch.

Remember them? The people who held tarmac meetings with Bill Clinton about hiding Hillary’s email scandal, oversaw Internal Revenue Service persecution of conservative grassroots clubs, and refused to enforce immigration laws at the behest of the president?

The Washington Post story listed above even reports that federal employees are now opening fake, social media accounts so they can leak out the changes Sir Orange The Bad is bringing to various agencies to “drain the swamp”. ‘Membah when your parents told you not to lie because you’d have to tell another one to cover it up; rinse and repeat. The Leviathan has been filled with liars, cheats and an entitled class of slothful brats for 40 years, this evil is running out of fuel and Trump has the fire extinguisher.

A New Strain of Sodomite Is Created: Buttigieger’s

I have spent HOURS warning listeners and readers about the danger of any acceptance whatsoever of “Mayor Pete’s” now very public, including PDA’s, of homosexual behavior and acts. There is no mechanism to restrain this evil in a society that flies rainbow flags at libraries where 3 year olds are being read to be deranged “transvestites”. Well, here is the result:

The Rainbow Purification League has hit a new low. Those daily Rosaries, millions are now praying daily, are driving the demonically compromised nuts. Pedal to the metal, CRUSADERS!

The #Demoncrats Candidates Don’t Know Who The President of Mexico Is

After Biden’s collapse, the #Demoncrat Party is left with #KnowNothingAmy, #BumblingBloomberg or a Broomstick 1 flyover from #Killary. Here’s Klobuchar earning her has tag…

PETA Gets Trolled By Maggie O’Connell

From my Twitta…

Southern Men Do We Stand With Alyssa Milano & Planned Parenthood or God’s Babies?

I have been warning the last 7 months that this was going to happen to The South’s courageous efforts to finally end abortion:

ATLANTA — A federal judge on Tuesday temporarily blocked Georgia’s restrictive new abortion law from taking effect, following the lead of other judges who have blocked similar measures in other states. The law signed in May by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp bans abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected, which can happen as early as six weeks into a pregnancy, before many women realize they’re expecting. It allows for limited exceptions. It had been scheduled to become enforceable on Jan. 1.

I have been telling you since February that despite all the good intentions and the slander from Milano et al endured, the 7 Southern States of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky and Ohio would all have our laws “struck down” by Leviathan’s courts; so let me ask the question again: WHAT are we going to do about it?

Read & Respond to my #NeverGillette Manfesto here

Need To Listen To The Pearcing Truth’s Series On Economics As If Families Mattered

Co-hosted by Mike Church and now available On-Demand!

Mike Church, Too Catholic For Satellite Radio

Who Is Mike Church? Mike Church is the most aggressive yet charming promoter of using radio and TV media to restore Christian Order and promote God, Family and Country, on daily talk-radio & TV, in the U.S. today. Using his razor sharp wit and broadcast skills honed through 26 years in the business, there’s simply no other voice as unique and effective as Mike’s in all of broadcasting. Read the entire Mike Church Story as told by internationally renowned author Christopher Ferrara, a regular guest on The Mike Church Show, here.

Membah…membah!? Fast forward to November of that year and Chris writes a followup “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio”. Thanks to Papa Francis deliberate attempt to bring an end to the Catholic Church by claiming he can change dogma (the licit Death Penalty), I am becoming #Too Catholic For Lukewarm Catholic Radio. Ferrara wrote the following which we at the CRUSADE Channel studio still believe is True and pursue improving it every day.

“Indeed, over the past year or so Mike Church has emerged as the only traditionally Catholic conservative in talk radio today, anywhere in the world. And I mean traditional. Not only during my appearances on the show, but now thematically, Mike has turned the longest running political talk show on Sirius Radio into an unabashed presentation of the Social Kingship of Christ, traditional Catholic moral teaching, and even the traditional Latin liturgy as the solution to what is evidently otherwise a terminal civilizational crisis. I have been invited on the show numerous times to defend all of these things explicitly, to speak of the one true Church, and even to call upon conservative Protestants to enter the Church if they are serious about saving our nation and our civilization.”

Thanks to you, fair reader, we have the chance to continue that fight but I am in constant need of your assistance, click here to chip in.

It’s February 2020 And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limits. I have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”


The MIKE CHURCH SHOW and the Veritas Radio Newtork’s CRUSADE Channel are 29 months old this month. To see another 26 months of life, please support our crowdfunding effort, become a Founders Pass Member, place an ad or much more. Click SOS our Mascot for details!

Written by: TheKingDude

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