Day: May 22, 2012

3 Results / Page 1 of 1



What Is A State? And How Is It Sovereign?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - I’ve been on this experimental tangent here for the last, I don’t know how long you’ve been listening, but I’ve been on this assignment in trying to explain what it is that makes a state and how it is that governments are formed in sovereign states.  If you understand that from the Jeffersonian point of view, then to me it is impossible to reconcile […]

todayMay 22, 2012 1

Founders Television

No Unlimited Broadband = No Free Facebook

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - Check out today's free preview of the Post Show Show Podcast.  Today Mike discusses what happens to Facebook now that they've gone public... Will they start charging for premium accounts? One of the main bottlenecks that Facebook faces is that we've essentially run out of broadband in the United States, the ISP's are in a hurry to build new cellular towers […]

todayMay 22, 2012 1

Pile Of Prep

Catholics Strike Back Filing 43 Lawsuits Against Obama for 1st Amendment Violations

In long overdue rebuff to Federal powers the Catholic Church seems to be saying that Obama influenced health insurance mandates are a usurpation too far, we can only hope they are so animated against all the rest of the governments meddling in religious affairs Whopper: DeceptiCON Grand Poobah Bill Kristol's revision of history and what it says about the GOP and Romney's future Vicious: This sort of vicious personal attack […]

todayMay 22, 2012 5
