Day: October 7, 2010

2 Results / Page 1 of 1


Daily Clip

Congress’ Ability to Dictate Salary Leads to Representation of the Lowest Common Denominator

The Ability of those in Power to Put themselves First has Long Been aDanger to the Republic(Audio) MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - It is often suggested thatmany of the ills emanating from the body politic can be corrected with meretinkering of the system. Whether instituted by term limits, transparentfinancial disclosure, or any other means, all such measures fail ad infinitum for as long as the abilityto self-enrich ones purse remains a benefit […]

todayOctober 7, 2010

Daily Clip

The Fundamental Difference between the Chinese and American Economies

The Error of  Promoting Unilateral Higher-Education and the Decline of theAmerican Economy(Audio) MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA The blanket pursuit of plunging one's selfinto massive debt in order to obtain a college degree in conjunction with thedeindustrialization of America via global free-trade agreements share a few rathersobering traits, both have contributed to devolving  Americans  into a nation of CONSUMERS  utterly displacing our ability or desire  to produce light and durable goods.Further, such an […]

todayOctober 7, 2010 1
