Month: December 2014

61 Results / Page 4 of 7


Pile Of Prep

Monday Pile of Prep

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, bringing you the latest from the "spending bill" that allows Boehner, Pelosi and Obama to keep writing hot checks and "keep the government open". Read along with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "the modern State is a construction entirely based on the contract. It […]

todayDecember 15, 2014

Download PDF's

Abel Upshur’s-Review of The Constitution and Critique of Justice Story

Mandeville, LA  - UPDATED - THE COMPLETE EDITION OF THE BOOK IS NOW AVAILABLE The Founders Pass is happy to announce the project we've undertaken to modernize the Abel Upshur classic "Review of Justice Story's Commentaries on the Constitution" has been completed and is now available to the Founders Pass membership as a Founding Father Films Publishing release. Today we release the entire work which covers the independence of the colonies going […]

todayDecember 15, 2014 7

The Constitution

Abel Upshur’s “Review” of Independence & The Constitution Book Download

Mandeville, LA  - UPDATED, 15 December - THE COMPLETE BOOK IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD The Founders Pass is happy to announce we've undertaken to modernize the Abel Upshur classic "Review of Justice Story's Commentaries on the Constitution" and release it in phases to the membership as a Founding Father Films Publishing release. Today we release ALL chapters of the work which covers the independence of the colonies going back […]

todayDecember 15, 2014 3


Will We Torture Putin’s Men Too? DeceptiCONS & Broke USA, Arm Ukraine

Mandeville, LA - ISIS apparently isn't putting a big enough fight up for the war-hawk caucus in Congress and their gladiatorial supporters in conservative media, thus Congress just authorized Obama to escalate hostilities against Russia by arming Ukraine. Read Randolph Bourne's essay in its entirety, below - A Founders Pass membership is required. Not a member? Support this site and Mike's work for a mere .17¢ per day and join […]

todayDecember 12, 2014 9


CIA’s Torture Values Resemble America’s Abortion Values

If You Are Against Torture, Then You MUST Be Against Abortion Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "So everyone is up in arms about the death of Michael Brown.  All these protestors burning and robbing and looting.  Then they’re all up in arms about the death of Eric Garner, again, rioting, robbing, looting, protesting, marching, etc., etc.  We can’t have this horrible loss of life at the hands of the police.  […]

todayDecember 12, 2014 4


Minnesota Transgender High School

There Is No Distinction Between Sexes Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "In other words, if you’ve got a bunch of girls that think they’re girls and they want to play high school football and they’re five foot, four and weigh 104 pounds, Bubba, who’s six foot, four and weighs 327 can tackle said girl and drive her into the ground like he would Tyrone, the all-star running back, or Fred, […]

todayDecember 12, 2014 8

Pile Of Prep

Pile of Prep-$1 Trillion Budget Deal,Hot Check Edition

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, bringing you the latest from the "spending bill" that allows Boehner, Pelosi and Obama to keep writing hot checks and "keep the government open". Read along with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "the modern State is a construction entirely based on the contract. It […]

todayDecember 12, 2014 5

Gentleman's Corner

Why I Closed My Twitter Account

Mandeville, LA - It is official, I have permanently deactivated my Twitter account @TheKingDude. The consumption of time in composing 130 character, petty jousts for ego supremacy are no way to develop intelligent conversations, cultivate lasting, true friendships or conduct any meaningful "debate". It is difficult enough to explain some of today's issues using 40 minutes of non-stop air-time. Nothing substantive or productive can come from what amounts to 1/200th of […]

todayDecember 11, 2014 7


UVA Rape Hoax

UVA Story: Proof Of Sexual Liberationistas' Failure Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "If this is indeed how young men that are at UVA -- if the co-eds in attendance -- if the young ladies that are going to UVA believe that their very lives are daily threatened and that they live under fear, constant fear of being gang raped, folks, again, game over.  We’re at the end.  Just listen to […]

todayDecember 11, 2014 7
