insert_link Transcripts KingDude Explains Liberals Obsession With The CBO [mp3t track='20012011_Transcript_1.mp3'] Related Material: For more KingDude commentary on the issue of Health Care enjoy this clip from the archives of The Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM's Patriot Channel:Obamacare Leads Straight to Communism Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: The Congressional Budget Office, the CBO, that hallowed, glowing, alabaster-clad building somewhere in Mordor on the Potomac. It itself is on a hill. Why, it is the font of all our […] todayJanuary 20, 2011 8
Church Doctrine 20 January, 2011 – The Church Doctrine [private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]Republicans Set Up Tea Party To Accept RomneyCare2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.So ObamaCare has been repealed by the House Republicans, now what? Well if youre arm-chair quarterbacking the Houses next move you should probably call an audible here and fully expect the New Deck Chairs to execute it: theyll work out a small compromise on some features with Senate Dems and Obama and […] todayJanuary 20, 2011 5
Transcripts Bradley Birzer Author Of American Cicero On The DudeMaker Hotline [mp3t track='19012011_Transcript_2_pt.2.mp3'] (Audio) Mandeville, LA - If you're a frequent listener to the show then you may have heardthe KingDude mention a founding fellow by the name of Charles Carrollof Carrollton. You may have also heard him refer to the book 'American Cicero'which tells the life story of Charles Carroll. The reason for thisintroduction rests on the fact that Bradley Birzer was gracious enoughwith his time to be on the […] todayJanuary 19, 2011 5
Daily Clip The KingDude Challenged, The KingDude Triumphant (Audio) Mandeville, LA - On today's show the KingDude took some valuable time to turn his attention to the email inbox, with which you loyal listeners sometimes use to communicate with the KingDude. Unfortunately, the said email was not an email of praise nor was it an email of suggestion - and to refrain from being part of this trending 'rhetoric' the Country is currently undergoing we won't use the […] todayJanuary 19, 2011 15
Church Doctrine 19 January, 2011 – The Church Doctrine [private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]Not Copying Tiger Mom IS Un-American2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineI have recently discovered that there is a new breed of mom out there roaming the Suburban American landscape. She is called Tiger mom and is personified by Harvard law professor Amy Chua. Chua has come under attack for her book Why Chinese mothers are superior, her crime? Denying her children long school nights […] todayJanuary 19, 2011 30
Daily Clip Free Market System? Even For Education? (Audio) Mandeville, LA - Somebody recently asked the KingDude why hedoesn't like Michelle Rhee. For clarification purposes, it's not thatwe don't like Michelle Rhee, we don't like reforming Leviathan - whichis exactly what Michelle Rhee is contributing to. So to establish someground rules here in case there are any new visitors to the website,new listeners to the program or citizens just bouncing back from comasor a life of silence in […] todayJanuary 18, 2011 8
Church Doctrine 18 January, 2011 – The Church Doctrine [private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]If Congress Won't Cut Up Credit Card File For Annulment2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineTomorrow House Republicans will introduce their HR 5 bill which purports to, in their words, rollback federal spending to 2008 levels. if only that were true! What HR 5 ACTUALLY does is BEGIN the process of rolling back non-security related spending, which is less that 1/2 of Leviathans budget - […] todayJanuary 18, 2011 5
Daily Clip For Those Who Ask “Why Do We need To Pay It Back”? (Audio) Mandeville, LA - So the money was borrowed, in mass quantities, now what? Do we reallyhave to pay it back? Well, the answer is yes. And the problem can benipped in the bud here right now on this radio station by acknowledgingthe cultural shift we have undergone here in the Country. Until you inyour own personal life, look yourself in the mirror and commit to notaccepting Federal Largess and […] todayJanuary 17, 2011 6
Transcripts Bill Maher Pretending He Knows Something About The Founding Generation [mp3t track='17012011_Transcript_2.mp3'] (Audio) Mandeville, LA - Today on the show we were fortunate, or unfortunate pending how you view the situation, to have some digital media files from one of our most favorite Libtards from the land of Libtardia - Mr. Bill Maher. We've taken the luxury to post the video for your viewing pleasure just in case you enjoy such bodily functions as gagging, vomiting, migraines, loss of self-esteem […] todayJanuary 17, 2011 5
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757