Day: February 24, 2015

5 Results / Page 1 of 1



Wayward Sisters Prove There Was No Blob Of America

North Carolina and Rhode Island Paved The Way Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "When you read the actual history, not the way the decepticons and the progressive libs want you to read it, when you read the actual history, the conclusions should be unanimous.  We should be able to unanimously conclude, beyond a shadow of a doubt as to the nature of our union.  It would be healthful."  Check out […]

todayFebruary 24, 2015 81


War Porn Keeps Americans Committed To A Bogus Fantasy Of What Our Wars Are

War Porn Keeps Americans Committed To A Bogus Fantasy Of What Our Wars Are Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "This is the amazing thing.  Our government that cannot be trusted to hire agents to tax us -- most of you people do not trust the IRS.  You do not trust the government that hires the IRS.  You don’t trust the Department of Homeland Insecurity.  You don’t trust the people that […]

todayFebruary 24, 2015 8



The Myth of “By The Bible Alone” or Solo Scriptura “Theology”

Mandeville, LA  - After today's discussion with Chris Ferrara on the myriad of moral problems facing the formerly Christian citizens of the United States who now live In the theocracy that FederalGovernmentistan has become with its totalitarian reign over matters of faith as we see in the latest State led action against a Christian who refuses to submit to and endorse the new homosexual orthodoxy. Mike, I was listening to your […]

todayFebruary 24, 2015 126

Pile Of Prep

Tuesday Pile of Prep

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to's Pile of Prep, all the materials used to prepare the Mike Church show, 2015 Edition.The State . Read along with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125."If you say that sex has intrinsic moral significance, then you set it within a larger moral framework […]

todayFebruary 24, 2015

Daily Clip

DeceptiCONNED: Does Anyone Recall The US Arming Moderate Nazis?

Does Anyone Recall The US Arming Moderate Nazis Or Moderate Imperial Japanese? LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Do you think back in the late 1930s and through the 1940s, until the Nuremburg trials, do you think there was anything that was called a moderate Nazi?  Just think about that for a moment.  Do you ever recall seeing or reading about or hearing about a moderate Nazi?"  Check out today’s transcript AND Clip […]

todayFebruary 24, 2015 4
