Founders Television

Would A Monarchy Be Better Than What We Have Now?

todayMarch 19, 2013 12

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    Would A Monarchy Be Better Than What We Have Now? ClintStroman

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    Would A Monarchy Be Better Than What We Have Now? ClintStroman


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    Would A Monarchy Be Better Than What We Have Now? ClintStroman

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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Video and Audio – Stephen Masty writes at the Imaginative Conservative that “America could do a service to herself, and to her lonely and overworked Presidents, by returning to monarchy.” Sounds crazy huh? Well, maybe if Obama would go to a play, a movie, or a basketball game more often, he’d have less time to be “running the country”. Also, Lords would have more incentive to stand up for their peoples property rights than a group of “robber barons and thieves elected every four years” would because they aren’t simply trying to get re-elected and have stronger ties to the land over which they govern.  This also brings up the problem of scale, we have 300 Million people in the United States and only 100 Senators and 435 members of Congress representing the entirity of the nation, this is grossly out of scale… unless we broke down into seperate republics, and even then we would still be too large according to Hume’s Perfect Commonwealth.  We’re not calling for Monarchy obviously, but it is interesting to think about…

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Written by: ClintStroman

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