
Your Heretic Mama Wears Brogans! Yeah, Well So Does Donald Trump’s!

todayMarch 23, 2016 4


Life_of_Washington_on_black_for_emailMandeville, LAThis story is making the rounds tonight: Robert Jeffress Rebukes Glenn Beck for Criticism of Southern EvangelicalsRobert Jeffress, pastor of the 12,000 member First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, is rebuking talk radio host Glenn Beck for his recent criticism of evangelical Christians who live in the South and are not supporting Sen. Ted Cruz’s campaign to secure the Republican Presidential nomination.

So much to comment on… to watch Beck whip up the frenzied belief that happiness and “the Constitution” are just a lever pull for Ted Cruz away is fraud enough for the FTC to make an arrest (not that they should have the power to do so). But the REAL outrage here is the competition for heretic supremacy that is driving this bandwagon. I saw this comment on a friend’s wall hosting this article:

“The problem with Christians is they spend most of their time polishing their armor or fight one another instead of standing together and fighting the real enemy satan…. And this is the same thinking that killed the Christian Coalition in the ’90’s. [sic] Your not Christian enough because you belong to that church…”

Wow, just wow. No, Sir, error has no rights and the error of Heresy certainly has no rights; you’ve identified the problem then refused the cure: The Magisterium of The Church. You pine for an authority yet reject that ther can be none and you wonder why “coalitions” failed!?!?! With awe I cannot but requote the words of Saint Alphonsus Ligouri in his “History of Heresies”:

“The heretics, however, who, instead of learning from the Church the dogmas they should believe, wish to teach her false and perverse dogmas of their own, say that they have the Scriptures on their side, which are the fountain of truth, not considering, as a learned author (3) justly remarks, that it is not by reading, but by understanding, them, that the truth can be found. Heretics of every sort avail themselves of the Scriptures to prove their errors, but we should not interpret the Scripture according to our own private opinions, which frequently lead us astray, but according to the teaching of the Holy Church which is appointed the Mistress of true doctrine, and to whom God has manifested the true sense of the Divine books. This is the Church, as the Apostle tells us, which has been appointed the pillar and the ground of truth:

thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and the ground of truth”

Hence St. Leo says that the Catholic faith despises the errors of heretics barking against the Church, who deceived by the vanity of worldly wisdom, have departed from the truth of the Gospel (St. Leo, Ser. 8, de Nat Dim.)”

The damage demagogue Cruz has done to the “conservative movement” cannot be known at this time but it is certain to exceed Trump’s because Trump never claims such a dubious and fatuous title. This damage comes in the form of laughable credibility on Constitutional matters (O! the irony!), because, having surrendered Article II, Sec 1 qualifications as a cost of “saving the republic”, Cruzers have no ground left to defend against “living constitutions” seeing how their muse needed such a Leviathan monster to gain ballot access. How fitting that the pride of Beck’s heresy, a denial of the Revealed Truth itself, adopts a candidate for a constitutional office who has denied the ratified truth. The Greek poets could hold no candle to this tragedy brought about by the comedy of Beck & Cruz; a “Fatty & Skinny” for the 21st century without the charm and the genuineness. Domine adjuva nobis!

3. Unknown at this time
4. I. Timothy Ch. iii, verse 15.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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