Month: May 2013

116 Results / Page 13 of 13



Kansas Nullifies Gun Law As Eric Holder Threatens With Supremacy Clause

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – To read this letter here is just to read the most laughable interpretation of the federal constitution -- I say laughable in 18th century terms. Of course today people think that what Eric Holder wrote, [mocking] “Yeah, he can do that.” You have guys like Bill O’Reilly running around who will cite the supremacy clause for the silliest things and not even question it. […]

todayMay 4, 2013 12


Global Warming? Nope, Global Cooling Is Here

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You may have noticed it’s a little chilly out there. Yes, it has gotten a bit cold this spring. As a matter of fact, it’s gotten so cold. (How cold is it?) Thanks for asking. It’s so cold that according to Real Science website, which is tracking temperatures via the University of Alabama Huntsville’s GISS satellite system, if the trend holds through May, as […]

todayMay 4, 2013 14


Thanks Media: God Gets The Bronze And The “Exceptional Nation” Gets The Gold

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Come on, Mike, there’s nothing that’s really permanent.”  I suppose if you approach these things and these matters from the point of view that there is no permanence, meaning there is no God and there is no Transcendent, then I suppose you could make the case or conclude that there’s only us and only us tomorrow and only the us we make.  Then there will […]

todayMay 3, 2013 4

Founders Television

Mark Kreslins: We Have Free Association Everywhere… Except Our States. The Answer? Secession.

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - We can associate with anyone we want to in pretty much any walk of life. You can interact with anyone of any religion, race, political stance, taste in food, etc. But what about our states? What if one of our states wants to UN-associate itself with the "Perpetual Union" that Lincoln created? "OH NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" They will say. But […]

todayMay 2, 2013 34


Repealing the 20th Century Assault on Federalism

MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - Three weeks out from midterm elections the latest attempt at assassinating the characters of Liberty-minded small-government candidates has begun in earnest. Statists fearful that the electorate is waking up to the usurpation which occurred at the turn of the last century, specifically with the passage of the 16th & 17th Amendments, and creation of the 3rd Central bank via the FEDERAL RESERVE Act.

todayMay 1, 2013 15

Founders Television

Mark Kreslins: Police Say The “Fog of War” Applied in Boston… This Should Scare You

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - The Boston Police treated their city and specifically, Watertown, like a war-zone. This should send chills up and down your spine. When the police found the Tsarnev brother hiding in the boat, they had thermal imaging sensors on him, did they have to go in guns blazing? Well, they felt like their lives were on the line... From a guy laying in […]

todayMay 1, 2013 3

Founders Corner

Interview With Kevin Gutzman On George Washington

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I mentioned earlier that today is the anniversary of George Washington’s first inauguration in New York City. It was a very festive occasion. According to some that witnessed the event, it was also an event that was met with an awful lot of trepidation and dis-certitude. People didn’t know what was going to become of this new government they created. Here to fill us […]

todayMay 1, 2013 13
