
Would A Saint Subscribe to GQ Magazine?

todayAugust 25, 2014 4

Read Patrick Henry American Statesman Today-Revived from an 1887 out of print classic, Edited by Mike Church
Read Patrick Henry American Statesman Today-Revived from an 1887 out of print classic, Edited by Mike Church

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – “Just give in to taboo [say fans of GQ magazine]; you’re going to have to someday anyway.”  So there’s nothing beautiful, tender and sacred about the relationship between husband and wife and the awesome power, the greatest power conferred to man.  It’s not to invent iPhones.  It’s not to invent computers.  It is not to genetically engineer seeds.  The greatest power conferred to man by God is the power to make a new soul and bring it into the world, or to make a human child and to have a new soul implanted in it and bring it into the world.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  [So, Owen, there’s] no taboo but don’t show them porn.  Why not?  If there’s no taboo, if we can’t protect them from taboo, just throw our hands up and surrender: Look, we just have to deal with this sexuality.  There are epochs in human history that span hundreds of years if not millennia where men and women fought taboo, not always succeeding, but fought it.  By the way, Owen, and for anyone that may be interested, I mentioned Henry VI earlier.  Since we’re the only humans that ever lived and we’re the only ones that are important because we have television and radio, I suppose Henry VI doesn’t matter.  But if we were to go back and read one of the more detailed biographies of King Henry, we would find that one of Henry’s most treasured possessions was his virtue of chastity.

Of course, that’s not a virtue today.  That makes you a prude.  That makes you hag.  That makes you a square.  That makes you, [mocking] “Just give in to taboo; you’re going to have to someday anyway.”  So there’s nothing beautiful, tender and sacred about the relationship between husband and wife and the awesome power, the greatest power conferred to man.  It’s not to invent iPhones.  It’s not to invent computers.  It is not to genetically engineer seeds.  The greatest power conferred to man by God is the power to make a new soul and bring it into the world, or to make a human body and to have a new soul implanted in it and bring it into the world.  That is the most awesome power granted to man, yet we have men like Owen that don’t see the beauty of that.  If it’s such a beautiful thing to bring children into the world, and it is, why is it that the process and what happens after the bringing them into the world a beautiful thing?  Well, it should be a treasured thing, a private, very intimate thing.  Why isn’t it?  Well, that doesn’t comport with our view of immodesty because there is no such thing as immodesty, that’s why.

Henry VI, one of his most prized possessions was his chastity, believe it or not.  From one of the books written about Henry VI, we find this brief passage.  I’ll read it to you:


Hence it happened once, that at Christmas time a certain great lord brought before him a dance or show of young ladies with bared bosoms who were to dance in that guise before the king, perhaps to prove him, or to entice his youthful mind. But the king was not blind to it, nor unaware of the devilish wile, and spurned the delusion, and very angrily averted his eyes, turned his back upon them, and went out to his chamber, saying: Fy, fy, for shame, forsothe ye be to blame.

[end reading]

Mike:  We would be so much better off today if Henry would have just given in.  Just imagine the world if Henry just would have gone Owen and went: You know, I can’t guard myself from taboos forever.  She’s a really good-looking one.  Maybe I can have two.  Oh, Henry, have three, have four.  Yes, yes, m’lord, I think I’ll avail myself of four.  What would Shakespeare have written about then?  Where does this perverted view of our existence come from?  My friends, I can answer that question, as can many of you.  You know where it comes from.  Since we can probably agree where it comes from, why do we promote it?  You know what’s ironic?  The same people that promote this stuff, which is of evil — we know where it comes from.  It comes from the Dark Lord.  He’s getting his influence.  He’s getting his way.  He provides temptation.  Man either resists, like Henry, or caves in.  The irony of that is that their movies are filled, allegedly, or with the alleged exploits of their heroes and heroines conquering said evil.  The evil still occurs all around.  The naked women running around, all the licentiousness, all the casual sex, no, that’s not the evil.  The evil is only the chopping of the heads, that’s the evil.  The evil is only the dismemberment, that’s the evil.  No, the whole thing is evil.

I’ll share another story with you, since it’s impossible to forego taboo, as we just learned, and no one has ever done it successfully, and if they did, why would we ever want to know them because they must have just been the biggest loser stick-in-the-muds in history.  I asked the question the other day: Why aren’t we trying to turn our young men and young women into saints?  I think that’s the greatest thing we can pursue here on earth, that and procreation.  The answer is because it’s difficult.  It contravenes the dark underlord’s plan.  He is executing his plan to a T.  We just were informed that you can’t resist taboo and young kids are going to be exposed to it, so we might as well go ahead and expose it to them when they’re eight years old and explain it to them.  The reason we’re going to explain it to them is because they’re going to give in to taboo.  That’s just human nature, we’re told, basically, by Owen.

If that’s human nature, then explain Henry VI.  If that’s human nature, explain St. Thomas Aquinas, who was locked in a castle.  His brothers did not want him to become a saint.  His brothers and mother conspired against him.  They hired the hottest chicks in the whole village, brought them to the castle, stripped them naked and sent them into Thomas’s room and locked the door.  What did our saint do?  I suppose he followed Owen and gave in to taboo, because all kids are gonna do it, right?  And St. Thomas was about 19 at the time.  Those of you that know the story, you know what he did.  He told them to get out.  When they wouldn’t leave, he then began rebuking them, calling upon the Lord to help him out.  When the Lord said: I’m going to let this play out and see what happens.  You know what Thomas Aquinas did?  He took the iron from the fire, the poker, and started beating them, gently, to tell them: If you don’t open the door and let these wenches out, I’m going to hurt them.  But he was supposed to give in.  He wasn’t St. Thomas at the time.  He was Thomas at the time, a mere 19-year-old, who, according to Owen, should have given into the taboo.

God would not be a fan of Salvador Dali
Chris Ferrara’s book has become the subject of many conversations on the Mike Church Show of late

I got another one for you.  St. Bernard, before he was St. Bernard, was but a mere villager, prized his vow of chastity as well.  He thought it was one of the best things about his life.  He went to a party with his brothers.  He was standing around when he caught the gaze of an attractive maiden from the village.  He was so taken with the gaze and he stared and they exchanged words.  Then he had a thought, a lustful, mortal thought.  Now, I suppose St. Bernard went Owen, went Land’s End complaining women bashers, and gave into his taboo, to his temptation, and had his way with the lass.  Right?  You know what he did?  He turned away from her and ran as fast as he could — this was during the winter — to the nearest lake and jumped into the water to punish himself.  He stood in the water until he was about to get hypothermia and die and his brothers pulled him out.

So don’t tell me that it has to happen and that we cannot expect our children to ever be protected from this, encouraged to be protected from this, and encouraged to forego it.  It doesn’t get them anywhere.  You know what it does, Owen?  It gets them knocked up when they’re 17 years old.  It makes our high school daughters pregnant teenagers without husbands.  That’s what it does.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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