insert_link Daily Clip Caller John Thinks Lincoln Freed the Slaves Personally Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - On today's audio and transcript highlight we've got John calling in from Virginia who thinks that ole Abe went around personally freeing all the slaves himself. Well John, the 13th Amendment is what ended slavery and it would have to go through the House and the Senate and THEN, the most important thing, it would have to be ratified by the states. […] todayDecember 23, 2012 10
insert_link Founders Television Interview with Prof. Donald Livingston on the Economic Impact of Secession Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Be sure and check out our exclusive interview with Professor Donald Livingston on today's Founders Television as he and Mike discuss the economic impact of Secession and reforming into smaller Unions. Check out the full interview in today's Founders TV, if you need a Founders Pass, be sure and sign up for one here... todayDecember 23, 2012 6
insert_link Transcripts What the Bill of Rights is Meant To Do Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The Second Amendment was not directed at the states, it was directed at the Feds. The First Amendment was directed at the Feds, and the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth. If you doubt any of this, if there’s one soul out there that doubts this, please read the entire text of Amendment IX and Amendment X. These were insisted upon by Patrick Henry […] todayDecember 22, 2012 16
insert_link Daily Clip What You Can Learn From Amendment XXI and Prohibition Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Any one clause in the Constitution cannot clash with another. They all have to be in harmony. One does not cancel out another. By an act of Congress, you just couldn’t say that prohibition is over, because it would clash with the amendment that’s on the books. The only way to get rid of prohibition was to say that the amendment that […] todayDecember 22, 2012 9
insert_link Founders Television Are DeceptiCONS Starting to Realize the Future is Ron Paul’s Legacy? Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - When the future of the big R Republican party comes up, the regular names get thrown around, Christie, Jindal, Rubio, etc. But they're all the same as Romney, McCain, Kerry... the old Republicans. Watch the clip from Fox News and you'll see that even Bill Kristol is finally starting to understand that the conservative youth of the country are in the Ron […] todayDecember 22, 2012 12
insert_link Transcripts Gutzman Interview Pt. II: 4th Amendment Abuse by McCain Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Here's a quote from Kevin Gutzman on John McCain, the Fourth Amendment, and the Incorporation Doctorine, for the rest check out today's transcript, "Let me make a point about John McCain. I mentioned earlier that this whole idea of the incorporation doctrine came to us from progressives in the early part of the 20th century. We end up getting court decisions saying that parts […] todayDecember 21, 2012 9
Pile Of Prep Patrick Henry, Founding Fathers, Warned Us Of Corrupt Senators Before The Constitution Was Ratified Mandeville, LA-Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Founding Fathers, Christmas Spirit Fiscal Cliff abetted by corrupt Senators - goodness and other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "Does he advise us, in order to avoid this evil, to adopt a Constitution, which will enable such nations to obtain their ends by the more easy mode of contaminating the principles […] todayDecember 21, 2012 7
insert_link Transcripts John Taylor Explains Our Corruptions; Mike Explains Why Living in the U.S. Is NOT Living Free Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Taylor continues to insist that if you let just a little tyranny into the process so that you can control it, you are ultimately controlled by it. Just imagine if he could witness what we see today, and imagine what his thought would be. “You boys have to do what with what?” Don’t kid yourselves with the idea that you are free because you’re […] todayDecember 20, 2012 4
insert_link Daily Clip Caller Steven: Reading Earl of Chesterfield Has Changed His Life Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - The Earl of Chesterfield was not being extraordinary; he was being very ordinary and he keeps counseling his son that to be extraordinary, you have to fit in with and be loved by the ordinary. Are you getting that point of it? Over and over he tells him: Don’t go into a room and be the big standout, flashy dresser that will […] todayDecember 20, 2012 6
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757