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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, my daily roundup of stories that are used in making the Mike Church Show. The week begins with the Cabal proclaiming that Trumpzilla “is NOT going to be the nominee” because as I have told you over and over, the war-machine is going to get their man and it is NOT Trump. Meanwhile the alleged “conservatives” at Red State have joined the Trump/Truther bandwagon because opposing the war-machine AFTER 9/11 makes you a “Truther”. I respond: incessantly playing the war-card without exploring Just War Theory jus ad bellum makes you a Truth DENIER. “When pushed in print to define conservatism, he offered what he called “canons.” At one point in his career, he offered four. At another, five. At still another, six. Finally, toward the end of his life, while speaking to the Heritage Foundation, he offered ten. This is readily recognized by those in and out of conservatism as the great man’s refusal to make conservative some form of ideology. What is often ignored, however, is that Kirk used a specifically Catholic term, “canon,” to make his case. In Catholic history and theology, a canon is an argument, not an absolute certainty. One can make millions of arguments without reaching an absolute certainty. – Bradley Joseph Francis Birzer remembering Russell Kirk
THIS IS A BORDER – The latest Progressive fad is to do away with “borders” so that all peoples can have access to all lands and all properties because after all, all immigrants they really want is to provide “a better life for their families”. “Of course, nation-states are not families, or economics departments, or businesses. But they are coherent social groupings. And Tabarrok has simply offered no reason why nation-states should be regarded as unlike every other social group, and be denied the ability to control who can join them.”
Religious Liberty For Me But Not For Thee – If Bernie Sanders can flee the Vietnam War as a “conscientious objector” why can’t a pizzeria owner “conscientious object” to serving at homosexual ceremonies? Since when does the 14th Amendment trump all other amendments?
The Siege of Vienna was useless thanks to the Krauts – Merkel invited all of Syria into Germany as refugees, first 100,000 then 800,000 and now a whopping 1,500,000, an invasion force of Muslims the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire could only have dreamed of
MBD: Slick Hilly is STILL an awful candidate. The alleged slam-dunk win that Mrs Clinton was bestowed after last week’s Dumbocrat debate is more big media, fanboy CPR than actual oratory success.
Ask Steve If He Is Sherry Today – Why does pursuing the Truth in all things matter? Because the universals around which the Truth is based are just that, universal. Take Male and Female for example, they are as knowable as 2+2 and that is the rub. The assault on these “remnants” of “traditionalism” is the last, desperate gasp of the campaign to undo the natural order. As the Credo says “et cujus regni non erat finis” i.e. and His kingdom will have no end, the male and female parts needed for that promise shall not end either despite Slick Hilly and Baphomet’s greatest efforts.
Trumpzilla, Can He Be Stopped? By Who? – The GOP elite establishment is now approaching full panic mode thus Jeb Bush’s latest “feud” broadside with Trump and the continuing hissy fit that “he is not a serious candidate”
Embrace The Slack – Libs demand that we follow Bernie Sanders in following Denmark and Sweden in following the welfare state’s poison fruit: why work when not working provides the same lifestyle?
DeceptiCONNED: I’ll Have Non-Intervention For $100, Alex. Why Rand Paul’s candidacy, just as I have been predicting, will be one of those that will survive “qualifying”. “Both outcomes would be painful. Already the Fed is the biggest buyer of U.S. treasuries, having bought 71 percent of America’s debt issuance in 2013 and now owning more than twice as much as China ($2.8 trillion versus $1.1 trillion). Of course, the Fed buys treasuries with money created out of thin air.”
Buchanan: The louder the war-hawk cry gets the higher the opponents of unJust ‘Murican wars rise in popularity. See Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump as exhibits A & B. “The surge in the polls of Bernie Sanders at the expense of Hillary Clinton, and of Donald Trump at the expense of the GOP establishment, are the political stories of the year. And what do Socialist Sanders and Capitalist Trump have in common? Neither is an interventionist—both opposed the Iraq War.”
DeceptiCONNED, The Trump v Bush Feud – Jedebiah Bush has doubled doen on the “my brother kept us safe” claim while defending the atrocity that was the Iraq War. What does this say about the GOP that a reality TV celebrity has to be the one that exposes the truth of the matter while party elites remain in denial of Truth.
What Does Ross Doythat & The NY Times Know That Other Media Don’t? – Douthat is the resident “conservative” at the NY Times yet spends most of his commentary time writing about the Catholic Church (he is Catholic). But wait a minute! I am either told or it is implied that when discussing religion in forums where politics are discussed, politics and Red vs Blue/Left vs Right etc, ALWAYS previals. Hmmm, maybe I should be more friendly to The Times!?
White Martyrdom Is Here and its is NOT just for the religious – A bar owner in Oregon is told that he MUST serve a transgendered gang despite the fact that they drove him out of businessd
Why Does Planned Parenthood Still prosper At Your & My Expense? – Quite simply, as I we have discussed here over and over, Modern American Man has a disconnect from the known Truth and the fact that we are MORTAL and that is the FACT of God’s plan and there is nothing Man can do about it, but we can deny life to those who might understand and live by that Truth.
America, Land of the Free, Home of the Drunk? – American history is loaded with the yet to be told stories of our drunken forefathers… until Susan Cheever releases her book: “Drinking in America”
The Playboy Emperor’s Women Have Clothes – In a sign of the times, PLAYBOY announced that it will no longer publish photographs of naked women! Why? Well, because there are ten of BILLIONS of pictures of “every sex act imaginable just one click away”. Gee, I wonder how THAT happened. Think of this folks, the revolutionaries that crushed the remaining moral order Americans clung to in the 1950s now cannot compete with a bottom-has-fallen-out porn industry that scoffs at “airbrushed” beauties merely showing their les petits points. Nope, ‘Murican porn consumers need greater humiliation and subjugation of women AND men in order to be “stimulated” so let’s go back to covering cigars, booze and roadsters. Good luck with that, Hugh, and welcome to the cesspool we call “American Culture”.
You Can’t Fix Stupid So Why Do “We” Insist on Trying? – 1 day after I discussed a taxpayer revolt over compulsory “public education” funding citing the ubiquitous pall that shrouds the matter, now comes this proposition: Put public education out of its misery already! “Finally, perhaps we should consider it child neglect if a 12-year-old does not possess certain skills, such as basic arithmetic or being able to read a 200-page book, write a short essay, and answer a civics quiz. These are simple demands. But if they were applied today, the politicians and bureaucrats who are responsible for schools would almost all be locked up in prison.”
The GOP Grasps at Straw It Helped Create – The emergence of Paul Ryan as the last man standing who can take the reigns of power from John Boehner despite the fact that Ryan doesn’t want the gig and is wholly unsuited to the task, continues to show the chaotic state of affairs that the fake “conservatives” have built with the faux devotion to the unprincipled. W. James Antle III pleads with Ryan “Don’t do it, Paul Ryan! It’s a trap!”
Were There Martyrs At Umpqua College? Christian Realists Say Yes, Judgement Porn Addicts: What’s a Martyr? – This minister thinks so and I concur with his propositions and conclusions but as usual, if you want to see how any decent, published, writing is handled by the heretic-slob, apostasy drenched public, read the comment section and bring a body condom, you’ll need it.
GALILEO WAS WRONG, BACK TO SCHOOL MUST HEAR RADIO! – Today’s Special Guest, Robert Sungenis, gives us a 90 minute long presentation on WHY Galileo Was Wrong, the ground-breaking film series that finally challenges the “settled science” of Heliocentrism that never was confirmed. “Galileo Was Wrong reveals in spectacular graphics and painstaking research that the true scientific evidence not only puts Earth in a central location in the universe, but shows that it enjoys the unique privilege of being the only motionless body around which everything else revolves.” Listen to the 70 minute recap of this presentation and soon to come video with the all new Founders Pass Media Player
Darwin Was Wrong Pt I – Chris Ferrara reveals the story of a Jesuit monk who was actually making genetic discoveries in the physical world and not using the fallacious “hypothetical” that the sorcerer Charles Darwin used to explain “evolution”.
PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.
Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.
Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day: “Boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem,” Good judges seek to increase (amplify) their jurisdiction
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 120 1
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
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