insert_link Lives Of The Saints Babe Ruth Catholic Philanthropist & Baseball Legend todayMay 25, 2023 15
David G. on November 9, 2012 After the events @ the Republicrat convention, I will NEVER vote for another Republitard. If I bother to vote it will be for a Libertarian/Independant. When the rest of the sheeple take a few minutes to read that dispicable piece of parchment and decide to take back their freedom, I will be waiting to help. But rest assured, FORCE is the ONLY way you will ever be free again. Until we all understand that fact, we will continue on this path. Unfortunately, I believe the wussifaction of the male species has made the preferred outcome impossible. Do any of you really believe our founders could have peacefully “voted” themselves a new independant country? Get real, people. Either lock and load, or shut up and bend over. Your choice! Log in to Reply
Bob on November 8, 2012 What a wonderful day. You MUST be so happy! After months of expressing your disdain for Rhum-nee, the numbers of voter turnout to support him were now so much lower than expected. Your minioins stayed home. You must be so Proud. True change to restore our nation will not come about in one election or around one man like Ron Paul. It must gain constant, gradual support, even if the status-quo persists. However, NEGATIVE change by the likes of Obama and company CAN be swift via Executive Order and SCOTUS appointments. However, you now have someone to verbally beat upon again, and certainly his actions and those of his people will make your show so much easier. You got yours and you are taking it to the bank every day. You are probably doing well enough to survive the Obama regime. I pray for your listeners and the rest of us. Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on November 12, 2012 Bob! You forgot the bribe I took from Stephanie Cutter, Obama’s Deputy Campaign Manager, if I threw the election (so POWERFUL am I!!!) for Obama she promised me a Maserati (I hear it goes 185). I announced on-air today that I am changing my request from a black Maserati to a Ferrari Red colored one. I will post a photo from under Rushmore when Stephanie delivers it. Log in to Reply
Ron on November 8, 2012 No worries Mike. I got you two new listeners today from Lancaster, PA. Log in to Reply
Alex on November 7, 2012 Mike, I disagree with you very often, as seen here on these forums and I’m still not a fan of Ron Paul but in this particular case, I have to disagree with the comment made by a particular listener. In my opinion, obama won because of a combination of election fraud and also because of the fact that there are more takers than makers in this country. Ron Paul/Gary Johnson voters had nothing to do with it. We’re surrounded by those that leech off the system and by union thugs that tamper with our electoral process. I, like many others, truly believe that we’re doomed if we continue on this path to becoming Europe. I’m very afraid of what these next four years will hold for us. We might not even have a country by then for God’s sakes. Log in to Reply
Phillip Barnes on November 7, 2012 What a crock! You think withdrawing yourself from the frustration of life will make anything any better? NO! I say. Rise up and get a hold on yourself. You are not a worm. You are created in the image and likeness of THE Almighty. Rise up and stand against the wiles of evil and having done all, STAND. Log in to Reply
Rev on November 7, 2012 The GOP has brought this upon themselves by going with the least conservative candadates. I use to be a member of the republican party but I can no longer support the big government candadates that they are giving us. With this loss maybe the GOP will realize that they can not win without living up to their principles rather than just using them as campaign slogans. Until then I will continue voting for no evil rather than the less of two. Gary Johnson 2016! Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757