Pile Of Prep In Dulci Jubilo! Thursday Pile of Prep Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel. If you had any lingering hopes of becoming the once active and partisan Republican you were before discovering Christ's Church, Just-War Theory and the concept of the supreme Kingship of Heaven, they were demolished Tuesday night in Las Vegas (how fitting!) by a blood thirsty, […] todayDecember 17, 2015 4
insert_link Transcripts Uber Banned By Big Government You Can't Do It Unless The Government Approves It Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Wouldn’t you know it, right here in the City of New Orleans, they’re having this big hoop-de-doo meeting, this big hoop-de-doo city council meeting, big hoop-de-doo protests to try to kick Uber out of NOLA. I have to ask the question: How are you going to do this? How are they going to find out […] todayDecember 16, 2015 14
insert_link Daily Clip Mike Church Show FREE PREVIEW – Satanists Right to Desecrate And Truth About Cortes Mandeville, LA - On December 16th's Mike Church Show, David in Oklahoma informs us that the state has given Satanists the right to desecrate a statue of Mary this Christmas Eve. Mike gives us a history lesson on the truth about Cortes and what the Mexican's ancestors were subjected to by the Aztecs before the Spanish arrived. Listen to the FULL hour of audio below by signing up as a Founder's Pass […] todayDecember 16, 2015 13
Pile Of Prep Post Debate Pile of Prep: Requiem For The Sane & Peaceful Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel. If you had any lingering hopes of becoming the once active and partisan Republican you were before discovering Christ's Church, Just-War Theory and the concept of the supreme Kingship of Heaven, they were demolished last night in Las Vegas (how fitting!) by a blood […] todayDecember 15, 2015 8
insert_link Daily Clip Mike Church Show FREE PREVIEW – You’ll Do Gay Marriage or Else – With Patrick Deneen Mandeville, LA - On December 15th's Mike Church Show, Patrick J. Deneen, Notre Dame faculty member and writer of article "The Power Elite" weighs in on Notre Dame's Catholicism, Satanists' attempts to desecrate a statue of Mary, modernity's failed utopia, and the even more radical turn of gay rights activists. Previous liberals were for "live and let live", but raised modern liberals who view all restrictions as evil and unacceptable. Here is the COMPLETE 45 […] todayDecember 15, 2015 6
insert_link Transcripts Bill Of Rights Is Meant To Restrict The Feds, Not The States Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The Bill of Rights was used and created to provide further safeguards for the states against the Feds, just in case the Feds got the bright idea that they wanted to try, as the vulgar phrase goes in 2013, take our guns away. The Second Amendment says: No, you can’t; you’re prohibited from doing it. That doesn’t mean the State of Illinois couldn’t do […] todayDecember 15, 2015 33
Pile Of Prep Tuesday Pile of Prep Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel. Tonight is the heavyweight boxing match that CNN is promoting as a "debate". We'll have FULL audio and Members-Only, Chatroom coverage of the debate, beginning tonight at 07:00 PM, Central exclusively on the CRUSADE Channel. "In an age of dusty modernity, when beauty […] todayDecember 14, 2015
insert_link Transcripts The Principle Movie – Why Earth Is Special, Galileo Was Wrong & Scientists Can’t Perform Miracles Galileo Was Wrong and The Principle Movies Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Rick Delano, the producer of the movie The Principle at ThePrincipleMovie.com, is on the Dude Maker Hotline with us. Rick, I’ll just give you an example from our Twitter feed just now. A gentleman claims this to myself and to Robert, “Most arguments made by The Principle are debunked by testing geocentrism.” He’s not paying attention." Check […] todayDecember 14, 2015 9
insert_link Daily Clip Mike Church Show FREE PREVIEW – The American Assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem Mandeville, LA - On December 14th's Mike Church Show, Dr. Geoffrey Shaw, author of "The Lost Mandate of Heaven" joined us to explain how America's assassination of Catholic President and ally Ngo Dinh Diem destabilized South Vietnam and strengthened Communism, robbing the Vietnam of its one weapon against Communism, Catholicism; much as America has destabilized the Middle East while robbing the U.S. of its one weapon against Islam, Catholicism. Listen to the FULL hour of audio […] todayDecember 14, 2015 27
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757