insert_link Transcripts Feds Make Political Prisoner Of Author Trudeau An Eight Year Persecution of Trudeau Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "A federal judge on Monday sentenced TV pitchman Kevin Trudeau to ten years in prison for bilking consumers via infomercials for his best-selling weight loss book. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, you heard that correctly. Trudeau was accused of selling a book that, for some fat bastards, didn’t work, 67 of them to be exact. He sold 850,000 copies […] todayMarch 25, 2014 12
insert_link Transcripts Top 10 GDP In World Show Human Scale At Work Human Scale and Why Little Republics Work Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "What do nine of those entities have in common? They’re tiny. In the grand scale of things, they’re tiny, they’re miniatures. They’re Rhode Islands. They’re Districts of Columbia. Let me give you the stats on Luxembourg. Population is 514,862. Square mileage is 2,586 square kilometers. That ranks it as the 179th largest country in the world. According to […] todayMarch 25, 2014 10
Pile Of Prep It’s Hoggone Time For Hogs For The Cause Pile of Prep Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the latest [r]epublican news, reading selections and Mike's take on the latest secession news from Northern Italy as Venice votes for Independence! Read along with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "Although history never repeats itself, we are now experiencing […] todayMarch 25, 2014 11
insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 25 March This Day In Founding Fathers History – 25 March On this day in 1788, Federalist No. 74 was published in the New York Packet, entitled “The Command of the Military and Naval Forces, and the Pardoning Power of the Executive,” authored by Alexander Hamilton. 1 This day is celebrated as Maryland Day. It commemorates this day in 1634 when “settlers disembarked from two small sailing ships – the Ark and […] todayMarch 25, 2014 22
insert_link Vox de republica Conservatives Can’t Surrender Ground They Never Defended This essay and audio recording, written and recorded by: Mike Church ©2014. This work originally appeared at the Daily Caller and is presented in the unedited form Mr. Church submitted in. Mandeville, LA - Ross Douthat’s essay “The Terms of Our Surrender”, appeared in last Sunday’s New York Times and is a well written piece with one exception. The conservatives who ostensibly surrendered don’t appear to be conservative at all. […] todayMarch 24, 2014 6
Liberty What If The NSA Was Run By Lex Luthor? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Now we have this revelation today. Actually, this is two days ago. The National Security Agency now has the ability -- folks, I just want you to think about this for just a moment. Just ponder this. Just pretend for a moment that you’re reading this in a Tom Clancy novel, that it’s not actually happening. It’s happening in the world of fiction, in […] todayMarch 24, 2014 9
insert_link Gentleman's Corner The Stultifying Excess of 24/7 News Has Reached Idiocracy’s “ASS” Status Mandeville, LA - A Facebook friend asked if I was really shocked by what CNN et al has down with the 24/7/365 coverage of Malaysian Air Flight 370 coverage. Here are a few of my latest Tweets on the matter. @CNN has also learned that "satellites" can C this ocean from space AND take pictures of what experts call "debris" floating, film at 11 — Mike Church (@TheKingDude) March 24, […] todayMarch 24, 2014 6
Pile Of Prep Crimea, Venice, Secession Is The Word Pile of Prep Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the latest [r]epublican news, reading selections and Mike's take on the latest secession news from Northern Italy as Venice votes for Independence! Read along with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "Although history never repeats itself, we are now experiencing […] todayMarch 24, 2014 3
insert_link Vox de republica Citizen Steinfein to Senator Feinstein-Welcome To My World Mike's weekly "Vocalis de [r]epublica (voice of the republic)" A pre-recorded version of Mike's Daily Caller (or other) essays, brought to life in easy to download mp3 format. todayMarch 21, 2014 12
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757