Pile Of Prep Prep-YES or NO: Does This Union of States Sanction Murder of Its Children? Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to mikechurch.com's Pile of Prep, all the materials used to prepare the Mike Church show. The First GOP, Presidential debate happens tomorrow night in two flights, we will have a LIVE Chat and audio coverage of the event here. Rachel Lu asks the proverbial $64k, Planned Parenthood question: "Are we a nation that murders its children?" Just as predicted, Republicans failed in their task […] todayAugust 5, 2015 17
insert_link Catholicism Planned Parenthood=Monsters Inc. Those Little Arms Aren’t From Barbie Dolls Mandeville, LA - The Center for Medical Progress has just released video #5 in their expose of the diabolical actions of Planned Parenthood clinics. I ask "pro-choicers" if they think the body parts, shown in these screen-caps from this latest video, came from a Barbie Doll or Mr. PotatoHead set? These are REAL parts, ripped from very much alive babies under the misnomer "abortion". Heaven help us for standing idly by […] todayAugust 4, 2015 9
Pile Of Prep Pile of Prep-GOP Fails To Defund Planned Parenthood,Time to Defund the GOP? Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to mikechurch.com's Pile of Prep, all the materials used to prepare the Mike Church show. The First GOP, Presidential Primary Forum/debate is completed and so is the failed attempt to "defund Planned Parenthood". Just as predicted, Republicans failed in their task which should remind us that the DeceptiCON infested GOP cannot be trusted on matters of Life. The DeceptiCONS cannot convince enough Dumbocrats […] todayAugust 4, 2015 4
insert_link Catholicism The Butchers Of Planned Parenthood & “Pro-Choicers” Make Aztecs Look Holy Mandeville, LA - I spent the better part of the day today tracking down a reliable history of the Spanish conquest of Mexico. After wading through dozens of books and essays that establish their conclusion before beginning their Preface, they go something liked this: The greedy, bloodthirsty Catholics led by the despicable Cortez, robbed the peaceful Aztecs of their serene, idyllic lives, lived in harmony with nature and brotherly love […] todayAugust 3, 2015 14
Daily Clip Mike to Caller Rick In Arkansas: Getting Rid Of Boehner Solves Nothing Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You have to remember that there is the matter, and you cannot overlook this, of divvying up the spoils of $4 trillion. That is going to continue. If the gavel goes back to Pelosi, it will continue. If the gavel stays with Boehner, it will continue. If the Republicans remain in power, the amount of government that we have and the cost of […] todayAugust 3, 2015 4
Transcripts Dentist Who Shot Cecil The Lion Is Hounded By Judgment Porn Addicts Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Dr. Palmer, that's not going to do because the army of jurists out there that practice judgment porn aren't going to let you add any facts to the case. We have morally-selective outrage here. They're outraged by the killing of the lion in a country 7,000 miles away that most people have never been to and will never go to. People have no […] todayAugust 3, 2015 14
Pile Of Prep Monday Pile of Prep Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to mikechurch.com's Pile of Prep, all the materials used to prepare the Mike Church show. The surge of Donald Trump in the GOP race gives hope to Republicans who have been on the lam since the party embraced anti-intellectualism. " St. Anselm applied himself diligently to the study of every part of theology, by the clear light of scripture and tradition. Whilst he was prior […] todayAugust 3, 2015
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757