
Wisdom Wednesday-First They Came For Speedy Gonzales

todayMarch 10, 2021 4


EXCLUSIVE: You Can Now WATCH The Mike Church Show on CRUSADE Channel TV, Click For Access!

Veritas et Sapientia“To conclude on a metaphysical note, we can say that the beauty of words is that they give us access to the goodness of truth. In the beginning was the Word and words are the way that the Word can be better understood and communicated. It is for this reason that the learning of words should be at the heart of all true education.” – Joseph Pearce, An Essay For The Cardinal Newman Society

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Click To Listen To The Mike Church Show on The CRUSADE Channel’s Public, PREVIEW Stream (limited commercial interruptions).

Check out the full announcement on our Short Wave Radio broadcasts!

THE KINGDUDE’S RUNDOWN – Headline’s and The King’s Commentary

VIDEO of Hooded, Masked Capitol Bomber Dude – The Half Naked, Bear Skin Clad, Viking Horned Dude, Shouldn’t Be in Jail, He Should Be Working In Our Spy/Secret Agent Racket!

$1.9 Trillion in Spending, $11 Trillion in One-Term Deficits – C. Everett Dirksen Once Quipped “A Billion here, a billion there, pretty soon we’ll be talking about real money!” That Was in The Late 60’s, I Wonder What Dirksen Might Say If You Added 3 Zeroes!?

In 8-1 SCOTUS Ruling, Chief Justice John Roberts Is The Only One To Side Against Christian Students Whose Free Speech Was Trampled – It Looks To Be That Roberts’ “Moot Point” Argument Now Applies To Every Case That Comes In Front of The Court That Is NOT Filed By Planned Parenthood

CDC study finds about 78% of people hospitalized for Covid were overweight or obese – This Is NOT NEWS To Most of You CRUSADERS But It Is Tragic And True

AFTER THIS LATEST STUNT, CINDY MCCAIN HAS “TRANSITIONED” INTO A FULL-BLOWN PROGRESSIVE COMMUNIST – Col. Rob Maness On The McCain Family’s Standard Bearer Proving Yet Again, They Are And Always Have Been Inglorious Bastard DeceptiCONS!

Kristi Noem for President? Not So Fast – Denise McCallister Isn’t Buying The Conservative “Godsend” That Is Kristi Noem & Reminds Readers, As I Have On-Air, That In Congress Noem Was A Complete DeceptiCON

Why Africa Hasn’t Kickstarted Its Renewable Energy Boom – Africa Should Produce The Greatest Windfalls In Renewable Energies Because Its Always HOT and Windy Yet That Is Not The Case

Evangelicals For Biden ‘Feel Used And Betrayed’ By Biden Fulfilling His Radical Abortion Promises – I’m Not Sorry To Chastise Anyone Dumb Enough To Have Believed That Biden Was Anything Other Than A Pro-Abort Radical

The Cancellation Of Dr. Seuss Should Disturb You, Because You’re Next – John Daniel Davidson Is Correct And The Evidence For The Destructive Nature of This Iconoclasm Is Contained In The Fallout From The Last: The Aftermath of The Second Vatican Council!

3 Dozen Cases of Spontaneous Miscarriages, Stillbirths Occurring After COVID-19 Vaccination – The CoronaHoax™ Gene Therapy “Vaccine” Is Now Piling Up Bodies In Pyramids Just As The Original “Virus” Was Supposed To & Those Bodies Include Still Born Babies

‘Blessings Of Liberty’: How ‘The Equality Act’ Viciously Attacks Christians, Freedom, Society, Sex, And You – The “Equality Act” Will Be the Final Arrow In Leviathan’s Quiver To Squash All Dissent From The Regime’s Cult of Death’s Actions, And It WILL Pass Congress.

Five Oregon counties to vote on leaving state, escaping to ‘Greater Idaho’ – It Is Happening! Goes The Phrase And In Oregon It Actually Is as REAL Oregonians Claim Their “Ancient Constitutional Rights & Liberties” Back From AntiFa Mobs in Portland

Must Watch Video “The New Normal” – You Must Watch This Video Because It Recounts The Entire Saga of The CoronaHoax™ & What The Cult of Death Oligarchs Intend To Do With It: End “Useless” Humans!

FLASHBACK VIDEO – Ash Wednesday With Brother Andre Marie & The KingDUde’s Wisdom Wednesday From 2020

Pitcher of The Day (Because People Like ‘Em Pitchers!)

EXCLUSIVE: You Can Now WATCH The Mike Church Show on CRUSADE Channel TV, Click For Access!

Veritas et Sapientia“The AI promise – that a machine can perceive, decide, and act more quickly, in a more complex environment, with more accuracy than a human – represents a competitive advantage in any field. It will be employed for military ends, by governments and non-state groups.” – Eric Schmidt, Founder of Google

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LOOR Is A New Entertainment Co. That Just Might Save Speedy Gonzales

I have signed up to receive  email updates on a media/film startup company called LOOR TV, you can read about them here. My efforts to communicate with them directly, like almost everything else I attempt to this end (ain’t Lent GREAT!?) have failed but I do receive their emails on the project’s progress. Yesterday’s was a really good one, I wish I could thank the author but since there is no author, I’ll claim it as my own, kinda like how the Englishman Cabot sailed past Canada in 1577 and claimed it for the Crown.

Charles M. Blow wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times called Six Seuss Books Bore a Bias. In it, he excoriated not only Dr. Seuss, but also Speedy Gonzales and Pepe Le Pew. Blow is from my generation; the article indicates he grew up watching all of the same stuff I did.

With the last name “Speed” it was probably inevitable that my friends gave me the nickname “Speedy Gonzales” in elementary school. We all watched Looney Tunes in the 70’s and early 80’s. I loved it. I learned how to say, “Andele, andele, arriba, riba, riba” and learned how to roll my r’s trying to mimic him. Rolling r’s was helpful later when I took four years of Spanish in high school, more recently on three missions trips to Mexico City, and even when learning a little Ukrainian before three trips to Ukraine.

Note: this is not a confession of cultural misappropriation. I do not plan to transition from this point to an episode in virtue signaling navel gazing, confessing my white privilege and bemoaning my systemic racism. Why not? Well, frankly, because none of that exists. I would sooner write an email defending the existence of the Easter bunny.

The influence of Speedy Gonzales on this “white privileged” kid (that’s a joke to tell for another time) was appreciation for the Mexican culture. Was it stereotyped? Undoubtedly. However, and this might surprise you, kids don’t care about your pop-psychology. If there ever was an evil intention to mock Mexicans with Speedy Gonzales, kids never picked up on it until they were told to by some adult. Only the progressive elite are that sensitive. Gabriel Iglesias, the Mexican voice actor who voiced Speedy in Space Jam, agrees. He tweeted, “U can’t catch me cancel culture. I’m the fastest mouse in all of Mexico.”

I’d write here, normally, “click here for the whole thing”, but alas, you can just write me and ask me to forward the remainder.

First They Came For Trump, Now They’ve Taken Hong Kong, Who Do You Think Is Next?

A report at The Federalist titled: Hong Kong’s Swift Descent Into Chinese Oppression Should Alarm Us All, had to be bylined as “anonymous” for fear the authors identities, if revealed could endanger their lives. Is this a James Bond movie? The plot for Homeland Season 9!? A little known novel by Aldus Huxley or Phillip K Dick? No, this is the march of satanic Communism and it has come to ‘Muricah’s shores, as well. From the essay…

This February, Hong Kong authorities announced mandatory “patriotic” education starting in kindergarten that will teach kids in elementary schools to obey the NSL. According to The Wall Street Journal, Hong Kong authorities are rewriting textbooks so Hong Kong youth as young as six years old will learn “there is no room for debate or compromise” regarding national security, and teachers should “cultivate students’s sense of responsibility to safeguard national security.” … Hong Kong’s transformation from a free society into an authoritarian state demonstrates the CCP’s true nature: it is hostile to liberal values. It is bent on destroying them when it has the power and opportunities to do so. If leaders in Western democracies continue to ignore this reality and fail to effectively push back on the CCP now, Taiwan may well be next in line.”

The Biden Regime is a mirror image, albeit not yet as violent as the CCP, and why that hasn’t alarmed you, dear reader/listener, is a mystery your grandkids will wonder, angrily at.

Regime Leader Biden Anoints The PMS Butch Battalion & Forgets Who They Are

Regime Leader Biden anoints the angry, ugly women posing for hairy, masculine men, as “new leaders” in our military. If the ChiComs are watching, they must be thinking there will never be a better time to invade Mordor and take it by harsh language and unwoke masculinity.

44 Days In And I Repeat: Biden Is NOT President

So who exactly is running this regime?

Space X’s S-10 Blows Up, Again

Yes, the S-10 DID complete a 10k altitude climb AND a successful “soft landing” but 40 minutes later, the S-10 exploded after another apparent “take-off” that ended in U.S. government $$$ going up in flames, yet again. This kind of stuff it what keeps Alex Jones and “the moon-landings were FAKED” in filet mignon and Mercedes G Series cars.

California Is Officially An “Aliens” Horror Film

I could not make through this PSA from the L.A. Unified Mental Ward For The Juvenile Insane. This child who has almost 0.0% chance of “getting sick” and dying from the CoronaHoax™ is terrified to go back to school but don’t worry, L.A. has your PPE, scared child in a permanent bubble on literal lockdown. If you know someone in L.A. who is too poor to leave, start a crowdfund and get them out, now.

For the L.A. Unified Torture & Mental Distress District:

The New Christendom Committees of Correspondence Urges Resistance To Biden Regime

EXCERPT: Consider 2 actions the Biden Regime is pleading with the Senate to take, both which signal a declaration of war on us and on the soon to be born.

1. Xavier Baccerra’s nomination to be Secretary of HHS.

2. The re-introduction of the egregiously misnamed “Equality Act”.

In testimony to the Senate, Baccerra made no attempt to hide his Nuremberg Defense fidelity to any “law” passed to kill the soon to be born [abortion]. Watch Baccerra’s testimony with Senator Daines of MT to get an idea of what kind of monster, Biden has nominated to bark out orders and edicts to hospitals, insurance companies and all employees AND decision makers.

This means Biden’s EO’s, SCOTUS’s treachery and anything Congress might tack on to CoronaHoax™ bills re: abortion, contraception, “trans” mutilation etc. will be “the law” that Baccerra will ask AG Merrick Garland to “enforce”. Baccerra’s “explanation” (in the Daines clip and others) was basically The Nuremberg Defense except… [Read the Whole Thing Here!]

That CoronaHoax™ Will Infect School Kids Who Will Infect & Kill Grandma, Collapses

Georgi Boorman recounts the off-headline details of the CDC’s latest “report” on school-aged kids and “transmission rates”…THERE IS NO TRANSMISSION. I’ve been telling you this since the first studies on it came out in June and showed that children “carriers”, in close quarters (homes) with non-infected adults, didn’t spread “the virus”. Now the CDC confirms this for ‘Murican chirrens…

“Children might be more likely to be asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19 than are adults…This apparent lack of transmission [in schools] is consistent with recent research (5), which found an asymptomatic attack rate of only 0.7% within households and a lower rate of transmission from children than from adults. However, this study was unable to rule out asymptomatic transmission within the school setting because surveillance testing was not conducted” (emphasis added).

The “recent research” the study authors cite is a meta-analysis of 54 household COVID-19 transmission studies that observed 77,758 participants, which was posted as a pre-print this summer and published in December.

The text of the analysis is even more consequential than the CDC’s reference makes it seem: “Estimated mean household secondary attack rate from symptomatic index cases (18.0%; 95% CI, 14.2%-22.1%) was significantly higher than from asymptomatic or presymptomatic index cases (0.7%; 95% CI, 0%-4.9%; P < .001), although there were few studies in the latter group. These findings are consistent with other household studies28,70 reporting asymptomatic index cases as having limited role in household transmission” (emphasis added).

Yet our pic of the day shows high school aged kinds in plastic bubbles at band practice. Look up Munchaussen by Proxy Syndorome and you’ll understand what adults are doing to the children they obviously have no real love for. If your kids are in a school outside your home, GET THEM OUT, NOW!

What Would The Point of Trump 2.0 Be If Kavanaugh & Barrett Are Our Metrics?

I never thought that Amy Coney Barrett’s descent into cooperation with the Cult of Death would be so swift and so complete, but here we are. From my Twitta…

Amazon Is The Enemy of Freedom & Small Bidness

I have been telling anyone who will listen, that Amazon is the diabolical enemy of everything Christian, mom-n-pops hold sacred and dear. This is their latest treachery, from my Twitta…

Told Ya So: The Term CoronaHoax™ Was/Is Accurate Explains Dr. McDonald

Watch this interview with Dr. Mark McDonald for straight answers on the CoronaHoax™ from a a doctor who is dealing with it on the front-lines.

McDonald is particularly concerned with the lasting effects this widespread insanity will have on children as they grow up. As a psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of children and adolescents, he should know. Since the lockdowns began in the first quarter of 2020, he’s seen a massive increase in patients, and their mental states are far worse than what he’s used to seeing in these age groups.

One of the worst traumas children suffer as a result of all this fearmongering is the idea that they may kill their parents or grandparents simply by being around them. As noted by Cheah, they’re also being taught to feel guilty about behaviors that would normally be completely, well, normal.

As just one example, hysterical adults calling a toddler who refuses to wear a mask a “brat,” when in fact resisting having a restrictive mask put across your face is perfectly normal at that age.

“It’s not normal for children to grow up thinking that everyone is a danger to everyone else,” Cheah says, and rightly so. It’s not normal at all, and hysterical adults are mindlessly inflicting severe emotional trauma on an entire generation.

Watch the video and read the entire report from Dr. Mercola.

Who Will REALLY Speak For The Girls

For 40 years we have been propagandized and guilted into suppressing all things boy and male so girls could break “glass ceilings” etc; now those same girls are being told “we changed our minds…suckers!” and are placing boys into every girls sports or activity where boys have a biological advantage and NO ONE will dare oppose the TrannyMammy™ zeitgeist. See for yourself, from my Twitta…

Told Ya So: The GOP Is Dead & Its Now Coming For You

The shameless betrayal by Senator Bill Cassidy and a legion of other “Republicans” against President Trump and by extension, a majority of his supporters. In our New Christendom Committees of Correspondence, we encourage our gentleman  members to reject “national” politics and instead begin the hard work of building Christian Communities where we live, with the social Kingship of Christ as our weapon and a pledge to each other of our lives, fortunes and sacred honor. This essay at American Greatness is in perfect harmony with the above, please read the whole thing, here’s a sample…

Democrats think all Republicans are “extremists” now, even “Moscow Mitch.” Instead of engaging in outrage theater over supposed “extremists” in their ranks and playing into imbecilic, overwrought narratives of “insurrection,” Republicans should be focusing on protecting their voters from psychopaths who want to destroy them.

Otherwise, what reason is there to vote for the GOP?

There’s nothing esoteric about this: to win elections, you have to actually help your core voters. The GOP’s core voters are middle-class people living in majority-white small towns. They live in a country where they are told, increasingly, that they have no place. What little representation they have left is being stripped away. They have been treated as foreigners in their own homeland for years, and now this hatred is hardening into a formal class distinction. They are like a disease, a problem that needs solving. They must be reeducated, shamed, suppressed, and pushed to the margins.

Join our New Christendom Committees of Correspondence and be part of a fraternity of gentlemen who know that our problems will only be solved by returning to life under Christ The King!

The CRUSADER Knights Newsletter Has Officially Launched!

Gentlemen!  I have FINALLY put all the pieces into place to begin exhorting all CRUSADER Knights of The Holy Rosary Into Service and Action! UNFORTUNATELY, during the transfer of email services, The CRUSADER Knights email list was only partially recovered and so I ask all Knights to go to the CRUSADER Knight home page, here, and register your email address once again so we can send out Volume I, Issue I tonight! Meanwhile, check out the brand new CRUSADER Knights Crest & Shield!

The KingDude Returns To BROADCAST Radio!

From my Twitta…

MEDICAL Reason # 137 That Wearing Face Masks IS A Hazard To Your Health

“The emperor has no clothes!” goes the old fairy tale of an emperor who insisted that his perception of reality was actual reality and that his nakedness was actually a coat of regal gowns, envious to behold. Well, the now ubiquitous “requirement” that all humans must wear masks in public “for your safety” is the emperor story in reverse, he has putrid clothes over his face but they offer absolutely NO, medical or health benefit whatsoever. Here is Dr. Mark Sircus with yet another smackdown of this never-ending, 1984 Psy-Op.

The minimum oxygen concentration in the air required for human breathing is 19.5 percent. Approximately 78 percent of the air we breathe is nitrogen gas, while only about 20.9 percent is oxygen. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, determined the optimal range of oxygen in the air for humans runs between 19.5 and 23.5 percent.

Not Enough Oxygen: Side Effects

Serious side effects can occur if the oxygen levels drop outside the safe zone. When oxygen concentrations drop from 19.5 to 16 percent, and you engage in physical activity, your cells fail to receive the oxygen needed to function correctly. So wearing masks is not indicated for any reason because masks represent slow suffocation. Not quite as bad as strangling a person or killing them outright by completely cutting off their breath, but across the board, health will be depressed, and death from all causes will increase.

Be a HEALTHY patriot and refuse to wear a mask ANYWHERE in public and defend our God-given right to free association and un-filtered consumption of relatively clean air!

Mike Church, Too Catholic For Satellite Radio

Who Is Mike Church? Mike Church is the most aggressive yet charming promoter of using radio and TV media to restore Christian Order and promote God, Family and Country, on daily talk-radio & TV, in the U.S. today. Using his razor sharp wit and broadcast skills honed through 26 years in the business, there’s simply no other voice as unique and effective as Mike’s in all of broadcasting. Read the entire Mike Church Story as told by internationally renowned author Christopher Ferrara, a regular guest on The Mike Church Show, here.

Membah…membah!? Fast forward to November of that year and Chris writes a followup “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio”. Thanks to Papa Francis deliberate attempt to bring an end to the Catholic Church by claiming he can change dogma (the licit Death Penalty), I am becoming #Too Catholic For Lukewarm Catholic Radio. Ferrara wrote the following which we at the CRUSADE Channel studio still believe is True and pursue improving it every day.

“Indeed, over the past year or so Mike Church has emerged as the only traditionally Catholic conservative in talk radio today, anywhere in the world. And I mean traditional. Not only during my appearances on the show, but now thematically, Mike has turned the longest running political talk show on Sirius Radio into an unabashed presentation of the Social Kingship of Christ, traditional Catholic moral teaching, and even the traditional Latin liturgy as the solution to what is evidently otherwise a terminal civilizational crisis. I have been invited on the show numerous times to defend all of these things explicitly, to speak of the one true Church, and even to call upon conservative Protestants to enter the Church if they are serious about saving our nation and our civilization.”

Thanks to you, fair reader, we have the chance to continue that fight but I am in constant need of your assistance, click here to chip in.

It’s February 2021 And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limits. I have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”


The MIKE CHURCH SHOW and the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel are 63 months old this month. To see another 12 months of life, please support our crowdfunding effort, become a Founders Pass Member, place an ad or much more. Click SOS our Mascot for details!Wednesday

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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