insert_link Transcripts Americans Have Become Socialist; the Antithesis of the Founding Generation Ladies and gentlemen, if you look at the cover of Newsweek magazine this week, I dont have AG, see if you can find this for me. Somebody sent it to me last night, and I was just so exhausted yesterday I passed out with my MacBook in my hand. And I know that page is open because I was reading it, but I dont have it here in front of […] todayJune 26, 2013 6
insert_link Founders Television The Stock Market is Down Except for Two Sectors: Government and More Government Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - An interesting report came out today about U.S. growth shrinking in every section of the economy except two: home construction (supported by Government) and... Government. Does this surprise anyone? The entire economy is propped up on Bernanke's funny money so no one is spending, no one can save, and this includes businesses and private individuals. But as long as the Federal Government […] todayJune 26, 2013 18
insert_link Transcripts Interview With Tom Woods On Nullification Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – First of all, you wrote the book Nullification. I’m sure you saw that yesterday the Oklahoma House voted by a vote of 72-20, pretty overwhelming, to nullify Obamacare. Even here in 2013 and about three or four years after nullification came out, it seems like some of our fellow citizens and countrymen are still pursuing nullification. Check out today’s transcript for the rest… todayJune 26, 2013 21
insert_link Liberty Liberty Exists Without The Government’s Permission I just stop sometimes, I just marvel, seriously marvel at what liberty has created on these shores. We have things that no civilization in the history of Earth, hell, in the known universe, going all the way back to the cantina bar on Tatooine, or Dantooine. No one has had access to the stuff that Americans take for granted. And all you have to do is go to a birthday […] todayJune 25, 2013 5
insert_link Founders Corner Patrick Henry – Why did they say “We the People”? During the VA Ratifying Convention Patrick Henry was the most frequent speaker against ratification of the new Constitution. Here, on 4 June, 1788, Mr. Henry first spoke to the delegates and reminded them of Virginia's sovereignty and her membership in a confederation of states. This speech is acted out in my movie "The Spirit of '76 - The Greatest Story Never Told". todayJune 25, 2013 4
insert_link Founders Television Where in the World is Edward Snowden? Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - The media and the government is working overtime to make this story about "Edward Snowden"... his stripper girlfriend, why did he decide to become an employee of the NSA, other things in his past. Why are they trying to do that? Because they want to distract us from the real story that is their criminal violations of the Fourth Amendment. Where is […] todayJune 25, 2013 10
insert_link Liberty The Healthcare Debate Is Truly About Liberty Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Your care, the care of your life, your freedom to negotiate a deal that might bankrupt you, true, but would save your life, your freedom to do that isn’t worth the piece of paper that you would sign it away for in the eyes of those people that live inside that 10-mile square. And they’re aghast that you’ve figured this out. They have been […] todayJune 25, 2013 8
insert_link Liberty American Government Created to Secure Liberty Back to Mr. Herbert Meyer, who was, in case you’re wondering what his pedigree is, this is the guy that wrote the piece “Revolution” that I’ve been reading you the last 12 minutes. Herbert Meyer served during the Reagan administration as a special assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence and vice chairman of the CIA’s National Intelligence Council. He holds the U.S. National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal award, which […] todayJune 25, 2013 9
insert_link Liberty Frederic Bastiat on Property & Plunder Mandeville, LA - Since the subject of "Profit and Plunder" keeps coming up on the radio show and since I keep referring to Bastiat's brilliant essay on the subject, I have gathered the open source material from Bastiat's works and am posting part of his book "The Law" here to inform listeners and visitors on the subject. If you'd like to read the book online it can be found here […] todayJune 25, 2013 5
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757